MUST WATCH: Megyn Kelly Interviews Jorge Ramos

Megyn Kelly seems to still be hurt by the GOP debates where she and front-runner Donald Trump had a bad experience with each other that lasted over a week.

But what did she Wednesday night, with illegal alien advocate Jorge Ramos, was totally unnecessary.

She had Ramos on to play the victim because Donald Trump booted his sorry rear end out of his Iowa Press Conference last night for his rude behavior.


Ramos, posing as a “journalist,” tried to dominate the press conference, refusing to wait his turn to ask a question. Trump told him multiple times to “sit down” until called on, and Ramos refused. Instead he tried to filibuster. At that point, Trump had security remove him from the room. He later returned, and Trump took multiple questions from him, being much more respectful than Ramos was of him.

Kelly asked one softball question after another of Ramos. At the end, when Ramos actually compared Trump to a “Dictator” for not putting up with his pathetic behavior, Kelly said nothing – never challenging him for such an obvious distortion.

Megyn Kelly, Roger Ailes, and Fox News can keep trying to vilify Donald Trump. Kelly tries to cast herself as the honest journalist being victimized by Trump. The truth is that she went after Trump, believing she could knock him out in the debate. She failed and she knows it.

Check out the video report:

Her behavior demonstrated that she will continue going after Trump. That means she is fair game to be criticized by Trump when she doesn’t challenge someone like Jorge Ramos when he compares Trump to a “Dictator.”

What did you think of this interview? Do you agree with her line of questioning to Ramos or do you believe she gave him a pass? Share your thoughts below and add this to your Twitter/Facebook time.

H/T: Fox News

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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