The Most Epic Take Down Of Gun Control Extremists Yet


Within hours of the tragic shooting of WDBJ journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward, Democrats were already dancing on their graves in the hopes of pushing more gun control legislation.

Using highly coordinated messaging and keywords, several prominent Democrats called for “common sense” gun restrictions.  And they were doing so even before the shooter himself had been apprehended and declared dead.

Despite lacking the knowledge of where the racially motivated shooter acquired his gun, Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe told reporters that he was trying to “bring common sense ideas” on gun control to the table.

Hillary Clinton, who asked for a “common sense” approach to gun control after the Charleston shooting, said “we must act to stop gun violence.”

And White House spokesman Josh Earnest also stated that Congress must do “some common sense things” to push gun control.

It’s all carefully crafted rhetoric designed to make anyone who opposes restrictions on the Second Amendment as lacking in common sense.

Fortunately, the Blaze’s Dana Loesch blasted liberals for pushing gun control after the Virginia tragedy.  She even fed them their own healthy dose of common sense.

Watch …

“We don’t have a gun problem. We have a criminal problem. We have a society that thinks it’s completely permissible to shirk responsibility. We have people who have no problem with what Planned Parenthood does in terms of fetal parts harvesting. We don’t teach a respect for life. We glorify violence in movie, music, film and books. This is what our society is. This is Frankenstein’s monster. This is what society has created. It is a reflection of us. And, as I said, criminals are always going to be with us. I’ve had my life protected by a gun. I don’t want that right taken from me.”

Do you agree with Loesch that we don’t have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem?


Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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