After Charlottesville, Donald Trump’s Job Approval Ratings Skyrocket

If you didn’t already know how out-of-touch the liberal media is from reality, now we have confirmation.

In the past two weeks, the media turned on a dime, pivoting away from “Russia, Russia, Russia” to “racism, racism, racism.”

After Charlottesville, the mainstream press smelled blood in the water, and went in for the kill. Without any pretense of journalistic integrity, the liberal elites of the largest news organizations wanted to use the tragic death of Heather Heyer to destroy President Donald Trump.

[totalpoll id=”111864″]

But guess what? Most Americans don’t really want the statues torn down. In fact, most Americans haven’t given those statues much thought at all. As Josh Kraushaar of the National Journal reports, public opinion does not match with the post-Charlottesville reporting:

The most surprising finding from the latest polling is how many Americans agree with Trump on the issue of Confederate statues. A PBS/NPR/Marist poll conducted after the Charlottesville protests found a whopping 62 percent of registered voters preferring to maintain Confederate memorials as a “historical symbol” over removing them “because they’re offensive to some people.” The issue united Republicans (86 percent approved maintaining them and only 6 percent disapproved), while dividing Democrats (47 percent approved removing them and 44 percent disapproved). Even a 44 percent plurality of African-Americans didn’t want to tear them down.

Trump, by correctly blaming both sides (racist extremists and Antifa), has improved his standing with the Republican base. In fact, 87% of Republicans agree with him on this issue. This is above the 80% of the GOP that approves of Trump’s job performance in general.

Now, after Charlottesville, Trump’s job performance has already improved with voters by 4% in Gallup, and is up 6% in just one month on Quinnipiac. Averages, across the board, show that Trump’s job performance ratings are increasing, and Charlottesville has not hurt him politically.

How did this happen? I think it’s reasonable to assume many Americans didn’t know who Antifa was until last week. Now, in front of millions, Trump explained they are violent leftists who are purposefully inflaming and agitating racial divisions. Trump is such a powerful and effective communicator, that he was able to convey this truthful message over the heads of the liberal media establishment.

Trump clearly understands the American people more than the political and media elites.

What do you think about President Trump’s post-Charolttesville poll numbers? Please leave us a comment (below) and tell us.

23 thoughts on “After Charlottesville, Donald Trump’s Job Approval Ratings Skyrocket”

  1. The Dem Liberals created this. Their sole purpose is to create chaos; still clinging to their illegal NDAA as a means of controlling those of us who do not side with them. They stirred up the dead issues of racism, promised to pay blacks and snowflakes (those brainwashed college students) to riot and create unrest. When the violence in our streets gets bad enough, Dem Liberals will start to cry for Marshall Law. The largest obstacle is Trump, and they are desperately trying to eliminate him so they can continue on with their agenda of controlling The People thru oppressive government. Every time President Trump stands up to these bullies, I am very proud I used my vote to hire a Champion of The People. Unprecedented, you say? You bethca, THAT is why we hired him.

    1. What is Marshall law? Does someone named Marshall assume control?
      I’ve heard of martial law, where the military assumes command. Is that what you are referring to?
      Please learn to spell. It helps us be taken more seriously.

  2. The media really does think that the people that voted for Trump are deplorable, stupid and anything else they can think of but what they don’t know is that we are loyal in what we believe in and that is what Trump is trying the achieve. The media is making a mockery of themselves and just can’t see it so keep throwing crap up against the wall hoping some of it will stick. When are you going to start reporting that the economy is growing, the stock market is booming and the job market is on the rise so what are you afraid of? I’ll bet it is called success and that is a word you don’t like to hear because as of today you have had none of that. You are totally incompetent and useless in what you are reporting. You are more worried about the KKK, white supremacists, Nazi’s etc. and all have been orchestrated by good old George Soros and I wouldn’t be surprised if you are on his payroll as well because all he wants to do is bring the country down and you all are to stupid to see it. There, how does it feel to be thrown under the bus?

  3. I really believe IF the President had CONCENTRATED on the WHITE SUPREMISTS He was have been CRITICIZED for that TOO! The KKK,Arayan Nation & AMERICAN Nazi Party are the FLIP SIDE of BLM,RESIST, & ANTIFA. David Duke is a WHITE AL SHARPTON!

  4. I really believe IF the President had CONCENTRATED on the WHITE SUPREMISTS He was have been CRITICIZED for that TOO! The KKK,Arayan Nation & AMERICAN Nazi Party are the FLIP SIDE of BLM,RESIST, & ANTIFA. David Duke is a WHITE AL SHARPTON!

  5. I would Believe Trump and his GOP supporters before I believe anything the Progressive Liberal Media reports. They don’t care about facts, the only thing they want to do is fill the airwaves with Hate messages about Trump. None of them have reported that the Police Department says President Trump was right, about everything he said. The whole thing was a setup from the get-go. I don’t trust the MSM about anything anymore. When they start talking about Trump I push down on the mute button, or just leave the room. I don’t want to hear their lies, makes me sick!

  6. The statues may come down by the leftist punks, but don;t worry. We will reinstate, redo ALL of them. They will be in prison camps and maybe will do the homework for reconstructing ALL Confederate heroes’ monuments & statues. Let them destroy anything they want now – they will pay 200% later.

  7. The fact is Trumps the most popular person on the planet , all you hear from people from other nations around the World is ‘We need a leader like Trump’ it’s just amazing .

    The media is viewed as America’s biggest enemy because there are people out there that are actually stupid enough to believe what they say.

    Wikileaks has already proven that EVERYTHING the media has accused Trump of has been 100% false , smart people know that dumb people do not.

  8. Aren’t those the same stupid retard polls who said the hag Hillary “couldn’t possibly lose?” Nearly everyone I know very much supports Trump, only a handful of idiots do not.

  9. You should not question this man’s honed intuition lightly.

    Now I want the anti-Jermiah-Wright speech from him. At Antietam, the battle that Lincoln seized upon to declare the Emancipation Proclamation. And shower hellfire and brimstone on every faction. Declaim at length upon the wisdom and decency of the American people. Squash the AGITPROP MEDIA, the Lefty UNITED FRONT (including its militant elements), and the DEEP STATE at once. He must unite his intuition with the felt necessity of the American people and banish the elites as outcasts.

  10. I can’t seem to wake up from the nightmare! So, now we are going to rewrite American history to fit the distorted, warped and insane mantra of the liberals. What has happened to our once beautiful country?

  11. Of course !!! Lefties trashing just non sense for everything they don’t have shame atoll they have their own agenda to do what ever takes just to harm Presidency of Donald Trump.In reality they are not DEMOCRATS they are only for their own agenda to take out President Donald Trump from Oval Office. They do not follow any laws or respect Continuation of the Great America.They don’t let Americans to united cause on “CNN THE MOST TRUASTED NWES “they have liars after liars.

  12. Of course! Only the leftist terrorist trash like BLM and ANTIFA hate Trump. I think we should guard the monuments with armed veterans like myself. I have a .308 with a scope. It has a range of 1,000 yards (6 blocks). We could be a few blocks away while these losers try something and blow their heads off. We’re headed to civil war. I wonder if BLM and ANTIFA know that they have no support among the active and reserve military, veterans, cops and the NRA? That will be the only way to get rid of the trash PERMANENTLY. God Bless America!

    1. you just passed me with the very same thoughts. I suggested long time ago, we are the only nation to protect ourselves with guns. So, we MUST use it. Its not just our right – it is our duty when the freedoms we have from our Funding fathers are in danger.

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