Kavanaugh’s Wife And Family Facing Death Threats

In absence of any cross-examination, Brett Kavanaugh is currently undergoing a trial by media. CNN gave only two and a half minutes of airtime to the fact that every witness identified by Kavanaugh’s accuser (Christine Ford) have all denied her series of events – and then dismissed those exonerating statements.

Republicans have done everything they can to bend over backward and accommodate Ford so she’ll testify as soon as possible. In response, Ford demanded an FBI investigation they’d already said they wouldn’t open.

Since then, Ford has said she’ll testify “if certain conditions are met,” and said she wouldn’t be testifying Monday, which was demanded by Sen. Chuck Grassley. Trump also weighed in this morning, wondering why Ford didn’t report the allegations sooner. (Just an aside: while the FBI won’t investigate Ford’s claims because they aren’t in their jurisdiction, there isn’t a statute of limitations in Maryland where Ford alleges the assault occurred).

Some of Ford’s apologists have been citing the claim that she’s been receiving death threats since putting herself in the public eye, putting her under stress. Personally, I doubt Ford’s apologists actually care about her well being, rather, they’re just happy to have an excuse for why it is she’s doing everything in her power to delay testifying. Hence, that’s why Democrats are now calling for the FBI to get involved to investigate those threats. Why? Because it would take months. We don’t see them calling for an FBI investigation into the abuse allegations against Keith Ellison, or the death and extortion threats Susan Collins is receiving.

Remember: the purpose of all of this is to delay Kavanaugh’s nomination indefinitely, and every action Ford and Democrats have taken since she came forward to prove it. Only 25% of women find Ford’s accusation credible (and only 28% of men too), and perhaps that figure is the same among ranking Democrats who know better.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Marshals Service is actually investigating death threats – sent to Kavanaugh’s wife by liberals.

According to the Daily Wire, “The official said one note read, ‘May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell.’ The other note, whose subject line reads, ‘Hi, Ashley,’ said she should tell Judge Kavanaugh to ‘put a bullet in his … skull.'” Both notes came from the same email address. Some of the threats were too shocking even CNN gave them airtime. Watch below (video should begin at 6:04):

Many of those harassing Kavanaugh’s family and others somehow see harassing women as a pro-women move. In the case of Susan Collins, one male caller said to her without a hint of irony “If you care at all about women’s choice, vote no Kavanaugh. Don’t be a dumb b—h.” Have they no sense of self-awareness?

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