Man Arrested for Trespassing on Sean Hannity’s Property

sean hannity trespass

When will the political insanity stop?

It looks like Trump’s election has been the last nail in the coffin of liberal sanity. Now we have deranged Bernie Sanders supporters shooting up baseball fields of Republican congressmen and wishing death upon GOP lawmakers.

On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake.

Everywhere, it seems like the screws have come loose on America’s once tight politics. And strange incidents keep cropping up, like an elderly dentist arrested for trespassing on the property of Fox News host Sean Hannity.

The AP reports:

A 72-year-old former dentist claiming to be writing a book about Sean Hannity has been arrested for trespassing at the Fox News host’s home on Long Island.

Jan Gilbert, of Long Beach, was charged with misdemeanor criminal trespass following the Feb. 17 incident.

Court documents say Gilbert told a person outside the house he was writing a book about Hannity and needed to give him some papers. They say he followed the person into the house.

Here’s where it gets really scary: “Hannity’s wife saw Gilbert in her home. She told police she didn’t know Gilbert and that he didn’t have permission to enter the house. She says she saw Gilbert leave and get into his vehicle.”

What in the actual heck is going on here? Was this guy disturbed? Creeping around a stranger’s home without permission to be there?

Obviously, the guy was sound of mind enough to lie his way on to the property. But what was he up to?

The trespasser told Newsday the following about the incident:

“There is a real reason, a valid reason, a superior reason and a fully confirmed reason, but I’m not going to be able to talk about it. Someone misheard, fabricated or misunderstood.”

It’s not yet clear as to Gilbert’s motivation for illegally entering Hannity’s home, other than strange curiosity. He may not even be politically liberal – perhaps he’s just a fan.

Either way, the guy needs help.

What do you think? Was this guy a liberal trying to do something malicious to Hannity’s home? Tell us your thoughts below!

160 thoughts on “Man Arrested for Trespassing on Sean Hannity’s Property”

  1. Sean would kick your a** tough guy. Besides we clearly understand by your comment that the only free speech you believe in is your own. What a douche bag you are.

  2. It’s too bad somebody didn’t take it to that loudmouth,lying POS,Hannity.He needs to have a boot buried deep into that vagina of his to shut him the hell up!

  3. It’s too bad somebody didn’t take it to that loudmouth,lying POS,Hannity.He needs to have a boot buried deep into that vagina of his to shut him the hell up!

  4. “Obviously, the guy was sound of mind enough to lie his way on to the property.”

    “He may not even be politically liberal – perhaps he’s just a fan. Either way, the guy needs help.”

    Obviously the guy who wrote this article was sound of mind enough to write the article. He may not even be politically liberal – perhaps he’s just a fan. Either way, the guy needs help.

  5. As many times as Mr. Hannity has made it clear that he and his family carry and are not afraid to use them. I would say this fellow, Yo-Yo or not, was taking a pretty big risk and is lucky he didn’t end up more perforated then a screen door!

  6. As many times as Mr. Hannity has made it clear that he and his family carry and are not afraid to use them. I would say this fellow, Yo-Yo or not, was taking a pretty big risk and is lucky he didn’t end up more perforated then a screen door!

  7. surprised security didn’t stop this guy. But since he got in, yes, I’d have the house thoroughly checked, including bringing in a bomb dog. It might seem silly and it might be, but being overly cautious is a lot safer than being complacent. And Hannity needs to start locking his doors.

  8. surprised security didn’t stop this guy. But since he got in, yes, I’d have the house thoroughly checked, including bringing in a bomb dog. It might seem silly and it might be, but being overly cautious is a lot safer than being complacent. And Hannity needs to start locking his doors.

  9. Let us hope that the Nassau County PD does the investigation and not the Long Beach Keystone Cops! The couldn’t find their backsides with both hands! ():-)

