Trump is Leading The Polls in This Demographic – You May Be Shocked!


For all the media backlash over his ‘controversial comments’ about immigration, for all the liberals trying to paint him as a racist, and for all the Republican candidates trying to distance themselves, Donald Trump has received even greater news with the release of a new poll.

Remember the time that Trump, almost immediately after saying Mexico was sending their worst people into our country and taking a beating for it from the media, stood strong and predicted that despite it all:

“I’ll win the Latino vote?”

The media quietly snickered at The Donald, scoffing at the notion he could score well with a demographic they thought he had disparaged.

His fellow Republican presidential candidates couldn’t distance themselves from Trump fast enough, calling his fans ‘crazies.’

Well, here’s some more bad news for all of them – Trump was right.

via the Media Research Center (H/T: Gateway Pundit):

Presidential candidate Donald Trump leads other GOP contenders among Hispanics, a recent poll shows.

Trump recorded a 34% favorability rating among Hispanics in a national poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) among 1,087 registered voters between July 20-21.

Trump has made immigration a seminal part of his campaign, receiving praise, but also criticism, from the political left and right.

During a much-publicized visit to the border in Laredo, TX last Thursday, Trump told reporters he thought he would “win the Hispanic vote.”

The two closest candidates to Trump in the poll were Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz, coming in at 31% and 30% respectively.

Ann Coulter tweeted out the good news and threw in a little mockery for Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee at the same time.

It’s important to note that every single time the media, liberals, and center-right Republicans tried to paint Trump as a fringe lunatic, he has come back to make them regret it.

Can Trump actually win the Republican nomination for President?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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