George W. Bush Shocks Dallas Court By Appearing for Jury Duty – WATCH!

It’s not everyday a former President of the United States is summoned, let alone appears for jury duty so when this happened in a Dallas courthouse, it was a huge deal.

Former president George W. Bush surprised a Dallas courthouse Wednesday morning when he showed up as a member of the jury pool.

After receiving a jury summons, Bush sat through the jury selection panel for a case in Judge Eric Moye’s courtroom for the 14th civil district at the George Allen Courts Building in Dallas, according to Freddy Ford, the President’s spokesperson.

“It would be great if everyone took their jury service the same way [Bush] did,” Moye told The Dallas Morning News. “He understood it was important, he took it in good nature and he was engaged and talked to the lawyers.”

We give a thumbs up to former President Bush for not only doing his civic duty, but also making himself accessible to the members there in the courtroom. There is no doubt he is a great man of character. This is what is missing in our leadership today!!

Check out these smiling reactions from members of the jury pool in this video below:

What do you think of the President showing up for duty? Let us know what you thought in our comment section and share this on your twitter/facebook wall for discussion.

H/T – USAToday, Dallas Morning News

20 thoughts on “George W. Bush Shocks Dallas Court By Appearing for Jury Duty – WATCH!”

  1. I would be proud to serve jury duty along side this man, I have to say, seeing him report for jury duty speaks volumes for this man. I sincerely wish he could be in office one more time.

  2. Look at all the sheeple commenting here thinking George W Bush is a great and wonderful man.
    Bush.. members of his admin.. Zionist Israel.. CIA.. FBI are responsible for conspiring and pulling off 9-11. As a satanic sacrifice to keep Dubyas grandfathers (Aleister Crowley.. aka the Beast 666.. world renowned satanist… who fathered Barbara Pierce Bush) legend and agenda alive.. and a catalyst for ushering in the NWO that his daddy referred to in speeches as president. Please feel free to look it all up…. OR you can do what reps and libs both do when they do not like certain truths conveyed to them… throwing mud and name-call. Matters not to moi.

    1. LOL!!…you need immediate and SERIOUS psychological help…you’re seriously ill still suffering from BDS…
      …as is the current illegal impostor in the White House…who isn’t fit to wipe W’s a**…

    2. There is no rhyme or reason behind “Missy”, except to trash anybody who points out that Israelis are the murderers of 911. Thousands of such ‘hasbarats’ work out of places like Tel Aviv and Haifa. Hasbara, a talent prized throughout Israel, is the ability to replace reality with a show of words. And such a talent is prized throughout the political state we call “Israel”.

    3. You are very mis-informed lady, you are a lady aren’t you? That man has done more for this Country than the current imposter ever could, more that both Clintons could achieve, I giving them respect they don’t even deserve by using a capital letter to start their name. Seriously, you should see a doctor…..soon.

  3. He was all over our Dallas Fox station! Ya think a Clinton or an Obama would show up for jury duty? President Bush is still MY President!
    Pay close attention Oblahblah and Clinton. WHEN you are in Federal Prison you might want to learn a little bit about class.

  4. The media can try to demonize him and Obama can blame him for all the ills of the world but their charges ring hollow in the light of day. Obama could take lessons in class from him.

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