  10. None of this political tsunami happening today was never even thought of or even possible before the Obama Presidency and his boss. They spent 8 years setting up America up to destroy itself!! Intentionally!!! Soros wants America to become an Open Society, Obama is his right hand man. He spent many millions of dollars to get a no name Senator who very seldom attended his own Senetorial meetings!! A man Soros can control. Obama entered the Presidency with very little personal monies. He left office a multi, multi, multi millionaire!! He tried to explain that away by his book sales! He must think all Americans are complete idiots to buy that bull. Oh, his liberal party members did, I am sure, they don’t take the time to research the truth about people in their own party!! Soros’s goal is to divide this country. With Obama’s, a black President, he couldn’t miss! Obama took advantage of the fact that he was black and used it to Soros advantage as well as his own. Let’s face it Obama lied to the American Citizens from the very first time he opened his mouth! Oh, Obama spoke and speaks very eloquently any that is a main thing that made people trust him. But speaking articulately doesn’t mean you are a man to be trusted!! He told America he was a Christian, yet whenever he spoke at places where there was a statue or photo of Jesus, he had them covered with sheets, not to be seen. An old interview finally popped up where he admitted he was a Muslim. The church he went to for almost 20 years GDamned America. Spoke against Jesus. The video and things that came out of his and Michelle’s church were just awful! Yet the Democrats Elites accepted it all!! When he was elected President, he immediately had his records sealed – why? What’s he got to hide??? The fact that he is not a legitimate American citizen???!!! Maybe that is one reason he is so much for illegal immigration although, I personally think it is because Soros and the Democrats want desperately to change the voting landscape of America!!! Never before has this ever happened to the United States. However, during Obama’s Presidency he did many illegal never befores!!! His sneaking Executive Orders on late Friday afternoons when no one is paying attention to the news on late day Friday’s. That’s when he signed his order for never before ever to declare Marshall Law on America in peace time??? Why did he do that?? Why did he give the United Bations power over the United States, yes, that’s right, he did that!! He gave their military power over ours as well!!! All of these things can be Googled or Binged!! He did soooo much more trying to destroy America. And this man is the Liberals Godfather!!! They don’t know half of what this man had done to destroy this Nation. The evil corruption he is involved in! Hiding behind the Democrats. This is one reason It is so important that Democrats don’t win any midterm elections!! I have left so much stuff out. His showdown government, trying to throw another President out of office!! He and Kerry intentionally and illegally breaking the Logan law and going to other Countries without permission and speaking against the President Of The United States. He hated giving up the office of President, even tried to get a third term and found out this was something he could not do!! That was one thing even Soros could not do for him!!!
    He left America and the office of the President in one heck of a mess and of course this was all intentional!! It will take years to undo!! Left poison pills for President Trump!
    Soros and Obama loaded the courts with liberal judges to make sure the letter of the law was NOT followed. Their agenda was followed! Obama appointed when he could and Soros’s money campaigned for the others!! I could go on and on about these two evil men. They have destroyed America and America had better wake up!!! One more thing, do you really think a bunch of teenagers could be so well organized in such a short time to plan these protests on gun control especially the big one coming up??? There is big money behind them – I cannot believe parents are allowing their kids to be used in such a way!!! The true agenda behind all this gun control on the left isn’t because they give a darn about the kids in this country being shot! They do however like to use them as excuses!! But it truly about disarming the Citizens of America – that’s right, they want to disarm America to have control over the citizens!!! Without guns to protect ourselves they can do anything they want to us and America!!! Look how far they have come in Obama’s 8 years of Presidency alone!! This has to stop!!! The only way to stop all of this is to stop the liberal Democrats from being elected! They mean us harm!! And that’s the truth of it all!!!

