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Ted Cruz Hillary Clinton
March 28, 2020
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz just blasted Hillary Clinton for using coronavirus to take a cheap shot at America and at President Donald Trump.
September 11, 2018
David Hogg should give up after his constant foil, pro-Second Amendment Kyle Kashuv, absolutely destroyed him with a single tweet over the weekend.
Ken Bone son
April 27, 2018
Remember Ken Bone? Well, his son was reportedly suspended from his high school and is currently under police investigation for visiting a gun range.
kyle kashuv greg pittman
April 26, 2018
On Monday, pro-gun Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv was interrogated by school security because he visited a gun range with his father. Two days later, a teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reportedly used 10 minutes of class time to rant against Kashuv and compared him to – who else? – Hitler.
kyle kashuv questioned school
April 24, 2018
Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv was questioned by school security on Monday after visiting a shooting range with his father and posting about it on social media.
kyle kashuv
March 26, 2018
Pro-gun speakers were barred from Saturday’s March For Our Lives event, so Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv took his case to “Face the Nation” instead – and he brutally excoriated the government for all its failures and shortcomings that contributed to the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
kyle kashuv twitter panel
March 19, 2018
Parkland survivor Kyle Kashuv recently visited President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump in the White House, but Twitter declined to invite him to a Q&A panel featuring his classmates.
Kashuv melania trump
March 9, 2018
To the chagrin of gun-hating liberals everywhere, several survivors of last month’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. have not expressed a desire for more gun control.