Pelosi: Tragedies Like the Death of Officer Ronil Singh Are Not a Crisis

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dismissed those who have lost loved ones to illegal immigrants, including Officer Ronil Singh, saying their losses don’t necessarily amount to a ‘crisis.’

The White House has been making preparations to declare a national emergency, bypassing Congress and having the Pentagon arrange for the building and funding of a wall at the southern border.

“President Trump must stop holding the American people hostage and stop manufacturing a crisis, and must reopen the government,” Pelosi said on Tuesday.

The Speaker was asked to comment on whether or not she would still refer to the President’s plan as a “manufactured crisis” to those who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens, specifically the relatives of Singh who was killed in her home state.

“What I would say to families like that is what I would say to the president regularly,” Pelosi said. “These are tragic situations. There’s a tragic situation at the border. Two little children died in the custody of Border Patrol but the plural anecdote is not data.”

“As painful and as horrible one death is, whether it’s the corporal or whether it’s the children, but the fact is we have to have public policy that secures our border and there’s what the president is proposing will not eliminate those possibilities,” Pelosi added.

Nancy Likes to Dismiss Tragedy

Is it any surprise that Pelosi can so easily dismiss a tragedy like the death of Officer Singh?

This is, after all, the same woman who dismissed the terrorist attack in Benghazi as a diversion and encouraged people to stop talking about it.

More recently, she downplayed the 9/11 terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 Americans as an “incident,” and did so while defending Democrats’ record on open or very loosely monitored borders.


It’d be astounding if Pelosi actually had the audacity to tell the families of people like Kate Steinle or Jamiel Shaw Jr. or Mollie Tibbetts that their deaths aren’t part of a national crisis.

The one time she was confronted by the mother of a child killed by an illegal immigrant, Pelosi was significantly shredded.

“If you need to go home tonight and line up your babies as you say, and your grandbabies, which one of them could you look in their eyes today, and tell them that they’re expendable?” she asked. “For another foreign person to have a nicer life?”

“Which one would you look to say, you, my child, are expendable for someone else to come over here and not follow the law?” she added. “And have a nicer life?”

If this is any indication, Pelosi would have no qualm saying it to any one of them.

94 thoughts on “Pelosi: Tragedies Like the Death of Officer Ronil Singh Are Not a Crisis”


  2. The Democrats just don’t care how many Americans die because of their actions. Cold, heartless, calculating, lying and corrupt all fit into the definition of the Democrats of today. These actions and words are similar to those of dictators that killed millions of people in the past or pharmas that think a low death rate from a new medication is a good thing. Our Representatives selected her to lead. What does this tell you about “OUR” Democratic representatives?? Voters made a very some very questionable decisions in 2018 and I honestly don’t know why. Americans were prospering and things were trending in the right direction, but the current Party lost 40 seats. Why did voters do what they did? Fraud, tampering, cheating, corruption or bad decisions??????

  3. This article is case in point for her removal. She is insane and has not caring for this country much less its people. She is cold and devoid of feelings for this country and it people. Her relationship with the DEVIL is our countries biggest problem. I just hope she will lose in 2020 and that would be the best thing for our country. She is about to run out of political to buy her way through elections. If her fence around her compound was not so tall I believe someone would take care of her. I am a Godly woman and I ask God daily for forgiveness with my words and my attitude. Gold Bless this country and our President.

  4. Come on Pelosi. Keep on making those stupid remarks. You are helping the Republicans for the next elections, come 2020. Even some of your Democrats are agreeing with President Trump about building the wall. There must be something wrong with your brain, you must be missing some neurons.

  5. What a horrible unfeeling heartless self absorbed psychopath, she is. It’s all about her and what she wants. Make no mistake it is all about what’s best for her and her cronies. They are the problems this country has . Pack of jackles. what a disgusting thing to say.

  6. I hate to say it – but someone illegal needs to take one of Pelosi’s family members. Knowing her she probably wouldn’t be too upset since she is pickled from drinking so much day in and day out.

  7. Well of course she doesn’t care, her and the Nazicrats want a brown America and doesn’t matter how many people die. Look how her grandson has been brainwashed, he wants brown skin and eyes for his birthday probably so he can along better in a New America, the parents should be brought up on child abuse charges.

