For Some, Open Border Chaos Is The Goal


By Pete McGinnis for RealClearWire

Beware, the crisis at the southern border may be much worse than it appears.

Free Apple watches, bus and plane tickets all across the continental United States, and sophisticated lawyers standing by to counsel migrants on how to best navigate border officials’ scrutiny of asylum on the occasions when they are actually required to defend their asylum claims.

These benefits being offered to illegal border crossers have left the public shocked, angry, and in many cases, feeling the issue closer to home than ever before. Many cities and states have also been overwhelmed as the consequences of the crisis have migrated well beyond the southern border states. Recently, New York City Mayor Eric Adams made news when he emphatically declared that the now-regular stream of migrants into the Big Apple “will ruin the City!”

It’s not just local budgets and social services that are being squeezed to the breaking point, although those are nothing to sneeze at and will have to be addressed. The increase in crime may be the biggest concern. Violent crime rates are up, and violent incidents are prominent on the nightly news. Less visible are the other criminal enterprises causing ripple effects. Human trafficking has gained more attention as its shocking reality is (very) slowly exposed. The recently released independent film, “The Sound of Freedom,” struck a chord for this very reason – human trafficking is striking too close to home for most Americans’ peace of mind.

Then there are the drugs. The opioid epidemic has gotten substantially worse in the last few years, with annual overdose deaths, after a slight decline from 2017 through 2019, increasing dramatically in the last several years. As if this isn’t bad enough, the opportunities for smuggling in other illegal contraband have increased as well.

Related: Illegal Immigration Emerges As Democrats’ Achilles Heel

Experts speculate that the drug cartels have collaborated with hostile actors, including Chinese Communists, to further take advantage of what they (rightly) view as a U.S. government intent on not enforcing the laws at our southern border. Notably, illicit tobacco and vaping products appear to have become a prime fundraising target for the burgeoning Chinese drug cartel alliance. While teenage vaping and flavored tobacco products have become a major concern for federal regulators, it is projected that most vaping products being sold are illegal that 90% of the vaping products originate in China.

Ironically, the reaction of federal authorities and policymakers has been to propose more prohibitions on legal products – overwhelmingly used by adults and lifetime smokers to transition away from cigarettes – rather than addressing the source of the problem: the flood of illegal products through our open border. It’s another example of the dangers that come from a dysfunctional government.

To elaborate, federal tobacco regulators appear set on using the robust cartel-supported black market in vaping products aimed at kids to further their long-time prohibitionist agenda (and one of Michael Bloomberg’s favorite pet projects). These regulatory efforts have been bolstered by user-fee supported special interest groups who fund splashy ad campaigns highlighting teen vaping use as the basis for their actions. Yet, the regulatory agenda seeks to outlaw a whole host of products used by adults, for which abolition seems certain to offer an even greater market opportunity for the Chinese drug cartel alliance and likely to increase access to illicit products by youth.

This may be a shocking observation to some, but this example and others indicate that senior government officials may see the lawlessness stemming from the border as a feature rather than a bug. Take Claire Trickler-McNulty, the Biden administration’s assistant director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Officials like Ms. Trickler-McNulty appear set on turning law enforcement agencies into social services organizations. Before joining the Biden administration, Trickler-McNulty worked for an organization that advocated for the abolition of the agency she now helps lead – in the spirit of the “defund the police” movement. Unsurprisingly, the overrun southern border has given her social service aspirations lots of prospective “clients” seeking federal assistance.

Related: Dem Governor Demands Biden Do Something About Illegal Aliens In His State, After Signing Legislation Making It ‘Most Welcoming State In the Nation’

While Trickler-McNulty has faced criticism for the so-called transition from a traditional law enforcement focus, she appears unfazed. The same could also be said of her former employer, Kids in Need of Defense, a major recipient of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation that has also benefited handsomely from its influential role in the Biden administration’s open border policy with a $13 million contract.

