MSNBC Host Says Democrats Aren’t Going To ‘Play Fair’ To Put Trump In Jail

Shelby Talcott on July 26, 2019

MSNBC host Donny Deutsch said Democrats have to remove “this criminal President,” and they are not going to “play fair” to put President Donald Trump in jail.

Deutsch went on MSNBC‘s “Morning Joe” Friday to talk about what he thinks Democrats should do in order to beat Trump in the 2020 election and ultimately send him to jail. Co-host Joe Scarborough gave Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, of Kentucky, the nickname “Moscow Mitch” during the segment.

The MSNBC host said Democrats are “at war” with Trump.

“What you said in a couple of minutes yesterday to me is the most important thing that’s ever been said on this show – on any show on this air. We are at war,” Deutsch said. “It is time for the Democrats to wake up … We may not have won the battle of impeachment, but we’re going to win the war of putting him in jail. Whatever we have to do. And we’re not going to necessarily play fair…”

“We are playing against cheaters and liars or stealers, and with all due respect to Michelle Obama, when they go low … we’ve got to do whatever we have to do,” he added.

Deutsch also gave Democrats some advice on how they should refer to Trump. “Playing fair” is when you “call him President Trump,” Deutsch noted. However, since he suggested that Democrats not play fair, Deutsch stated that Trump should be called “criminal Trump.”

“By the way, we’re going to call him ‘un-indicted criminal Trump’ now, because in two instances he has been an un-indicted criminal,” Deutsch said. “When you’re playing fair, you’re supposed to call him President Trump. Just like we’re gonna call him ‘Moscow Mitch, we’re gonna call him ‘criminal Trump.’ Another message for the Democrats – it is time to move forward.”

The one tool we have to use that the Democrats never use is fear … We cannot lose the next election. We will go back 50 years … We cannot bring a knife fight to a bazooka gunfight.”

Deutsch said in June that he is not sure in his “heart of hearts” if a Democrat can beat Trump in the 2020 election, The Hill reported.

78 thoughts on “MSNBC Host Says Democrats Aren’t Going To ‘Play Fair’ To Put Trump In Jail”

  1. Dems are just biding their time. They are assured that someday there will be a Dem POTUS and a Dem Congress. My, My, what will they do with approx. 25 million illegals burdening the economy? Does Comprehensive Immigration Reform ring a bell? They will not pass on the opportunity to give all persons in the US total citizenship..and the right to vote. Then we can look forward to open borders, free health care, Sharia Law and no guns, ….What could go wrong????

  2. CyanBottle723

    Nonetheless, the Dems lost quite a lot of black and Hispanic votes to Pres. Trump–votes they ASSUMED they had “in the bag” for Hillary. And PS, Hillary did NOT “win the popular vote” as the Dems keep crying about. If you deduct all the illegals voting, dead people voting, vote-changing voting machines, etc., she probably LOST the popular vote by a substantial margin!

    And we CAN defeat the Dems in Congress, if we get behind ONE candidate who is opposing each of them and all vote for THAT person.

  3. GoldMagnet758

    It’s essential to eliminate Democrats from Congress to pave the way for constitutional and statutory changes vital to the nation’s survival.

  4. So-called “democRATS” are just like Russia’s PUTIN, Putin just had over a 1,000 people DETAINED who are in OPPOSITION of HIM….Putin- loving so-called “democRATS” want to do the SAME to our DULY ELECTED, SITTING PRESIDENT….go figure…..!!!!

  5. And who owns most of the guns? Conservatives. Game over. BTW, suppose you are physically attacked by some Antifa nut, do you have a legal right to use a firearm?

  6. Well, well, so your going to put Trump in jail are you ? Another crazy news reporter can’t do his job so he wants a jail cell. I think you will be in that cell long before Trump will be. People the the United States will come after you first. What a very stupid thing to say. FOOL !!

  7. Democrats you are supposed to work for your citizens. You have done nothing. This is disgraceful and disgusting. You have been obstructing the Presidents work for the American citizens. Stop the bull. Sh

  8. The democrats are the ones who are liars, cheaters, and criminals! Trump hasn’t committed any crimes and will not be going to jail! However, alot of these dirty democrats will be going down for murder, pedophlia, money laundering, sex trafficking, drug trafficking etc!