  8. Pelosi and the liberals (media included) have been waging war since losing the election. They are totally dishonest and corrupt to the core, their goal, re-gain the power they lost. That’s at all cost. Like any two-bit dictator, absolving their guilt, they simply fall back on the mantra is “the end justifies the means”.

  9. I hope Nancy Pelosi’s five children are murdered by illegal immigrants. Pelosi is a witch and only cares about herself. let her cry over her own children who are murdered by illegals although they are protected by secret service. maybe someone can put poison in her drink. be careful Nancy. you may get for your lack of callousness of other people’s children.

  10. For the first time I agree with Piglosi. The Death of Officer Ronil Singh is not a crisis, but add in all the other killings by illegal aliens, the criminals coming in and the drug trafficking and there is a crisis.

  11. 35,000 Americans last year were killed by guns including innocent children and women shot mostly by white American citizens, ,Now that’s a crisis. Solution -disarm these dangerous bastards and deport them to Russia if they create a fuss, where they can join Trump after he is impeached for treason.

  12. I just wish someone would stick a sock in her mouth so we don’t have to listen to the EVIL witch anymore. I would love to see Pelosi and Schumer both have to put up illegals in their house, they get to pay to feed , and take care of their medical. If Pelosi isn’t careful it should be MS-13 members. I bet her neighbors would love her then.

  13. Would it be a crisis if an illegal raped, tortured and murdered you. Would the rest of your nitwit leftist jerks feel that it would be tragic? Burn in hell

  14. Why don’t we as a democracy settle this dispute at the ballot box just as we do on all other highly important instances that need immediate attention? Our southern border involves the lives of all Americans so why are we leaving such a very important and critical decision up to a handful of old bickering politicians that hate each other and even themselves to deliver the fate of our country for us? It is time that the people stand up and be accounted for. Let’s demand that the government set up a National date for a vote on any and all bits of promising legislation that they in Congress can not seem to come together on on a suitable solution for that which is critical for home security and safety of the people? Our country belongs to the people so it should be up to the people to decide the fate of America when our governing body Congress is content with just using us all as a punching bag and jeopardizing our country and our freedoms? Put it to a vote of all Americans on rather the southern wall should be built or not and while your at it also include a spot for Obamacare rather it should remain in effect or for new and better health insurance be found that is much much cheaper for all Americans? Then I would add voting on term limits for our Congress members as well. This would cut down on all of the corruption going on within the DC swamp. America we need to demand that our voices be heard loud and clear on these three very important pieces of promising legislation in turmoil within our Congress..1. Obamacare Remove and find better solutions or keep it and no longer kick it up and down the road. 2. Build a wall on our southern border for our countries security or leave the border wide open to all of those terrorists included to come and go as they please no restrictions. 3. Term Limits for our Congress members. Revert to term limits to stop corruption within our Congress that is out of control or leave everything thing as is and live with a corrupt FBI, DHS and Congress that will eventually led to our country to collapse under lawlessness and corruption..The people will settle all three of these never ending fights in our Congress overnight at the polls once it is put to vote. Then maybe our Congress and our country can get back to work on running America the way it was meant to be…Term Limits work with the Presidency why shouldn’t it for our Congress members too? Our Founding Fathers never meant for our Congress to be a career job for any of our politicians as it is today. Our Congress and how it is run is way out of bounds from how it was meant to be. It needs to be reeled back in and reworked to where it gets back to our Congress members are working for the betterment of the country and for the will of the people..a tall order but it needs to be done!! The American people are the only way it will ever get done!!

  15. When do these families band together and go to Pelosis office? Have the news media cover the story. Ok, maybe a couple that actually will. She will never be effected by these illegals. She hates Trump so much she’s willing to let our citizens die!!

  16. Sanctuary cities need to be stopped! Illegals walk among us and they cant find the golden streets and so they rob, kill and torture to survive and what is more, THEY BREED!!!!

