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Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein will remain on Wisconsin's presidential ballot, the state Supreme Court ruled Monday.
A devoted mother is blasting her child's Wisconsin school for transgender policies tat disregard parental debate.
Elon Musk worried about America after a Navy Reserve veteran was charged with a hate crime for vandalizing a statue…
Deputy City Administrator Melissa Weiss of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, sent an email to city personnel with some helpful tips on making…
New York Times and Siena College polling numbers show former President Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in 5 out of…
New video shows Jamaal Bowman lied about his reasoning for pulling a fire alarm and interfering in official government proceedings.
The housing crisis in California has gotten so bad that people are renting four-foot "sleeping pods" for up to $900…
Bud Light is now in serious danger of losing valuable shelf space months after the infamous Dylan Mulvaney debacle.
A disturbing viral video shows a young Christian getting arrested in Wisconsin for simply preaching in public.
The great state of Florida is about to cut government unions down to size by using various labor reform measures.
For over a century, the Catholic Charities Bureau of Superior, Wis., has aided people of all faiths: the developmentally disabled,…