  9. This scares the crap out of me. I have been tracking some activities from groups and I see these nearsighted, buffoon Democrats and Media Elites pushing this country to a point of no return. If they are stupid enough to keep going down this path they will fulfill Thomas Jefferson’s words “the tree of freedom must be watered with the blood of Patriots every two hundred years or so”. They will eventually push this country into a civil war.

  10. Democrats have never played fair for the last 200 years, Democrats went in league with the Spanish and Islamic Muslims slave traders of the 1700’s. The Muslims ported their slave ships in Charleston, SC and the Port of Atlanta along with Jacksonville. They then went into business with Rich Democrats and open slave markets in the USA. Today their over a thousand cities with the name Market Street which led to the open slave markets of the Democrats. The Republican President Abraham Lincoln wanted to end slavery and free the Black Man. Then the Democrats succeed from the union, creating their own Country called the Confederacy and establish their own Army called the Confederates and created their own Battle Flag for the CONFEDERACY! Hum the Democrats were busy creating this that and the other to keep slavery enforced, so they started what now is called the Civil War with the Union and they lost that War! Then the Democrats created the Racist group called the “Ku Klux Klan” to keep the newly freed slaves from their rights. Then the Democrats who were in Office created the Jim Crow Laws to keep the Black Man from voting. Like Senator Robert Byrd a Grand Dragon of the KKK but Hillary Clinton called him her mentor. Now over the Years Democrats wanted total Political Power as they do today,
    they become very corrupt and invented new ways of voter fraud. Hum Ballot Harvesting
    ect, Provisional Ballots (Brenda Snipes) Illegals voting which OBAMA ok’d! Democrats want a Dictatorship!

  11. This guy’s name is appropriate, he is a deuch. He is a bully, who by nature are gutless. He talks about how tough he is, let’s see him put up or shut up. My guess is that he will shut up being the pu$$y he is.

  12. Dirty deutsch is just telling us what we already know about the demoRATS ! They are FAKE Americans but REAL traitors with their open borders and amnesty plans. They want to steal American citizenship from real Americans so their commie handlers and muslim pals can rule the world. F U deutsch !

  13. This kind of trash talk is what inspires nut jobs like Antifa. Code word for calling them into action and all the other nut job crazies to get out there and cause trouble wherever they can start it. The cry baby media is trying to start a war and what is going to happen is people will be sick of it and start popping a few and it’ll be their own fault. Looks like we’re gonna have to thin the herd a little if they get out of control with violence! And it will be on the liberal cry baby whiny media’s fault!! Just sayin’

  14. If mental midgets like Donny think that they will get away with such actions, they are very much mistaken. Much of America is tired of the left and the wrong steps by them will lead to a fight in the streets they will not win.

  15. Boy are you naive. The left has been using election fraud since Slick Willie was elected. They used the Bush/Gore fiasco to get Florida onto the electronic voting system so they could easily shoe in Buttcrack Obutthead after Bush. Their biggest mistake was underestimating the amount of fraud necessary to get Hil-LIAR-y elected. You can bet they will up their game in 2020, and if Trump wins, they will be relentless in their attacks, both physical and mental, until Trump is gone. Our problem is that we have NO ONE to replace Trump in 2024, which means the left will likely succeed. It’s coming, God told us that the end times will usher in a one world order under the ant-Christ.

  16. I hate to tell you, but Trump didn’t win because we all voted for the same guy, he won because the left overestimated Hil-LIAR-y’s win and didn’t commit enough voter fraud like they did with Buttcrack Obastard!

  17. Is this guy mental or what. The dems have the worst track record of either party at being liars and cheats. I am so sick of this. If the Dems want a show down for this election they will get one. This guy’s words are ment to start a war, don’t go down to his gutter level. You can not beat him on his home turf elevate your self, and vote Trump 2020, vote out All Democrats 2020. That will be my sign in my yards. This will show him and his sidekicks WE the people are in charge not him and the lying self serving media.

  18. How old are these kids?? You are in a man’s world kiddies, shut up, drink your milk and go to bed. Don’t start threatening my President, it’s not legal, and it makes a big bunch of us angry.

  19. Wait until Barr’s investigations starts taking dawn the Deep State. Just have to pick the “right weasel” and he will start singing. Obama and company will all be facing prison time.