  17. After listening to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi talk letting her thoughts be known about all of the Americans that have be killed by illegal immigrants as not nearly enough for an emergency crisis here in America is nothing more than a spineless, gutless, heartless traitor bordering on treason speaking out of the ugly confines of our Congress..If our Congress condones what Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are knowingly dismissing the facts and the truth and holding our country hostage for their own personal hatred and defeat because of President Donald Trump then they should be impeached for such actions and of their putting not only our country in jeopardy but all of the American people as well. These two individuals swore under oath to protect at all costs the country and it’s people so help me God..I personally fail to see where either of them are carrying out their oath do you? They are hurting our country in more ways than one..They are leaving our southern border wide open to terrorists or any other form of enemies of our country to come in at any time, they are costing thousands of workers to go without pay for causing the government to shut down because they want open borders and to leave our country vulnerable to our enemies rather than safe and protected behind a security wall. People of America how do you figure leaving our southern border wide open to who ever wants to come across is security for our country or our people? Are you really willing to take that chance that terrorists won’t soon decide to join in with these illegals and invade our country too? Once they are in they are very well trained to seek and destroy in any way they can whenever and wherever they can. Are you willing to take that chance that your loved ones won’t e blown up on a train or on a school bus or passenger bus? Are you willing to take that chance that illegals wont find your wife, daughters or sisters and rape and possibly kill them? You have know way of knowing where these illegals will show up next once into the country and on the move. For my money I would rather be safe than sorry especially when I can see with my own eyes how trouble on our southern border is festering up more and more as time continues to tick away and our country not having any real means of security or protection from thousands of illegals laced with would be terrorists if they all decide to push forward into our country.With our very porous border fencing and very thin border patrols operating at this time who do you think would win that argument? Once into the country they would have free rein on whatever they would want to do until caught only after the fact of their crimes committed. To me leaving our southern border unprotected and wide open as it is, is just plain suicide for America. If you feel safe by leaving our border wide open then way not leave your doors wide open on your houses and with no locks? Think about how stupid it all sounds when you hear that we don’t need a border wall to protect us and we have leadership in our Congress that feel the loss of American lives is no cause for alarm or to consider our open border a crisis..Wake up people of America just because a tragedy from an illegal immigrant has not found it’s way into your home as of yet, doesn’t mean it still can’t!!

  18. If the wall saves one Unites States citizen from an illegal killer or harm monger, wouldn’t it be worth building the wall? I wonder how many illegals have already been stopped by our hard working border patrol that saved a life….if the border were open, it would be a state of crime and torture and malicious attacks. Build the wall and do it now. Democrats, vote for the wall, give the money which is less by far then taking care of illegals in the US thru welfare and education and medical.

    Use your heads. Open the government by your positive actions to the wall money, and get the fed employees back to work. Im for paying them interest on the money that has been withheld to thank them for their patience and sacrifice. Lets be humane in our thinking! Stop this personal agenda toward Trump and do what is right! Please! Your understanding and good deeds will not go unnoticed.

    If you hate Trumps so much, go to t he poles next election and vote your person in. That least you forgot, is the democratic American way! Trump won the election. He is your president whether you like it or not. WE tolerated Obama and went to the poles and the Democrats lost with crooked Hillary. Read your history books Pelosi.

    Btw, dont think you will come up running for President. I cant imagine how you were voted in as Speaker again! Shows the Democrats are scrapping the bottom of the barrel. You need to retire. Check out the retirement benefits you have acquired. I think you can get by on the retirement pay and from what you pocketed on the side and besides, Walmart are hiring Sr. greeters.

    OH OH, you cant keep Ginsburg on ice indefinitely, she has done her job in good standing and did well. Now what, Trump can pick another Supreme Judge in conservative unbias opinions. That must be eating at you now….So while you are mulling that over and thinking of a way to keep Ginsburg working, just say OK and build the wall!!!!!

  19. About the children who died – their parents put those children at risk by undertaking such a journey. What were their meals like? What was their sleep and rest like. What diseases did they expose those children to among all the others they traveled with? What was their sanitation like? Had this happened by the actions of American parents on American soil, the parents would be charged with a crime. The parents are at fault for those children’s deaths not American Border Patrol.

  20. Send Pelosi to the other side of the border and see how she does in the immigrant camp. Although, who would want to rape her? Probably beat and rob her. That would change her mind in a hurry….take her dear friend Schumer with her….would she still want them to be her neighbors? Oh that is right, she has security around her house to keep them out and her safe!

  21. Pelosi is heartless? What do you expect. Remember Hillary after Benzhai (excuse spelling). The Democrats are not the party they were when I was a kid when they were for kindness to everyone. I changed from Democrat to Independent when I noticed what was happening to my party. Now Im registered Republican and I hope to God all Republicans stand up with Trump and build the wall for our safety and for the children that the illegals are dragging, not well and very young to the border.