  11. None of this political tsunami happening today was never even thought of or even possible before the Obama Presidency and his boss. They spent 8 years setting up America up to destroy itself!! Intentionally!!! Soros wants America to become an Open Society, Obama is his right hand man. He spent many millions of dollars to get a no name Senator who very seldom attended his own Senetorial meetings!! A man Soros can control. Obama entered the Presidency with very little personal monies. He left office a multi, multi, multi millionaire!! He tried to explain that away by his book sales! He must think all Americans are complete idiots to buy that bull. Oh, his liberal party members did, I am sure, they don’t take the time to research the truth about people in their own party!! Soros’s goal is to divide this country. With Obama’s, a black President, he couldn’t miss! Obama took advantage of the fact that he was black and used it to Soros advantage as well as his own. Let’s face it Obama lied to the American Citizens from the very first time he opened his mouth! Oh, Obama spoke and speaks very eloquently any that is a main thing that made people trust him. But speaking articulately doesn’t mean you are a man to be trusted!! He told America he was a Christian, yet whenever he spoke at places where there was a statue or photo of Jesus, he had them covered with sheets, not to be seen. An old interview finally popped up where he admitted he was a Muslim. The church he went to for almost 20 years GDamned America. Spoke against Jesus. The video and things that came out of his and Michelle’s church were just awful! Yet the Democrats Elites accepted it all!! When he was elected President, he immediately had his records sealed – why? What’s he got to hide??? The fact that he is not a legitimate American citizen???!!! Maybe that is one reason he is so much for illegal immigration although, I personally think it is because Soros and the Democrats want desperately to change the voting landscape of America!!! Never before has this ever happened to the United States. However, during Obama’s Presidency he did many illegal never befores!!! His sneaking Executive Orders on late Friday afternoons when no one is paying attention to the news on late day Friday’s. That’s when he signed his order for never before ever to declare Marshall Law on America in peace time??? Why did he do that?? Why did he give the United Bations power over the United States, yes, that’s right, he did that!! He gave their military power over ours as well!!! All of these things can be Googled or Binged!! He did soooo much more trying to destroy America. And this man is the Liberals Godfather!!! They don’t know half of what this man had done to destroy this Nation. The evil corruption he is involved in! Hiding behind the Democrats. This is one reason It is so important that Democrats don’t win any midterm elections!! I have left so much stuff out. His showdown government, trying to throw another President out of office!! He and Kerry intentionally and illegally breaking the Logan law and going to other Countries without permission and speaking against the President Of The United States. He hated giving up the office of President, even tried to get a third term and found out this was something he could not do!! That was one thing even Soros could not do for him!!!
    He left America and the office of the President in one heck of a mess and of course this was all intentional!! It will take years to undo!! Left poison pills for President Trump!
    Soros and Obama loaded the courts with liberal judges to make sure the letter of the law was NOT followed. Their agenda was followed! Obama appointed when he could and Soros’s money campaigned for the others!! I could go on and on about these two evil men. They have destroyed America and America had better wake up!!! One more thing, do you really think a bunch of teenagers could be so well organized in such a short time to plan these protests on gun control especially the big one coming up??? There is big money behind them – I cannot believe parents are allowing their kids to be used in such a way!!! The true agenda behind all this gun control on the left isn’t because they give a darn about the kids in this country being shot! They do however like to use them as excuses!! But it truly about disarming the Citizens of America – that’s right, they want to disarm America to have control over the citizens!!! Without guns to protect ourselves they can do anything they want to us and America!!! Look how far they have come in Obama’s 8 years of Presidency alone!! This has to stop!!! The only way to stop all of this is to stop the liberal Democrats from being elected! They mean us harm!! And that’s the truth of it all!!!


  13. :”On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake”

    If this is true rather than more media fake news — how about details and proof?

  14. :”On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake”

    If this is true rather than more media fake news — how about details and proof?

  15. Sean needs to enroll his wife in a CC class. Then when these illegals enter her home , Mrs. Hannity can air mail their asses through the door. Here’s the scoop. It ain’t going to get any better.

  16. What is the big deal? We have 300 “sanctuary cities or states” [like 300 Fort Sumter’s] making such INVASIONS easy for up to 20 million foreign INVADERS at the expense and the danger to Americans which like the cancer it is spreads to anyone who doesn’t respect private property.

  17. What is the big deal? We have 300 “sanctuary cities or states” [like 300 Fort Sumter’s] making such INVASIONS easy for up to 20 million foreign INVADERS at the expense and the danger to Americans which like the cancer it is spreads to anyone who doesn’t respect private property.

  18. What is the big deal? We have 300 “sanctuary cities or states” [like 300 Fort Sumter’s] making such INVASIONS easy for up to 20 million foreign INVADERS at the expense and the danger to Americans which like the cancer it is spreads to anyone who doesn’t respect private property.

  19. This story doesn’t make sense. Whose the person who was standing outside? The article says that person went inside and that this 72 year old guy follows him inside, and Hannity’s wife says I don’t know him, and he leaves. I sure hope this person wasn’t Hannity’s security detail.

  20. 1. Was he armed?
    2. Did he make a threat?
    3. Is he certifiable? Not by any liberal definition which is an excuse to do anything you want and is covered under affirmative action; Is he dangerously crazy?
    4. Can he tell us what planet the aliens are from? Not Mexico or Guatemala the other illegal aliens from outer space.
    5. Why doesn’t Sean have personal security for himself and his family he has to be asking himself. Liberals advocates of socialism and social justice ,the true haters of humanity, wish us to feel threatened.