  20. Dummy Donny Deutsch is a liar just like all of his Dem buddies. The Dems use fear tactics all of the time and lie with every breath they take to get power. How can anyone in their right mind belong to a party that hates or country and citizens?

  21. I think Donny Deutsch needs to be taken out back, sat down, and “have a talking to”.

    And IF someone gets caught ‘doing it’, I’m sure someone will start a ‘GoFundMe’ page for that persons defense.

  22. Is it racist to call the democrats sub human? How about incompetent. vile, subversive, duplicitous, despicable, whacko, psychopathic, pathological. Did I miss any?

  23. One of these days soon, the ANTIFA will find themselves attacking whom they believe are old folks with MAGA Hats and grey hair sticking out of those hats. What they will find out to their surprise is a bunch of well organized, disciplined recently discharged Navy Seals and Special Ops Marines and Green Berets who will break so many of their bones that it will take a THOUSAND ORTHOPEDIC SURGEONS TO RESTORE THEM SO THEY CAN RIDE IN WHEEL CHAIRS………..(and PEE & POOP into plastic BAGS………………………..Then the ANTIFA WILL PULL GUNS and then find out what accuracry and fire power and fire discipline is all about as their MOMMIES weep crocodile tears trying to identify their bodies in the mess of blood and blasted bodies. ………It’s just a matter of time, and those who carry for the good guys will have already been deputized by the Feds…………………………..

  24. Amen: I had a professional sign put on the back of my pick up truck which said:

    When I was a kid, Teachers and Police Officers didn’t have to KISS MY BUTT.
    MOM and DAD taught me that Cops and Teachers made a 100 decisions a day.
    MOM and DAD taught me that because they were human, 10% of those decisions would be wrong.
    MOM and DAD taught me that if I were in the 10% I should just SUCK IT UP and go on my way.
    Now our kids are taught that if a cop is “rude” to you you need to call and get a form to complain.
    Pretty soon our Drill Instructors at Parris Island will have to tuck us in at night and kiss us on the cheek and say: “goodnight little buddy”…….

    Rodney Dangerfield was right. THERE IS NO SUCH A THING AS RESPECT ANYMORE.

  25. Dems cannot proceed with prosecution when they themselves have been indicted for conspiring to overthrow a duly elected President using the help of a foreign enemy of the United States. A house, (especially a Dem house) built on sand as a foundation cannot stand. The entire investigation of pres Trump is based upon a criminal conspiracy led by Barry Soreto/Obama and Hillary Clinton and they and their compatriots, (including Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, and those persons in their administration, including their so called Attorney General and Susan Rice and many others), will go to prison for their acts, and so bring it on. ANTIFA ? Bring it on and the 3rd Marine Division and the Airborne will teach you a magnificent lesson and then bury your bodies in a common grave with a bulldozer. I am a life long Democrat, who SPITS upon the Democrat Party and the lack of leadership in it and the RACISTS who are stirring up Americans for another CIVIL WAR. I am a former Marine Officer, who early on recognized Mueller as a shill, a person who as Deputy AG and as FBI Director screwed up more than he contributed to the advance of justice and ruined many innocent persons’ lives. Mueller is the reason that many courageous lawyers left the employ of the FBI.

  26. This is not the America that I grew up loving. I turned 70 in March and sometimes when I look what is happening, I am ashamed to be an American. We elected Trump in 2016 and he will win in 2020. Because Hillary lost in 2016, the Left has come down with “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME”. It doesn’t matter to the Left that Trump is successful as President, that the economy is up, that unemployment is down, that African Americans, Hispanics, Oriental and Whites are all working and we are making more money because of Trump’s tax reform. But the left continues to condemn everything Trump all because Hillary lost the election and they can’t get over that fact. To add insult to injury, we just ended a 2-1/2 Mueller investigation to prove that Trump “was in bed” with Russia. Now, even though Mueller’s investigation showed no conspiracy and no collusion, the Left refuses to accept Mueller’s findings. Thanks to “The Squad”, we now have anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish men/women, hate Trump — they hate everyone who does not follow their agenda. Why were the 50s and the 60s a nicer time to live in America? We had McCarthyism and Vietnam, but compared to today, it was a walk in the park.