    My grandmother ran a dairy farm with the help of her son and hired help when gpa died. I was young and often stayed with her and loved to listen to her. While most working people, like she, were Democrats, she said that the Democrats were not for the hard working Americans anymore, they were leaning toward the people who wanted something for nothing. She, different from her peers, voted Republican. I t hink she knew what she was talking about in the early 50s.

  22. The best way to stop illegal and also build a wall is to get the police in CA to quit. Let the fools defend themselves. Also, stop all funding to the United Nations until they act to fix the problems in Central and South America.

  23. “what the president is proposing will not eliminate those possibilities,” Pelosi added.” When I heard that comment, I wondered if it is possible to eliminate a possibility. Are not, most things possible. I know a probability can be controlled and changed by circumstance but can a possibility. For example, can you eliminate the possibility of a child dying trying to reach the border, the answer, no you can’t, with or without a border wall. She says, that possibilities, with a wall, will not change, she is right, but is that really what we are talking about? Is that the case she is making? Won’t possibilities, also not change, without a wall? Her argument is so vague, as to not make a difference which side of the wall your on. They call that gaslighting, strictly to confuse the issue. She knows the wall would make a difference, she is trying to convince you it will not. Did it work?

  24. This is the issue: Do we believe in our capacity for self-government, or do we abandon the American Revolution and acknowledge that a few intellectual elites in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better then we can ourselves? We are not ignorant citizen incapable of determining what is best for ourselves. Nor are we blind to the flagrant misuse by, and inappropriate conduct of our elected public leaders. All leaders must be held completely accountable for their actions that break the laws which we have established by our legislators and mandated by the will of the people. The moral and ethical corruption must not be allowed to continue and unchallenged and it must be punished to the fullest extent of our laws so that the world will see that the government of the United States is still responsible and answerable to, We the people!

    High crimes and misdemeanors Traders Of the United States The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order.

  25. Nancy Pelosi’s brain is so mess up, Her husband is probably glad to see her go back to DC, every time she goes home. All Demonrats are pathological liars, and the only people they care about is themselves, that is why they are all for more government, Communism.
    We should NOT give any other country money, we don’t know how they are using it, nothing ever seems to improve, so the people at the top are taking it. The only place that we should help is Israel.

  26. How in HELL can Nancy Pelosi say to a mother of a tortured and killed son that people, illegal immigrants in Sanctuary cities are not committing crimes. That they are just being protected from ICE. Pelosi is a worse liar than Hillary

  27. I would love to see a member of Pelosi’s family attacked and injured with life threatening injuries and see how Nancy Pelosi then reacts. Right now Pelosi is not a human being, she is a hating Bit-h Witch and is only concerned with her hate for Trump and the America he wants to protect and keep safe

  28. If a dismembered baby with its head and arms bleeding out don’t move Ms Mortuary Twin, why would a couple bloody bullet holes in officer Singh be any different?


    I can only hope that KARMA pays here a terrible visit at the hands of one of these illegal aliens who are praying on Americans.

  30. Nancy Pelosi is an absolute and unrivaled moron. She has set the bar that all future morons will be compared to. Not fit to pick up the human feces on the sidewalks of the once beautiful city – San Francisco – that has been turned into a s**thole on her watch.

  31. Susan, AMEN to your statement.

    I would only add DISGUSTING to your traitor observation.

    God forbid…if this witch should have one of these illegals harm a Pelosi’s brood…

  32. The Democrats just don’t care how many Americans die because of their actions. Cold, heartless, calculating, lying and corrupt all fit into the definition of the Democrats of today. These actions and words are similar to those of dictators that killed millions of people in the past or pharmas that think a low death rate from a new medication is a good thing. Our Representatives selected her to lead. What does this tell you about “OUR” Democratic representatives?? Voters made a very some very questionable decisions in 2018 and I honestly don’t know why. Americans were prospering and things were trending in the right direction, but the current Party lost 40 seats. Why did voters do what they did? Fraud, tampering, cheating, corruption or bad decisions??????

  33. This article is case in point for her removal. She is insane and has not caring for this country much less its people. She is cold and devoid of feelings for this country and it people. Her relationship with the DEVIL is our countries biggest problem. I just hope she will lose in 2020 and that would be the best thing for our country. She is about to run out of political to buy her way through elections. If her fence around her compound was not so tall I believe someone would take care of her. I am a Godly woman and I ask God daily for forgiveness with my words and my attitude. Gold Bless this country and our President.

