Trump Just Deported Pro-Amnesty Reporter From His Press Conference


At a press conference in Iowa yesterday, pro-amnesty Univision reporter Jorge Ramos was tossed out by Donald Trump’s security when he refused to follow rules and wait his turn to ask questions.

Go figure – a reporter who supports illegally crossing our borders can’t follow rules.

Ramos began questioning the Donald despite having never been called on to do so. He made several attempts to ask Trump about whether he would deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Trump continued to instruct him to “sit down” because he wasn’t called on. Then Trump told Ramos to “go back to Univision.”

A member of the security team escorted Ramos out of the room when he continued with his questioning.

via Fox News:

As Ramos began to speak, Trump interrupted him, saying he hadn’t called on Ramos before repeatedly telling him to “sit down” and then saying, “Go back to Univision.”

As one of Trump’s security detail approached Ramos, the anchor continued to speak, saying, “You cannot deport 11 million people.” Ramos was referring to Trump’s proposal to deport all people in the country illegally before allowing some of them to return.

As he was taken from the room, Ramos said, “You cannot build a 1,900-mile wall,” another proposal in Trump’s plan.

Moments later, Trump justified Ramos’ removal, saying: “He just stands up and starts screaming. Maybe he’s at fault also.”

Watch Ramos get escorted from the press conference below …

Trump allowed Ramos back in the press conference, eventually engaging him on several immigration questions.

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Was Donald Trump justified in having the pro-amnesty reporter removed for not following press conference rules?

28 thoughts on “Trump Just Deported Pro-Amnesty Reporter From His Press Conference”

    1. Connie Commenter

      Do you know nothing about how press conferences work, There is an order to who gets to speak and when………..Mr “Univision” had not been scheduled nor had he been recognized from the podium.

  1. YES TRUMP…..deport those illegals, & no anchor babies. Stop their welfare and they will go back where they came from. Illegals have not earned the right to collect welfare, food stamps, free hospitalization, meds, or the right to tell us how to run the USA, etc. etc.. They have low IQs and yet they think they know everything….LOL

  2. re. Icemancold:
    I agree this reporter was rightfully tossed for being out of line and our borders need to be secured to allow only legal entry.
    But Racist rants like yours gives Legal Mexican Americans like me cause to worry about extremists like you!

  3. It’s the LEFT using every means to make Trump look bad. It was handled well, and we can only hope the reporter learned from it for any furture opportunities.

    EIIGY POCR OFF those reporters that can’t have a professional press conference!

    ( )

      1. HUCKLEFAIRY: You are the nut that we want to rid the USA & the rest of the left libturds. We all know that you prefer the felon Hillawitch & Berned mexican lover to someone better, like TRUMP that will know how to run the USA. The muslim racist tyrant sure never knew how to run anything but his mouth, along with Clinton, Reid, Sharpton, & the rest of the dirty dozen.

  4. Typical news media cut and paste. Trump responded to this reporter’s questions for about 5-10 minutes, then went onto others. The Reporter would not take/accept Trump’s response and continued talking. Nobody else could ask Trump a question with this quy still talking. Trump had no choice but to remove him. You need to see the entire session, not just this snip.

  5. WELL: The name RAMOS says it all.! Trump should have never allowed him back in. Since when allowed back in he started his MEXICAN CRAP again he should have been escorted out again and UNIVISION contacted and told that they were permanently barred from any and all TRUMP CAMPAIGN STOPS since they could not control their MEXICAN or MUSLIM REPORTERS.!! Time we the PEOPLE stand behind some one and tell the ILLEGALS and MUSLIMS that this is our country and they follow our RULES and speak our language or they leave and if in this country illegally they will leave either on their own or by deportation and if deported their name will be place on a PERMANENTLY BARRED FROM ENTRY TO THE USA LIST.!!

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