  27. This is definitely a dangerous time for America. America is not a stable country. If President Trump (and the Republicans) wins re-election in 2020, the Far Left will revolt – violently – and many of the Far-Left are Democrats – dominating Blue States. If, on the other hand, a Far-Left candidate wins the White House (and, presumably, both Houses of Congress), there will be a Conservative Red State revolt. In both cases Civil War II – and the United States will split into the United States of America on the one hand and the People’s Democratic Socialist States of America on the other. Neither outcome is encouraging. NEW MOTTO: “The America That Laughs Together Stays Together” or “Make America Laugh Again.” However, I think President Trump is going to win in a HUGE landslide.

  28. I can’t think of a better way to fire up the voting base for Trump. All the people who stayed home during the mid-term elections will feel determined not to make the same mistake.

    The best revenge against against the Democrats is to win back the house and a second term for Trump in 2020.

  29. CyanBottle723

    Not only “let’s all vote for President Trump in 2020.” Let’s all pick ONE NON-Demmunist candidate in each Congressional race and ALL vote for the SAME ONE so we can throw the conniving Demmunists out of Congress! The Conservatives need to stop flying off in all directions looking for the “perfect” candidate. We all need to decide on ONE and VOTE TOGETHER as a BLOC–the same way the Dems and Muslims do. That is the ONLY way to get the numbers to beat them, in SPITE of the voter fraud they will surely commit. AGAIN.

    THAT is why Pres. Trump won, against ALL odds and in SPITE OF all their voter fraud for Hillary, because we ALL voted for the SAME GUY–Pres. Trump. We need to apply the SAME tactic to ALL the political races on the ballot in 2020–and put the lying, conniving DEMMUNISTS out of business. As long as they stay in Congress, Pres. Trump will NOT be able to accomplish all that he is trying to do for this country, because they will obstruct him every step of the way! VOTE THEM OUT.

  30. CyanBottle723

    Democrats NEVER “play fair!” And the only “crime” Pres. Trump committed was to beat that corrupt, LYING old CRONE, Hillary in an election that was RIGGED (with MASSIVE voter fraud) in HER favor! THAT is why they are so PO’d. They had the election SO rigged with voter fraud they thought she could not lose. Hillary has the distinction of being the only candidate who is SO vile that she could not even win an election rigged in her favor! HOW is that Pres. Trump’s fault?

  31. Well, let us hope the people of America hear this. Let us hope they understand this is the speech and intentions of despots and dictators. Then they must ask themselves “Is this the future America we want ? “

  32. Wow! The guys who weaponized the IRS, used the FBI to spy on a political campaign, rans a Soviet style investigation with partisan operatives, then held a show trial grilling of the Special Prosecutor, and now seek to jail anyone who opposes them. are not going to “Play fair”? Who saw that coming? Other than people with a brain.

  33. This guy must be off his meds. Dems never let the truth get in the way of what they want (no matter how crazy) so this is just doing more of the same. Too bad the Dems do not love their country a bit more and actually do the work to get their candidate elected. Instead it will continue to be lies and innuendo’s but no substance.

  34. Deutsch . . . . known for his reputation as a Democrat Tool is mistaken, as usual.

    Demented Dems (elected, selected and Alphabet Agency “leaders”) are running scared as they know what awaits them as their Seditious, Criminal and possibly Treasonous scheme is made public and taken into a court of law.

    The next few months should be interesting as they turn on each other in an attempt to stay out of jail. ?

    The sideshow is the Demented-Dem-Primary-Clown-Show that keeps giving and giving as each “contestant” gives away more than the previous one ?

    By the way . . . didn’t Nancy Wackosi say her and AOC “buried the hatchet”, but unfortunately for AOC, it was in her vacuous head and she may notice it till the next time she preens in the mirror.

  35. So hilarious to hear coming from the cheating lying Democrats….virtue signaling once again about the things that they already do !!! Hahahahahaha how pathetic the DNC has become

  36. Robert Messmer

    Quote: “Whatever we have to do. And we’re not going to necessarily play fair…” Review the persecution of Alaskan US Senator Ted Stevens. Review the reason the taxpayers’ shelled out in excess of 100 million dollars because Robert Mueller had evidence proving they were innocent but he kept them in prison anyway. Quote: “The one tool we have to use that the Democrats never use is fear ” So to get their famous crime bill of 1994 they didn’t use fear? To pass the mis-named assault weapons bill of 1994 they didn’t use fear? Any time there is a mass shooting anywhere in the world they don’t try to use fear to destroy the US Constitution? Side note – have you noticed how the MSM ignored the attack in Japan? At least 34 dead and almost three dozen sent to the hospital and almost zero coverage because the attack was carried out using gasoline and not a gun.