  21. 1. Was he armed?
    2. Did he make a threat?
    3. Is he certifiable? Not by any liberal definition which is an excuse to do anything you want and is covered under affirmative action; Is he dangerously crazy?
    4. Can he tell us what planet the aliens are from? Not Mexico or Guatemala the other illegal aliens from outer space.
    5. Why doesn’t Sean have personal security for himself and his family he has to be asking himself. Liberals advocates of socialism and social justice ,the true haters of humanity, wish us to feel threatened.

  22. Totally agree with you on all these false flag events but unfortunately most Americans believe these were real events when instead they were all created events solely to disarm Americans.

  23. Totally agree with you on all these false flag events but unfortunately most Americans believe these were real events when instead they were all created events solely to disarm Americans.

  24. This government- society is upside down. Men are feminized, victimization is somehow desirable, white people are the devils and whites believe it…, blacks get away with calls to kill whites, females are now masculine and children are being “dumb down” via Hollywood TV smut and lies from the Communist running our educational system.
    I’m not a very spiritual person, but I will say that I sense evil and treachery moving against the people of this nation. I live here not ten miles from Sandy Hook- Newtown and I implore all to research this hoax…. see the smiles, costume changes, green screens, out takes, actors… endless requests for cash and the scripted demands to disarm the GOY (YOU) never them.

    In fact, the CT police (Judas’) exempted their private access and possession of weapons. THEY have their rights intact, not the people. It was 100% staged as a FALSE FLAG designed to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Today NEWTOWN has NEW EVERYTHING!

    I also know Boston too was a FALSE FLAG where no one died. Florida, Vegas? It has all the earmarks. Ditto for “White Supremacist stories”. Shills…
    Many believe, as do I, that this government has been hijacked by the Bolsheviks and they hate America and white Christians. Every day I am reminded that liberalism is a mental disorder as an inhabitant where convicted felons are returned to political office in the cities they got caught stealing from by the police unions (Joe Ganim, Bridgeport CT- now running for Governor) And Governors of the past.

    I hope Hannity is able to sue the socks off this wacko dentist and that his lawyers are able to have the man locked up- Wake up people. Keep your cameras on standby. You never know when a liberal lunatic is going to want to take out a “deplorable” or participate in ANOTHER FALSE FLAG.

  25. This government- society is upside down. Men are feminized, victimization is somehow desirable, white people are the devils and whites believe it…, blacks get away with calls to kill whites, females are now masculine and children are being “dumb down” via Hollywood TV smut and lies from the Communist running our educational system.
    I’m not a very spiritual person, but I will say that I sense evil and treachery moving against the people of this nation. I live here not ten miles from Sandy Hook- Newtown and I implore all to research this hoax…. see the smiles, costume changes, green screens, out takes, actors… endless requests for cash and the scripted demands to disarm the GOY (YOU) never them.

    In fact, the CT police (Judas’) exempted their private access and possession of weapons. THEY have their rights intact, not the people. It was 100% staged as a FALSE FLAG designed to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Today NEWTOWN has NEW EVERYTHING!

    I also know Boston too was a FALSE FLAG where no one died. Florida, Vegas? It has all the earmarks. Ditto for “White Supremacist stories”. Shills…
    Many believe, as do I, that this government has been hijacked by the Bolsheviks and they hate America and white Christians. Every day I am reminded that liberalism is a mental disorder as an inhabitant where convicted felons are returned to political office in the cities they got caught stealing from by the police unions (Joe Ganim, Bridgeport CT- now running for Governor) And Governors of the past.

    I hope Hannity is able to sue the socks off this wacko dentist and that his lawyers are able to have the man locked up- Wake up people. Keep your cameras on standby. You never know when a liberal lunatic is going to want to take out a “deplorable” or participate in ANOTHER FALSE FLAG.

  26. It’s as difficult to pin a bow tie on the rump of an angry mountain lion as it is to get a liberal-socialist-communist-democrat (dung beetle) to accept responsibility for their usual sociopathic acts against Americans.

  27. It’s as difficult to pin a bow tie on the rump of an angry mountain lion as it is to get a liberal-socialist-communist-democrat (dung beetle) to accept responsibility for their usual sociopathic acts against Americans.

  28. Guess this guy its lucky that it was the wife and not Sean that spotted him. Sean often tells that he carries a concealed weapon; this would have been a perfect opportunity to use it.

  29. Guess this guy its lucky that it was the wife and not Sean that spotted him. Sean often tells that he carries a concealed weapon; this would have been a perfect opportunity to use it.

