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Senator Cory Booker initially celebrated a group of pro-Palestinian protesters interrupting a speech before attempting to drown them out.
Climate activists tried to block a road in Washington D.C. over the weekend, only to be taken down by fed-up…
A group of climate protesters blocking a road in Nevada on Sunday were given a rude wakeup call from tribal…
VIDEO: Left-wing Protesters Crash Wedding To Confront Kyrsten Sinema, Leaving Mother, Bride In Tears
Activists protesting Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) crashed a wedding according to a video from the event last weekend, leaving the bride…
After being confronted by activists inside a bathroom on Sunday, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has responded to the incident.
Black DA Jackie Lacey just spoke out to torch the Black Lives Matter movement for targeting her and for trying…
Activists are fuming right now after a "Black Lives Matter" mural in Chicago, Illinois was painted over to say "All…
Climate activists from the group Extinction Rebellion are occupying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office for a hunger strike
Former NYPD officer Joe Murray took aim at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for lending support to a group of anti-police activists.
School systems across the country are seeking to abolish honors classes, teach how math has been used to oppress people.
Peter Hasson on April 25, 2019 Conservative activists accused Bank of America of misleading about its ties to Planned Parenthood during…