The ways in which American families and businesses are being harmed by the open border policies could fill volumes. But it’s clear that state budgets, neighborhood safety, and our children’s futures are all being endangered while the drug cartels and our most powerful foreign adversaries become enriched and empowered. Instead of using these tragedies to advance the special interest agendas of Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, perhaps we could all agree that the American chapter on human trafficking, opioids, and open borders should be relegated to the history books.

Syndicated with permission from RealClearWire.

5 thoughts on “For Some, Open Border Chaos Is The Goal”

  1. This is only part of the coup-d’état. This is all for a reason. It is breaking down our values and morals so the federal government can step in and ‘take control’. Very similar to what happened in Germany in the 1930’s.

  2. Of course “they” want open borders. Check out the elites, the rich behind this mess. They don’t worry about us, the deplorables. They could care less what happens because they will always have what they want.

  3. The open borders agenda of the Global Left is part of a larger scheme of the elites to erase the idea of culture and citizenship in the minds of each country’s residents, and reduce them to wards of the Globalist state. No more borders, culture, religion, nationalities, or other source of identities. Citizenship is being rendered meaningless. Even the identities of male and female are being erased as the Left is replacing parents with their elitist controls and now their attempts to indoctrinate children as early as kindergarten with the idea of TG. No more boys and girls! That’s why we are getting the TG/shemale sports contests!
    War refugees, covid refugees, and all refugees are just the cover for the moving and mixing different population groups together, diluting their civic and national identities and making them easier to control by the growing elitist states.
    Open borders means meandering swarms of people wandering over the countryside, taking whatever they can find to survive, wherever they can find it, w govt barely providing the means of any subsistence, and police to control the when and where they can wander.
    Private property is fast disappearing: retailers are going out of business because govt won’t enforce property laws, ignoring and encouraging retail theft, and with squatters taking over unattended real estate, and govt not enforcing evictions over non-paying renters. Govt is seizing private property to provide housing for the invading aliens.
    Govt is working to destroy personal identity with the embedding of people with computer ID chips, like we currently do with our pets, and then our personal wealth by replacing cash with govt controlled computer blips (debit cards today, Fed Coin/Biden Coin? tomorrow, and our personal ID chips the day after). No more personal wealth, and no more personal freedom to choose what products we want to purchase or when or where we want to purchase them. Unless you are an elite.
    Travel? A joke! Govt is controlling our access to fuels. Combustion engine vehicles (CEVs) are being replaced w govt mandated battery operated vehicles (EVs) that take hours to recharge and have limited mileage range when they are charged: less than 100 miles on warm days, less than 40 miles on cold winter days. Personal vehicles will soon be disappearing as govt will be controlling what vehicles can be on the road, what fuels are available to use, and who can use them and when and where. Long distance trips will soon become only a memory. Trains, maybe. Battery operated planes? Really? Remember the car batteries…
    Open borders are just the opening round as the Fringe Left begins their assault on our personal freedoms and seek our eventual domination. Unless we start to resist the Globalists and their armies of bureaucrats and technocrats who are committed to our subjugation and domination, we will be reduced to the menials the Globalists seek to control..
    We must control the borders, rebuild the family, and be active in our communities if we are going to hang onto any of our freedoms going forward. Anything less is a crack in the defense of our country, and the Globalists are already waiting to take advantage of that weakness again, and again, and again…starting with the next train full of illegals heading for our borders…
    Be vigilant. Be active. Protect your own. Get out and vote!

  4. If you were facing possible charges/ prosecution for selling Uranium One, losing 6 billion dollars of the taxpayers money, running the Clinton Foundation illegally, taking payoffs from foreign enemies of the US, running guns to Mexico, that caused the loss of 300 Mexican National lives, having questionable ethics problems for supporting war on foreign soil and so on and so on; wouldn’t you rather have a chance to get lost- in a civil war in the Homeland?

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