  34. Come on Pelosi. Keep on making those stupid remarks. You are helping the Republicans for the next elections, come 2020. Even some of your Democrats are agreeing with President Trump about building the wall. There must be something wrong with your brain, you must be missing some neurons.

  35. What a horrible unfeeling heartless self absorbed psychopath, she is. It’s all about her and what she wants. Make no mistake it is all about what’s best for her and her cronies. They are the problems this country has . Pack of jackles. what a disgusting thing to say.

  36. I hate to say it – but someone illegal needs to take one of Pelosi’s family members. Knowing her she probably wouldn’t be too upset since she is pickled from drinking so much day in and day out.

  37. Well of course she doesn’t care, her and the Nazicrats want a brown America and doesn’t matter how many people die. Look how her grandson has been brainwashed, he wants brown skin and eyes for his birthday probably so he can along better in a New America, the parents should be brought up on child abuse charges.

  38. Pelosi and the liberals (media included) have been waging war since losing the election. They are totally dishonest and corrupt to the core, their goal, re-gain the power they lost. That’s at all cost. Like any two-bit dictator, absolving their guilt, they simply fall back on the mantra is “the end justifies the means”.

  39. I hope Nancy Pelosi’s five children are murdered by illegal immigrants. Pelosi is a witch and only cares about herself. let her cry over her own children who are murdered by illegals although they are protected by secret service. maybe someone can put poison in her drink. be careful Nancy. you may get for your lack of callousness of other people’s children.

  40. For the first time I agree with Piglosi. The Death of Officer Ronil Singh is not a crisis, but add in all the other killings by illegal aliens, the criminals coming in and the drug trafficking and there is a crisis.

  41. 35,000 Americans last year were killed by guns including innocent children and women shot mostly by white American citizens, ,Now that’s a crisis. Solution -disarm these dangerous bastards and deport them to Russia if they create a fuss, where they can join Trump after he is impeached for treason.

  42. I just wish someone would stick a sock in her mouth so we don’t have to listen to the EVIL witch anymore. I would love to see Pelosi and Schumer both have to put up illegals in their house, they get to pay to feed , and take care of their medical. If Pelosi isn’t careful it should be MS-13 members. I bet her neighbors would love her then.

  43. Why don’t we as a democracy settle this dispute at the ballot box just as we do on all other highly important instances that need immediate attention? Our southern border involves the lives of all Americans so why are we leaving such a very important and critical decision up to a handful of old bickering politicians that hate each other and even themselves to deliver the fate of our country for us? It is time that the people stand up and be accounted for. Let’s demand that the government set up a National date for a vote on any and all bits of promising legislation that they in Congress can not seem to come together on on a suitable solution for that which is critical for home security and safety of the people? Our country belongs to the people so it should be up to the people to decide the fate of America when our governing body Congress is content with just using us all as a punching bag and jeopardizing our country and our freedoms? Put it to a vote of all Americans on rather the southern wall should be built or not and while your at it also include a spot for Obamacare rather it should remain in effect or for new and better health insurance be found that is much much cheaper for all Americans? Then I would add voting on term limits for our Congress members as well. This would cut down on all of the corruption going on within the DC swamp. America we need to demand that our voices be heard loud and clear on these three very important pieces of promising legislation in turmoil within our Congress..1. Obamacare Remove and find better solutions or keep it and no longer kick it up and down the road. 2. Build a wall on our southern border for our countries security or leave the border wide open to all of those terrorists included to come and go as they please no restrictions. 3. Term Limits for our Congress members. Revert to term limits to stop corruption within our Congress that is out of control or leave everything thing as is and live with a corrupt FBI, DHS and Congress that will eventually led to our country to collapse under lawlessness and corruption..The people will settle all three of these never ending fights in our Congress overnight at the polls once it is put to vote. Then maybe our Congress and our country can get back to work on running America the way it was meant to be…Term Limits work with the Presidency why shouldn’t it for our Congress members too? Our Founding Fathers never meant for our Congress to be a career job for any of our politicians as it is today. Our Congress and how it is run is way out of bounds from how it was meant to be. It needs to be reeled back in and reworked to where it gets back to our Congress members are working for the betterment of the country and for the will of the people..a tall order but it needs to be done!! The American people are the only way it will ever get done!!

