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Brian Williams Leaving NBC In Dec. Gets Praise For 'Telling The News Straight' Despite Fabrications
November 10, 2021
Long time NBC fixture Brian Williams announced on Tuesday that he is leaving the network in December when his current…
Michael Moore
April 24, 2020
Michael Moore just launched his latest attack on President Donald Trump, claiming he is "getting us killed" with his response…
Brian Williams MSNBC
March 6, 2020
A tweet claiming Bloomberg could give every American $1 million from the amount of money he spent on his campaign…
Michael Moore
March 1, 2020
Filmmaker Michael Moore showed off his Trump Derangement Syndrome when he claimed that Donald Trump is more dangerous than the…
Brian Williams Trump dogs
August 16, 2018
A recent Brian Williams Trump dogs segment in which the disgraced NBC News anchor actually investigates whether or not President…
florida school shooting survivor argues against gun control
February 16, 2018
As expected, liberal lawmakers and the mainstream media didn't wait long after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida to start…
February 6, 2015
Blind to the backlash from people who seek honesty in news reporting, NBC News still has Brian Williams anchoring their…
February 5, 2015
NBC Anchor Brian Williams was forced to admit a story he told about his helicopter being shot down in Iraq…