Roger Stone Says Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Could Retire “Any Minute Now”

Ever since President Trump took the oath of office, there have been rumors that another Supreme Court vacancy will soon arise.

The most common assumption is that Justice Anthony Kennedy, the socially libertarian, Reagan-appointed justice, will announce his retirement. Kennedy is 81-years-old, and while he’s not the oldest justice on the Court, he likely feels most comfortable vacating his seat under a Republican president.

Last month, just before the Court recessed for the summer, there was an increase in speculation that Kennedy was going to announce his retirement. But the Court’s last day came and went with no such announcement. Even so, some observers think Kennedy could throw in the towel any day now.

Over the weekend, political veteran Roger Stone weighed in on the matter. During an interview at Politicon, Stone said that Kennedy could retire “any minute now.”

Here’s the full quote from Gateway Pundit:

ROGER STONE: [President Trump] did very successfully get a Supreme Court Justice confirmed. He’s about to get another seat, because I think Justice Kennedy will resign any minute now. I’m a man with sources. I’ve said this previously at My sources tell me, and they’re pretty good, tell me that Justice Kennedy’s resignation is imminent – sometime in the next few weeks.

Kennedy may be a Republican-appointed Justice, but he’s far from reliable. On social issues, he almost always sides with the liberals. Most recently, he cast the deciding vote in the Obergefell case, which legalized same-sex marriage across the country.

Given President Trump’s first Supreme Court appointment, Justice Neil Gorsuch, I trust him to replace Kennedy with a conservative justice who will make us proud.

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29 thoughts on “Roger Stone Says Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Could Retire “Any Minute Now””

  1. He needs to retire as soon as possible. The left is going to stall as long as possible, and the 5 weeks of Congress recess will just prolong the new nominee’s appointment that much longer. All conservative judges planning to retire during this term should do so far enough in front of the midterm elections so their replacements will be seated by then. Why take chances with the future of conservatism?

  2. The left is in “FULL PANIC MODE!” If Kennedy retires, he is 81 and will be 82 in February, and Ruth Ginsberg, who is going to be 85 in 8 days suddenly assumes room temperature, that would be a massive shift to the right for the Court. Also Justice Breyer, who is not in the best of health, and has also talked about retiring, that would be a blow to the Left that they might never recover from. That would also allow Justice Thomas to retire without fear if he chose to, after all, both he and Scalia held the fort for 4 decades. That would leave Sotomeyer and Kagen to fetch the coffee! ():-)

  3. I never believe anything Roger Stone says, until it is confirmed by a reliable source, such as CNN. Stone is just plain nuts and half the stuff he says are prompted by the demons dancing in his skull. It is he\\ inside there. Kennedy has already stated that he will see through next year’s term.

  4. whos the 44 idiots who said no? Trump has at least 3 more years with the very good possibility of another 4 after that. That ASSURES him at least 1 if not two more justices. (Ginesburg is NOT in very good health these days)


  5. No More Mr. Nice Guy

    Kennedy is a Communist Manifesto inspired degenerate who adores baby killing; salutes sodomy; and who enables the wicked wealth redistribution enslavement of the poor into ceaseless inter- generational dependency until the system collapses under its own obese weight. May his well earned and most deserved suffering match the suffering he has caused so many.

  6. I hope he retires and has a nice life, and I hope he does it a day before the Senate goes on recess, so Trump can install the right person without having to go through confirmation hearings. I’m about tired of hearings. But I would watch a good HRC or DWS hearing if one ever comes on.

      1. They can try David, but remember it was Harry Reed who stopped any filibuster on a Supreme Court nominee. Meaning all Trump has to do is get 50 and the Veep can make it 51 and the justice is in. So if the Dummycrats get upset, tell them to thank Reed

  7. They were thrilled when Obama nominated the judges he wanted because they thought old One Shoe was going to win next and would FLOOD the court with liberals which would forever change the direction of this country, now they are in a full panic. President Trump will bring the court back to the conservative side of things and the libbies are hating that!!! I love that.

  8. Now to McConnell off his duff (kind words for such an ass) to get the rest of the Administration confirmed and the President’s pick on the Courts. I think President Trump also needs to break up the 9th Circuit Court and divide the states up and make the 9th less liberal.

  9. I think they should all retire , America wouldn’t know the difference , I also think there should be mandatory age limits in the federal courts so we wouldn’t have to put up with the likes of Ginsberg .

  10. While they’re not all that old I’d like to see Alito and Thomas retire before President Trump leaves office. If Ginsberg retires also that would give Conservatives a 7-2 voice for decades as a counter to the Progressives.

  11. Ginsburg will probably retire as well within the next few years. That would give Trump three judges on the Supreme Court he gets to replace. And, he will get to appoint over 120 federal judges at the district level, the most since FDR. President Trump’s sister is a judge on the Federal Appeals Court too.

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