This Study Just Proved Michelle Obama’s Methods Are BAD For Our Kids

As the First Lady of the White House, Michelle Obama has devoted much of her time to taking lavish vacations and spending American’s money like it’s going out of style … but she has another favorite pastime, telling our children what they can and cannot eat. She started the “Let’s Move!” campaign to fight obesity in America’s youth because she thinks knows what’s best for our children and even decided to take her fight around the world; not unlike her husband’s attempt to lecture Kenya into accepting gay rights into their culture leading to a huge fail on the international stage.

Well, Michelle just got some bad news about her program and she won’t be happy that we know about it.

Unfortunately for Michelle, a new report has just revealed that her fight to end obesity through her dictated methods has been a giant fail. According to The Week, an in-depth study showed people who discover that they are overweight are likely to gain MORE weight than people who don’t realize they should lose a few pounds.

This means that anti-obesity campaign’s like “Let’s Move!” often end up doing more harm than good.

The study was published in the International Journal of Obesity, and it looked at 14,000 British and American adults over the course of seven-ten years. The study “found consistent evidence that perceiving oneself as being overweight was associated with increased weight gain,” typically due to stress-based over-eating after hearing the news.

“It certainly goes against all the common wisdom that you must find all the overweight people and tell them,” notes Dr. Traci Mann of the University of Minnesota, clearly referencing Michelle Obama. “This suggests that is not a good strategy.”

One might argue based on this study that Michelle Obama’s entire time in the White House has been one huge fail. Take THAT Michelle!

What are your thoughts? Let us know below in the comment section and share this on your twitter/facebook wall for discussion.

H/T – International Journal of ObesityThe Week

12 thoughts on “This Study Just Proved Michelle Obama’s Methods Are BAD For Our Kids”

  1. I wonder if she has looked at her own rear end lately? to me it has gotten a lot larger than when she first moved in LMAO gee it must be all that rich food she and the family eats lolo

  2. Well she has to do her part in the destruction of America…………it is how her and obamo are programmed……….by the underground ……..they may even be one of these people or things.

  3. There is a simple rule we have in psychotherapy, i.e., the “mentally deficient” CANNOT (or very rarely) comply with community standards–health issues, normal decision making, and frequently display significant errors in judgement which, once a person learns what to look for, become apparent in the daily routine in such people.
    The practical upshot is that both Barry and his wife [sic] cannot successfully manage their own daily routine, let alone make good decisions for others. Both these people rely heavily on numerous insiders at the WH and multiple persons in the media and elsewhere to “manage” their public persona. Nevertheless, the various facets of their faulty personalities come to the surface–and every American has seen (in both persons) their inability to tolerate dissent, their heightened paranoia, and their almost lackadaisical attitudes towards any person outside themselves–this is obvious in such cases as the thousands of deaths of young American solders, the lack of any emotional content regarding the death of others generally and the near non-existent fine-tuning of thought processes needed by most “normal” people and that is absolutely essential to ANY type of leader.
    With regards to Mrs. Soetoro had she not been “the first lady” she would have found her niche in life as, for example, a bag-lady.

  4. She knows it is bad for our kids that’s why her’s is not on her regiment. They have pizza, cheese burgers, etc at the school they attend. She wants to kill our children so they can fill America up with muslims.

  5. Michelle Obama has ABSOLUTELY NO POWER TO ISSUE DIRECTIVES, PASS LAWS, or even be involved with ANY DEMANDS on ANYONE!! Her lack of knowledge and inability to respect America and its people is astounding!! Each and every time she opens her mouth to say something “stupid”, she is confirming her lack of knowledge. THE ONLY THING SHE IS GOOD-AT IS SPENDING OUR TAX MONEY TO P-A-R-T-Y, TAKE VACATIONS, AND RE-DECORATE OUR (YES, OUR) WHITE HOUSE!!! She is an embarrassment to America!

    1. When I was a kid, early in the last century, this was universally know as the N-work Rich and for many observers of the human condition [sic] this was to be expected and is quite within the “norm” for these type of anthropoids.

  6. No surprise here, it’s a family thing to destroy as much as possible and leave this country in as much disarray as possible. Both have expressed their hatred for all that has made this country great and in 6 plus years have done a damn good job of putting it in a downward spiral. It’s like the Geico commercials “that’s what they do”

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