  37. Can anyone STOP these CRAZY DEMS? It is awful what these Dems are doing. They just will NOT give up that Hillary LOST. All these investigations are costing we Tax payers a bundle of money and there will be no change in the outcome. Somebody PLEASE STOP these crazy loons.

  38. If they can’t find a reason to impeach him, how are they going to find a reason to put him in jail? The only reasonable course of action they have is to win 2020 but all this ranting leads me to believe they don’t think they have a chance.

  39. Show of hands . How many of you thought the DNC would play fair or even attach any value to playing fair? That’s what I thought. That’s why socialism is nothing but crap.

  40. That’s just business as usual for the Dem’s and liberal media, no real change or shocker there. that’s their M.O. Lies, deception and violence is what they spew, over and over again.

  41. Never heard of Deutsch where the hell is he from ? What country? Is he a citizen of the United States ? I don’t really give a crap just want the big mouth gone.

  42. “We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
    Stephen Schneider (leading advocate of the global warming theory) (in interview for Discover magazine, Oct 1989)

  43. “In 50 years New York City is going to be underwater from global warming,” – 2002, former president Bill Clinton.

    Democratic leaders, who profess the importance of education, are constantly lying to the American people, and particularly to their base, the ignorant and ill-informed who are eating this stuff up and spreading it like wild-fire. How do I know? I pay attention. Watch C-Span, and you will get the picture too.

    Lie #1: Global Warming, caused by the emission of greenhouse gasses, will melt the ice caps and cause massive global flooding.

    Truth: In 400 years of measuring global temperatures, the temperature has only increased 3/4 of one Degree.

    Truth: Ice expands when it freezes, that’s why ice floats above the water’s surface, and contracts when it melts. Thus, any floating ice (like the entire North Pole) when it melts, will not add any volume whatsoever to the oceans.

    Truth: Only land-based ice can add to the volume of water in the oceans.

    Truth: The overwhelming majority of land based ice is on the continent of Antarctica, where the average year around temperature is more than 60 degrees below zero. The average temperature would have to rise by more than 60 degrees to melt the Antarctic ice cap. Hardly something we need to worry about in the near future.

    Truth: Natural Global Warming, and Global Cooling, has been documented by scientists over millions of years. In general it runs in 10,000-year cycles. We are currently at the end of one of those cycles.

  44. I pray that God remove all obstacles, accusations, insinuations and innuendo against our Beloved POTUS. His re-election will be proof that he is God’s chosen man “for such a time as this” and there is nothing that can destroy God’s plans without being annihilated – that’s what is coming to the dems/libs. I truly believe that!

  45. I don’t understand how the dems, cnn, msnbc, politicians can’t see that they have a very big part in destroying America. Most these people have been in office for 30+ years! They can’t seriously blame 3 years on one person when they’ve been stirring the pot for all of those years?
    I laughed when I heard the “when they go low” remark, thinking they will prove the dems and media can go lower.
    Push back is happening and the slimy, dishonest bullies don’t like that we are on to their game.
    We believe in laws, rules, common decency and America! Now if they could get on board or go find another country to destroy…..wait, they’ve already destroyed every country they’ve stepped foot on.

  46. Democrats never play fair. If we go back 50 years that would be a definite plus for this country. That was a time when children still respected their elders. That was a time when the worst offensive teenagers did was to smoke a regular cigarette in the restroom or play hooky for the day. That was a time when your children could go trick or treating without an adult to protect them. that was a time when the flag was respected. That was a time when children could watch a movie or listen to the radio without foul language or pornographic lyrics. That was a time when the democrats had integrity and believed in the constitution and this country. SO letss all vote for PRESIDENT Trump in 2020.

  47. Get the can of RAID out, and spray these Democratic Roaches. I do not support CNN or MSNBC, because they provide twisted news. They both are one sided on the news of this administration.

  48. Why do I think this strategy isn’t going to work? Just what MSNBC’s ratings need…more name calling from their chain wearing, jealous mid-life crisis males.

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