  44. When do these families band together and go to Pelosis office? Have the news media cover the story. Ok, maybe a couple that actually will. She will never be effected by these illegals. She hates Trump so much she’s willing to let our citizens die!!

  45. Sanctuary cities need to be stopped! Illegals walk among us and they cant find the golden streets and so they rob, kill and torture to survive and what is more, THEY BREED!!!!

  46. After listening to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi talk letting her thoughts be known about all of the Americans that have be killed by illegal immigrants as not nearly enough for an emergency crisis here in America is nothing more than a spineless, gutless, heartless traitor bordering on treason speaking out of the ugly confines of our Congress..If our Congress condones what Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are knowingly dismissing the facts and the truth and holding our country hostage for their own personal hatred and defeat because of President Donald Trump then they should be impeached for such actions and of their putting not only our country in jeopardy but all of the American people as well. These two individuals swore under oath to protect at all costs the country and it’s people so help me God..I personally fail to see where either of them are carrying out their oath do you? They are hurting our country in more ways than one..They are leaving our southern border wide open to terrorists or any other form of enemies of our country to come in at any time, they are costing thousands of workers to go without pay for causing the government to shut down because they want open borders and to leave our country vulnerable to our enemies rather than safe and protected behind a security wall. People of America how do you figure leaving our southern border wide open to who ever wants to come across is security for our country or our people? Are you really willing to take that chance that terrorists won’t soon decide to join in with these illegals and invade our country too? Once they are in they are very well trained to seek and destroy in any way they can whenever and wherever they can. Are you willing to take that chance that your loved ones won’t e blown up on a train or on a school bus or passenger bus? Are you willing to take that chance that illegals wont find your wife, daughters or sisters and rape and possibly kill them? You have know way of knowing where these illegals will show up next once into the country and on the move. For my money I would rather be safe than sorry especially when I can see with my own eyes how trouble on our southern border is festering up more and more as time continues to tick away and our country not having any real means of security or protection from thousands of illegals laced with would be terrorists if they all decide to push forward into our country.With our very porous border fencing and very thin border patrols operating at this time who do you think would win that argument? Once into the country they would have free rein on whatever they would want to do until caught only after the fact of their crimes committed. To me leaving our southern border unprotected and wide open as it is, is just plain suicide for America. If you feel safe by leaving our border wide open then way not leave your doors wide open on your houses and with no locks? Think about how stupid it all sounds when you hear that we don’t need a border wall to protect us and we have leadership in our Congress that feel the loss of American lives is no cause for alarm or to consider our open border a crisis..Wake up people of America just because a tragedy from an illegal immigrant has not found it’s way into your home as of yet, doesn’t mean it still can’t!!

  47. If the wall saves one Unites States citizen from an illegal killer or harm monger, wouldn’t it be worth building the wall? I wonder how many illegals have already been stopped by our hard working border patrol that saved a life….if the border were open, it would be a state of crime and torture and malicious attacks. Build the wall and do it now. Democrats, vote for the wall, give the money which is less by far then taking care of illegals in the US thru welfare and education and medical.

    Use your heads. Open the government by your positive actions to the wall money, and get the fed employees back to work. Im for paying them interest on the money that has been withheld to thank them for their patience and sacrifice. Lets be humane in our thinking! Stop this personal agenda toward Trump and do what is right! Please! Your understanding and good deeds will not go unnoticed.

    If you hate Trumps so much, go to t he poles next election and vote your person in. That least you forgot, is the democratic American way! Trump won the election. He is your president whether you like it or not. WE tolerated Obama and went to the poles and the Democrats lost with crooked Hillary. Read your history books Pelosi.

    Btw, dont think you will come up running for President. I cant imagine how you were voted in as Speaker again! Shows the Democrats are scrapping the bottom of the barrel. You need to retire. Check out the retirement benefits you have acquired. I think you can get by on the retirement pay and from what you pocketed on the side and besides, Walmart are hiring Sr. greeters.

    OH OH, you cant keep Ginsburg on ice indefinitely, she has done her job in good standing and did well. Now what, Trump can pick another Supreme Judge in conservative unbias opinions. That must be eating at you now….So while you are mulling that over and thinking of a way to keep Ginsburg working, just say OK and build the wall!!!!!

