NY Gov. Cuomo Looking At Legal Options To Overturn Census Count After Losing Congressional Seat

cuomo census results

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said his state is looking into legal options to overturn census results after losing a House seat and blamed former President Trump for making illegal immigrants “nervous to come forward” during the counting process.

The census results had New York losing one congressional seat seat, but would have kept their entire delegation with just 89 more people counted.

The embattled Cuomo, embroiled in multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, told reporters Tuesday that he was seeking to overturn the results of the census.

“Despite a growing state population, New York State’s congressional delegation will lose a seat in the House of Representatives next year, having fallen an equally-unprecedented 89 responses short of continuity,” he claimed.

“Do I think it was accurate to within 89?” Cuomo continued. “No. And we’re looking at legal options, because when you’re talking about 89 that could be a minor mistake in counting right?”

USA Today report in late December which indicated the Empire State’s “population continued to decline more than any state in the nation” between July 2019 and July 2020.

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NY Seeking To Fight Census Results

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo blamed former President Donald Trump for his state losing a congressional seat due to the census.

“Census takers in New York faced unprecedented challenges last year in their efforts to get New Yorkers counted – from the pandemic’s effect on the mail system to the Trump Administration’s xenophobic, flagrant, and illegal efforts to hurt blue states by discouraging non-citizens and people of color from being counted,” he asserted.

Cuomo said illegal immigrants were “nervous to come forward” during the census process.

“Look, you had a lot going on,” he said. “You had people who were nervous to come forward, right? You have undocumented people who are nervous to come forward. I do believe the federal government had a chilling effect.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) continuously urged illegal immigrants to fill out the census in 2020.

“Every single person, no matter your documentation status, no matter your housing status, income, etc., is to be counted,” she said.

AOC had previously claimed illegal aliens are “my constituents.”

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Trump To Blame For New York’s Loss?

The former President had signed an executive order last July stating illegal immigrants would no longer be counted in the population numbers for the purposes of redrawing electoral districts.

“There used to be a time when you could proudly declare, ‘I am a citizen of the United States.’ But now, the radical left is trying to erase the existence of this concept and conceal the number of illegal aliens in our country,” Trump said in a statement at the time.

“This is all part of a broader left-wing effort to erode the rights of Americans citizens, and I will not stand for it,” he added.

President Biden reversed the order “within hours” of taking office.

Cuomo is seeking the help of state Attorney General Letitia James to “review all legal options available” in an effort to reverse the census results.

James is currently conducting independent investigations into the numerous sexual harassment claims against Cuomo, one of which involves groping a female aide, along with other scandals including obstructing justice in the counting of nursing home deaths during the pandemic, and allegations that he used state resources to write a book about it.


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