President Obama Repeats “18 School Shootings in 2018” Lie

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After former President Barack Obama weighed in on mass shootings in America once again, a quote from Office Space came to mind: “did you get the memo?”

On this year’s most sensationalist anti-gun lie, Obama apparently did not get the memo. Following the school shooting at Stoneman Douglas high school, Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun PAC “Everytown for Gun Safety” published a shocking statistic: the Florida shooting was the 18th school shooting in America in 2018.

Eighteen school shootings? It’s an outrage. It’s inhumane. It’s……a complete lie.

Yes – define a school shooting as a “firearm discharge” anywhere near a school, and you can technically get the “18 school shootings” statistic. The gun didn’t even need to be a “real” gun to be included in the statistic. Among one of the 18 “school shootings” involved someone noticing that a school window had been damaged by a pellet gun.

As the Washington Examiner documented,

Obama on Monday repeated the now-debunked claim that there have been 18 school shootings in 2018.

The claim went unchallenged by the moderator, which was debunked shortly after the shooting initially by the Washington Examiner. It was also fact-checked by theW ashington Post and even Snopes. Despite the fact that it was debunked, it didn’t stop the former president from spreading the lie.

“If you ask me the thing that broke my heart, particularly when now I see there have been, and I’ve gotta update this, […] 18 shootings in schools this year… this year!” Obama told the audience. “And for the medical community, you see the statistics. The leading causes of death among young people in this country have all but, [car] traffic starts going down and stabilizing, gun-inflicted fatalities where you combine suicide and gun violence, it just keeps rising.”

The leading causes of death are all going down – except for firearm deaths? Where has Obama been the past two decades, when the firearm homicide rate has been cut in half on a per-capita basis?

If liberals want meaningful reform on guns, would it kill them to at least not lie so damn much about them?

Are you surprised that few media outlets are bothering to correct Obama on his flawed mass shooting statistic? Tell us your thoughts below!

2 thoughts on “President Obama Repeats “18 School Shootings in 2018” Lie”

  1. Not surprised at all that MSM doesn’t correct Obozo since he & the 6 major news (fake) networks are owned by the cabal & controlled by the CIA. Anyone who even still listens to Obozo the clown & all his lies is a complete idiot!

  2. Not surprised at all that MSM doesn’t correct Obozo since he & the 6 major news (fake) networks are owned by the cabal & controlled by the CIA. Anyone who even still listens to Obozo the clown & all his lies is a complete idiot!

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