  48. About the children who died – their parents put those children at risk by undertaking such a journey. What were their meals like? What was their sleep and rest like. What diseases did they expose those children to among all the others they traveled with? What was their sanitation like? Had this happened by the actions of American parents on American soil, the parents would be charged with a crime. The parents are at fault for those children’s deaths not American Border Patrol.

  49. Send Pelosi to the other side of the border and see how she does in the immigrant camp. Although, who would want to rape her? Probably beat and rob her. That would change her mind in a hurry….take her dear friend Schumer with her….would she still want them to be her neighbors? Oh that is right, she has security around her house to keep them out and her safe!

  50. Pelosi is heartless? What do you expect. Remember Hillary after Benzhai (excuse spelling). The Democrats are not the party they were when I was a kid when they were for kindness to everyone. I changed from Democrat to Independent when I noticed what was happening to my party. Now Im registered Republican and I hope to God all Republicans stand up with Trump and build the wall for our safety and for the children that the illegals are dragging, not well and very young to the border.

    My grandmother ran a dairy farm with the help of her son and hired help when gpa died. I was young and often stayed with her and loved to listen to her. While most working people, like she, were Democrats, she said that the Democrats were not for the hard working Americans anymore, they were leaning toward the people who wanted something for nothing. She, different from her peers, voted Republican. I t hink she knew what she was talking about in the early 50s.

  51. The best way to stop illegal and also build a wall is to get the police in CA to quit. Let the fools defend themselves. Also, stop all funding to the United Nations until they act to fix the problems in Central and South America.

  52. “what the president is proposing will not eliminate those possibilities,” Pelosi added.” When I heard that comment, I wondered if it is possible to eliminate a possibility. Are not, most things possible. I know a probability can be controlled and changed by circumstance but can a possibility. For example, can you eliminate the possibility of a child dying trying to reach the border, the answer, no you can’t, with or without a border wall. She says, that possibilities, with a wall, will not change, she is right, but is that really what we are talking about? Is that the case she is making? Won’t possibilities, also not change, without a wall? Her argument is so vague, as to not make a difference which side of the wall your on. They call that gaslighting, strictly to confuse the issue. She knows the wall would make a difference, she is trying to convince you it will not. Did it work?

  53. This is the issue: Do we believe in our capacity for self-government, or do we abandon the American Revolution and acknowledge that a few intellectual elites in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better then we can ourselves? We are not ignorant citizen incapable of determining what is best for ourselves. Nor are we blind to the flagrant misuse by, and inappropriate conduct of our elected public leaders. All leaders must be held completely accountable for their actions that break the laws which we have established by our legislators and mandated by the will of the people. The moral and ethical corruption must not be allowed to continue and unchallenged and it must be punished to the fullest extent of our laws so that the world will see that the government of the United States is still responsible and answerable to, We the people!

    High crimes and misdemeanors Traders Of the United States The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct peculiar to officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming, and refusal to obey a lawful order.

  54. How in HELL can Nancy Pelosi say to a mother of a tortured and killed son that people, illegal immigrants in Sanctuary cities are not committing crimes. That they are just being protected from ICE. Pelosi is a worse liar than Hillary

    1. Nancy Pelosi’s brain is so mess up, Her husband is probably glad to see her go back to DC, every time she goes home. All Demonrats are pathological liars, and the only people they care about is themselves, that is why they are all for more government, Communism.
      We should NOT give any other country money, we don’t know how they are using it, nothing ever seems to improve, so the people at the top are taking it. The only place that we should help is Israel.

  55. I would love to see a member of Pelosi’s family attacked and injured with life threatening injuries and see how Nancy Pelosi then reacts. Right now Pelosi is not a human being, she is a hating Bit-h Witch and is only concerned with her hate for Trump and the America he wants to protect and keep safe

  56. If a dismembered baby with its head and arms bleeding out don’t move Ms Mortuary Twin, why would a couple bloody bullet holes in officer Singh be any different?


    I can only hope that KARMA pays here a terrible visit at the hands of one of these illegal aliens who are praying on Americans.

  58. Nancy Pelosi is an absolute and unrivaled moron. She has set the bar that all future morons will be compared to. Not fit to pick up the human feces on the sidewalks of the once beautiful city – San Francisco – that has been turned into a s**thole on her watch.

    1. Susan, AMEN to your statement.

      I would only add DISGUSTING to your traitor observation.

      God forbid…if this witch should have one of these illegals harm a Pelosi’s brood…

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