Teacher Hands Out This Racist Homework Assignment, And Mom Did THIS!

White Privilege

A mother in Florida unleashed her anger at her daughter’s school because of an assignment her child received regarding ‘privilege.’

‘White privilege’ has been all the rage on liberal school grounds and among the radical progressive left on college campuses across the country. The idea goes that white people only accomplish anything in life due to societal racism.

The assignment, given to a 7th-grade Spanish class, asked students ‘How much privilege do you have?’ It then instructs students to circle terms that apply to them.

As you can see from the image above, the highest ranking ‘privilege’ categories involve white, male, straight, able-bodied Christians.

One mother was furious with the assignment, and marched down to the school to object. The result? The teacher was removed from the classroom.

Via The Blaze:

Gina Stiles, the mother of one student in the class, was disturbed by the assignment and posted it on her Facebook page, asking, “If your child came home and told you that their teacher gave them this to fill out, what would you do?”

She told WTSP-TV that her daughter is only 12 years old and doesn’t even know many of the terms listed on the sheet.

After Stiles voiced her objection to the assignment on social media, she and a group of other parents met with Monroe Junior High Principal Pete Magara.

Following the meeting, the school district removed the teacher from the classroom and has opened an investigation into the matter.

The school claims that the assignment was generated by the teacher and was not part of the curriculum. The teacher told various reporters that the privilege project was meant to teach students about “diversity” and “inequality.”

The mother however, wants to know what exactly any of this has to do with teaching Spanish.

“To me that has nothing to do with Spanish,” she said. “You’re here to teach my child a foreign language, not anything else.”

Watch her respond to the school assignment below …

Comment: Would you be outraged like this mother was if your child was sent home with a ‘privilege’ homework assignment? Share your thoughts below.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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