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August 30, 2016
A principal at a South Carolina high school banned the American flag at football games, but was later forced to backtrack when outraged patriotic Americans
August 24, 2016
Mike Rowe just flipped a media trope on its head. In responding to a fan’s question about the media referring to Trump supporters as “uneducated white men,”
August 22, 2016
We have just learned that a federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked President Obama’s requirement that boys be allowed […]
August 19, 2016
In an example of political correctness gone awry, the Human Resources Department at Princeton University has advised employees to stop using the word ‘man’
August 12, 2016
We already know that students (and parents) HATE HATE HATE HATE First Lady Michelle Obama’s school lunch program. But now a new study finds that not only do
August 9, 2016
A man named Richard Gautier posted a picture of his son Mason on Facebook, sporting an ever-popular ‘Hillary for Prison’ t-shirt. Gautier explained that his
May 17, 2016
A high school in Colorado implemented a blanket ban on all flags in their parking lot in an ‘attempt to foster a peaceful and inclusive school environment.’
April 6, 2016
‘White privilege’ has been all the rage on liberal school grounds, in which everything a person accomplishes in life is supposedly due to societal racism.
December 13, 2015
I am getting literally sick and tired of the liberal agenda tearing down traditions that have made America great. When […]
November 13, 2015
Alan Dershowitz, an acclaimed Harvard University constitutional law professor, unloaded on college students who are protesting their right to a […]
November 10, 2015
The following video captures Yale Professor Nicholas Christakis standing up for free speech rights in the face of a student who […]
April 20, 2015
By now we’re sure you’ve heard of the ‘free-range’ parents in Maryland who are being targeted by the state for […]