Trump Just Made a Big Decision About His Campaign


Donald Trump made a big decision regarding his presidential ambitions. The Huffington Post reported the real estate mogul committed to Republican party leaders that he will not launch a third party candidacy if he fails to win the nomination.

This move could endear him to more voters who were leery about supporting Trump due to his recent switch to the Republican Party. This move also would provide Trump with added cover from detractors who say he is just attempting to split the vote and help the Democratic nominee.

Michael Cohen who is an aide for Trump’s campaign, told HuffPo the presidential candidate was simply seeking a fair process in the primary.

“He just wanted to ensure that the establishment would treat him as fair as they would treat any of the other candidates,” Cohen said. “And I believe, right now, they are treating him fairly. It is my personal belief that the RNC is treating Mr. Trump the same as the other candidates, and he will live up to his agreement not to run as an independent.”

Earlier this month talk radio host Hugh Hewitt advised Trump that pledging against a third party run would embolden him with more primary voters as many Republicans would never vote for someone willing to run on a third party ticket after Ross Perot’s run helped Bill Clinton’s election. Trump returned to Hewitt’s show and seemed more solidified in his decision to commit. Trump said:

“I didn’t think it was appropriate to commit during the debate. You know, I was a little surprised they even asked me at the debate but that was OK. But at some point, look, I want to run, I’m leading in the polls by a lot, I want to run as a Republican. I want to get the nomination and I want to beat the Democrats.”

Do you think this will make devoted primary voters take a second look at Donald Trump?

For all the Donald Trump supporters, check out this Facebook page.

H/T: Hot Air

9 thoughts on “Trump Just Made a Big Decision About His Campaign”

  1. What’s the harm in agreeing to no third party run? He has the backing to easily win in the Republican party either way. If that’s what it takes to run run a smoother campaign within the party, why not. At least then it could silence the cry babies like Bush.

  2. Yes but, will those people in congress have the votes and the guts to override a presidential veto. The law is just a “good will” gesture if it doesn’t have any teeth. (Lion choppers.)

  3. Again, this is the media pissing on their own shoes. The title says Trump makes the announcement but in the article it says the “Huffington Post” said it.
    So this is just another example of why people DO NOT trust the media. They spin, they slice and dice, they lie and distort the truth. Trump has NOT committed from anything I have heard from him so this is just wasting all our time. Shame on the article writer.

  4. Trump risks a lot in committing to that. He loses his Trump card because if he gives his word like that eh won’t go back on it. What it will gain him, I have no clue, but those who support him better load all their clips because once he signs that, you are really going to be facing incoming in a big way. There will be no more walking on egg shells, and they will pull every dirty, nasty trick in the book trying to upend him. Remember these are the guys who started their own non-profit to garner money anonymously to use against Conservatives in the party. They hate his immigration policy, they are for common core and wall street while Trump is for good education and supports main street. They want to give our jobs away in every way possible while Trump is trying to keep them and get what has gone back. Prepare for war.

    1. wow. I agree Boudica. He is risking the support he has won thus far and by kneeling to the RNC/GOP…he is showing a form a “weakness”.. We are looking for a Leader, not a follower. I have been a huge Trump supporter from day one, but if he is going to kneel to their whims, all bets are off. He could lose me.

  5. The HP needs Trump to stay on top ….. he is Their headliner …. Funny ,, H.P..quote: we will now only post Donald Trump Stories in the Entertainment Section of our paper …BA HA HA ….

  6. Trump speaks to the Conservative voter! He gets my vote. And if he had work from the middle then that is all the better. Maybe, under his leadership, we will finally get something done in D.C.

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