President Trump to Reverse Barack Obama’s Cuba Policy

Towards the end of his disastrous eight years in office, Barack Obama unilaterally reversed decades of American foreign policy, restoring diplomatic relations with the Communist island of Cuba.

At the time of Obama’s decision, millions of Cuban-American spoke out strongly, condemning the move. Many in Congress, including Senator Marco Rubio, called the move “absurd” as it made the United States look weak by opening up relations with Cuba without forcing the Communist nation to make much-needed reforms.

trump cuba policy

Now, an exclusive report from The Daily Caller claims that President Donald J. Trump will rollback all of Obama’s new policies towards Cuba, a major shift in U.S. foreign policy.

From The Daily Caller:

Two sources told TheDC that the development is due to the behind-the-scenes efforts of Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez and Republican Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart.

This information coming from an anti-embargo group, which spoke on the condition of anonymity, was confirmed Sunday by John Kavulich of the nonpartisan U.S. – Cuba Trade and Economic Council. “The Trump Administration has been ‘ready’ since February 2017 to announce changes, but issues unrelated to Cuba have intervened,” Kavulich said.

Former President Obama worked to enact several changes to Cuban policy during his tenure in office. He ended the policy known as “wet foot, dry foot” that gave Cuban illegal immigrants a path to legal status, opened travel to the island nation, re-established diplomatic relations and loosened restrictions on doing business in the country.


His [Trump’s] administration launched a “full review” of Cuban policy, and White House press secretary Sean Spicer told TheDC Sunday that there “are no updates on this issue at this time.”

When Obama announced the new Cuba policy, many Cuban-Americans believed that the Castro regime was being rewarded by the United States without actually making any economic or political reforms that would move them into the 21st century.

Despite opening up an embassy and allowing Americans to travel to and from Cuba, Barack Obama did nothing to pressure the Castro brothers to end their brutal treatment of political opponents and economic oppression.

If the United States wants to implement Obama’s Cuba policy, it should not do so until Cuba makes substantial reforms that likely will not occur as long as Raul Castro remains in power.

President Trump’s decision to reverse this failed policy is the right call, as it shows Obama’s willingness to make deals with regimes run by brutal dictators, see the Iranian nuclear deal, while getting nothing in return.

Do you support President Trump’s expected decision to reverse Obama’s Cuba policy? Share your thoughts below! 

9 thoughts on “President Trump to Reverse Barack Obama’s Cuba Policy”

  1. Why would USA still think Cuba is an issue and why does the US want to impose their standards on other countries. It failed miserably in the Philippines were the US interfered with political elections and manipulations.
    US has many elements of its society it should be ashamed of and a political and legal system that is broken and corrupt.
    Since when did the dominant street gang approach work in negotiations.
    Maybe in Harlem and some highly disadvantaged areas of US where criminals are in control. and of course where the police chief is elected by the mayor putting the mayor above the law.
    These standards dont need to be imposed on Cuba
    Then you have Human Rights Commission where Saudi Arabia is a member. Who allowed this.
    It is ok for Saudi to treat its citizens like that but not Cuba who’s treatment is much less severe.
    Selective imposition of US beliefs for what purpose?

  2. As I understand our current approach to Cuba, its seems factually nothing was changed on the ground in Cuba. For us, Americans can stay at government run hotels, must pay in Americaqn bank notes (never cuban notes) and we can send cash to cuba if we want, transport goods to cuba, and yet anyone who holds an opinion different from the officially sanctioned opinions of the governemnt, are imprisioned, put to hard labor. Cubanos are ‘rented’ out to foriegn nations as everything from police to ditch diggers to physicians and nurses.
    In the USA, we place high value on the rights of the indiduals, (well, excepting if you are in college) the right to associate with those of like mind (unless you are in college) the right to practice your religion (unless you are a member of the LGBT community)the right of free speech (unless you are in college, gay or a progressive).
    What could our president turn back? Fort starts, lets allow any and all Cubanos who can make it here, stay. lets limit what american firms can spend in Cuba and lets infect cuba with music, food, dress, and car parts and create a class of cubans who recognize american can be everything they want cuba to be. (unless you are in college, a member of the LGBT community or a ‘progressive’socialist/marxist)

  3. I don’t think Trump will break off diplomatic relations with Cuba, unless some provocation intervenes. I do think he will roll back all the nice-nice cultural exchanges and other nonsense. And I do think he will pull back on any commercial deals until such time as the Cubans agree to very specific, measurable human rights reforms. He will bargain hard for them. I also don’t think he will permit a limitation of international commerce to certain designated territorial concessions or allow all the profits to go to the Cuban government. If we have a wedge opening the entire country through commerce, then Cubans will overthrow their disgusting murderous totalitarian regime and will apply for statehood inside of four years.

    We could do the same in Venezuela. Get 25, 50, 100 of the largest container ships available. Stuff their holds with containers and stack them on the deck five high. Fill them with food and other necessities and anchor them right off the horizon of Caracas. The Venezuelans will get the message without our saying a word, and Maduro and his ilk will be gone with three days. And when I say gone, I mean gone.

  4. Changing the policy on Cuba will cost American jobs-limiting/eliminating exports will cost American jobs. Limiting travel will likewise hurt Americanjobs. Demanding changes in their policies is what people are complaining about that we are trying todo in other parts ofthe world

  5. Obomanation was nothing but a FRAUD Muslim piece of feces Bought and put into office by George Soros. And the Worst JOKE ever perpetrated on the American people. And Should be tried For TREASON against the United States.

    1. … and Barack Obama is the biggest “political scam” every dumped on the American people. He is an illegal alien, who has lied to and stolen from the American people, their lives, dignity and prosperity. Americans have bought and paid for ISIS and other terrorist activity and countries through forced taxation by Barack Obama. Trillions $$$ of taxpayers’ money is missing and unaccountable. Politics got this guy into office and nothing further. His election, in my thoughts, was totally unlawful, was a scam and was pre-planned.

  6. By the time Trump gets rid of all the ridiculous policies Obozo put in place we might just get back to what this country needs to be doing. Go Trump, but please do drain the D.C. Swamp you promised to do in your campaign! Americans are fed up with them!!

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