Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Considering Closing Cuban Embassy

tillerson cuba embassy

Barack Obama thought he would stick a finger in the eye of America by opening up relations with communist Cuba during his final term. Many saw the move as traitorous towards political prisoners in the country.

If you are not caught up on current events, U.S. diplomats in Cuba fell under a mysterious illness a month ago. I wondered at the time why the U.S. was not recalling Americans from the country. Attacking diplomatic personnel – if this was indeed an engineered attack – is tantamount to attacking our homeland.

I felt like the Cuban deal was a typical Obama maneuver to belittle the United States. What did we receive in return from this murderous regime that has a visceral hatred of our country? Nothing.

Thankfully, the Trump Administration is reversing Obama’s dangerous move. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told the host on Face the Nation that he’s considering shuttering the U.S. embassy in Havana. Here’s Tillerson when asked about a possible closure: “We have it under evaluation. It’s a very serious issue with respect to the harm that certain individuals have suffered. We’ve brought some of those people home. It’s under review.”

Obama was so desperate to bolster his own legacy that he jumped the gun on dropping sanctions against Cuba. The time has not yet come to let up on the communist country. Predictably, the Cuban regime revealed their true nature immediately afterwards.

Obama unilaterally opened diplomatic relations with Cuba without getting any concessions from Castro whatsoever. Technically, he should have gotten approval from Congress. The Cuban regime has done nothing to improve the treatment of citizens or political protesters. It was another example of Obama’s abuse of power not being ‘checked’ by Congress.

And you will notice that Trump is not acting unilaterally. He is acting on the behalf of senators who are demanding action be taken on Cuba.

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