The “Take a Knee” Debacle Shows How President Trump Is Reclaiming America

take a knee trump

Over the summer, when neo-Nazis and antifa clashed in Charlottesville, Virginia, resulting in one tragic death, President Trump drew the media’s wrath like never before. For suggesting that both sides engaged in violence on that fateful day and that Confederate monument should be left alone, Trump was called every word in the book: Racist, white supremacist, Nazi, a hate-monger. It didn’t matter that a majority of Americans agreed with the president that Confederate statues should stay, or that the president’s comments were condemned by ex-KKK leader and infamous white supremacist David Duke. Trump was evil incarnate, pure and simple.

The president was a meanie because he didn’t do what normal Republicans do when the media attacks them: Get down on his knees and grovel for forgiveness. He stuck to his guns, and maintained that Americans should cherish their history and that violence against peaceful protesters is wrong.

Even when video evidence continued to show that antifa were a thuggish bunch of ruffians, the leftist media still defended them. In fact, the left was so smitten with antifa, they compared the black-clad criminals to the Allied soldiers who bravely stormed the beaches of Normandy:

Do you get it? Antifa are the equivalent of U.S. soldiers liberating Europe from the scourge of Nazism. What an accurate comparison, and not totally delusional!

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Antifa aren’t liberators. They’re nasty little hooligans who take advantage of chaotic situations to cause violence. It’s so bad that federal law enforcement agencies reportedly classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence” back in 2016.

And that’s just the thing. The left is forever going on about how its objective is to liberate society from the close-minded strictures that conservatives believe in. But it’s actually the opposite.

When Barack Obama was president, we heard the same tired lines over and over again: America isn’t the greatest country, old conservative people need to move aside, those bitter clingers need to be stripped of their heritage. Obama’s fundamental transformation of America included siccing his IRS goons on law-abiding citizens, constantly threatening to take away our guns, aiding and abetting violent left-wing protesters, having his NSA spy on Americans, and overall undermining the core beliefs that patriotic Americans hold.

In a sense, the Obama regime was like an occupying force. A colonizing empire of old. They rode in, proclaimed the average American to be the real enemy, and turned all their ire at American traditions, customs, and heritage.

And yes, this is directly tied to the ongoing “take a knee” protests happening across the country.

So while Obama represented an overturning of classic American ideas and the occupation of a hostile force in our country, President Trump is proving to be the opposite – and the left-wing power structure in D.C., Hollywood, New York, academia, and elsewhere is furious about it. Trump isn’t about pushing an ideology or an identity on anybody. His message of “America First” is a patriotic one. He doesn’t divide us in classes or races, and doesn’t use his authority to forcibly shape us into people of his liking.

For eight years, we were tut-tutted and told “this isn’t who we are” by a president whose views were far outside the American mainstream. In Trump, we have a president who is willing to let Americans be Americans. He doesn’t make every single issue political, and only offers his opinion after liberals manage to politicize things. He lets citizens live their lives and only asks that they love their country in return.

Where the Obama regime was an invader, Trump is liberating Americans from the government agencies that attacked conservatives as political enemies of the state – like the IRS – and has fought against the hardcore leftist PC assault on our values. Instead of Americans having an enemy pointing the hammer of government at them, they now have a friend and an ally.

The controversy over the NFL and the National Anthem has brought this divide into the fore like never before. And the media refuses to see the difference. The liberal press paints Trump as a divisive figure, one who wants to split the country into sects for his own benefit. They actually think that President Trump encouraging people to stand for the National Anthem is meant to keep the country fractured. They couldn’t be more wrong.

President Trump is freeing the old, tried-and-true America from the damage Obama inflicted. He’s the real liberator.

Share this story if you’re happy that we have a president who will defend real American values!

4 thoughts on “The “Take a Knee” Debacle Shows How President Trump Is Reclaiming America”

  1. Antifa is something left over from the Obama administration , just another small group made up of brainwashed puppets that are being controlled by the democrats, there spinelessness has no end. Obama did everything possible to destroy this great country of our and still is today .America has awoken,we are aware and we are alive .Let’s keep our country safe from the evils that have been unleashed upon us .God Bless America

  2. Didn’t see any of this to much until during and after Obama administration. Started with Obama justice department trying to turn us against our police, wholesale. Never saw DOJ or Obama run to protect anyone white murdered by a black; probably never happened, huh.

  3. Antifa being compared to allied troops during war is a complete travesty!! Antifa & Black Lives Matter are a bunch of liberal left thugs & criminals who can’t get decent jobs so they jump when Soros offers money to riot. Most likely still live at home with mommy & daddy and are from the entitlement generation (i.e. we want everything you have but don’t want to actually work for it). They are spoiled little chicken sh*t thugs who deserve prison!

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