  30. Hannity needs to teach his wife to shoot, and defend home-base.

    He may have already done that and that may be the reason the Deranged Humanoid (probably a garden variety Lefty?) left without an altercation, but this “numb-nuts” could easily get himself killed by entering a home without permission.

    As Michael Savage has said for Decades . . . . “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”, and its proven correct every single day.

  31. Hannity needs to teach his wife to shoot, and defend home-base.

    He may have already done that and that may be the reason the Deranged Humanoid (probably a garden variety Lefty?) left without an altercation, but this “numb-nuts” could easily get himself killed by entering a home without permission.

    As Michael Savage has said for Decades . . . . “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”, and its proven correct every single day.

  32. It’s unread the way some of these joker’s are doing. Th ere is no sense people being that way over the parties. If you can’t live under either party it is best you pack up and leave the country. Some of you may just check into the nut house to start.

  33. It’s unread the way some of these joker’s are doing. Th ere is no sense people being that way over the parties. If you can’t live under either party it is best you pack up and leave the country. Some of you may just check into the nut house to start.

  34. These are scary times but we all have the right to our beliefs, political, religious or moral. We also have the right to protect our family and home from unwanted invasion, This idiot would have come face to face with the reason we have the second amendment, personal protection of life and property if it had been my home, Sean please get trained and get a gun I would greatly miss your news coverage Fair and balanced.

  35. These are scary times but we all have the right to our beliefs, political, religious or moral. We also have the right to protect our family and home from unwanted invasion, This idiot would have come face to face with the reason we have the second amendment, personal protection of life and property if it had been my home, Sean please get trained and get a gun I would greatly miss your news coverage Fair and balanced.

  36. On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake.

    Hey PI , those so called “White Supremacist” marches have been funded by Soros , Black Lives Matte and Antifa members dressed in white supremacist garb have been filmed getting off the same Soros rented buses .

    The organizers of those white supremacist marches are paid Soros people posing as alt right people .

    If white supremacists were actually a threat don’t you think you would have heard about them during the anti American Islamic communists 8 years in office . They were a complete non factor and NEVER mentioned.

    EVERYTHING is organized and funded by the left to bring Trump down .

  37. On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake.

    Hey PI , those so called “White Supremacist” marches have been funded by Soros , Black Lives Matte and Antifa members dressed in white supremacist garb have been filmed getting off the same Soros rented buses .

    The organizers of those white supremacist marches are paid Soros people posing as alt right people .

    If white supremacists were actually a threat don’t you think you would have heard about them during the anti American Islamic communists 8 years in office . They were a complete non factor and NEVER mentioned.

    EVERYTHING is organized and funded by the left to bring Trump down .

  38. I have worried about the safety of Sean Hannity and his family for quite a while now. I would think it is time for them to move or install much improved security around their dwelling space. He is a one-man force in this nation, almost single-handedly leading the charge against the Washington swamp.They, the swamp scump, hate him and how he is exposing them to the bright light of daylight and truth. He is a great patriot, and there are already many, many dead bodies littering the national landscape, easily attributable to the evil murderous left. Move, Sean, move! Please move into a safe, private, even secret space, for your and America’s sakes. Keep up the good, great work you are doing. We love you and want you safe!!
    Signed, a thirty-year USAF Command Pilot

  39. I have worried about the safety of Sean Hannity and his family for quite a while now. I would think it is time for them to move or install much improved security around their dwelling space. He is a one-man force in this nation, almost single-handedly leading the charge against the Washington swamp.They, the swamp scump, hate him and how he is exposing them to the bright light of daylight and truth. He is a great patriot, and there are already many, many dead bodies littering the national landscape, easily attributable to the evil murderous left. Move, Sean, move! Please move into a safe, private, even secret space, for your and America’s sakes. Keep up the good, great work you are doing. We love you and want you safe!!
    Signed, a thirty-year USAF Command Pilot

  40. I should think that if this statement were really true, it would have been all over the news…”On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake”, when did this happen? Who are you calling “on the right”, anybody that reads the constitution? Why do you automatically associate “white supremacists” with “the right”…they are NOT the right…they are anarchists and racists…know what you’re talking about before throwing accusations around.

  41. I should think that if this statement were really true, it would have been all over the news…”On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake”, when did this happen? Who are you calling “on the right”, anybody that reads the constitution? Why do you automatically associate “white supremacists” with “the right”…they are NOT the right…they are anarchists and racists…know what you’re talking about before throwing accusations around.

  42. Seems strange; he followed someone into the house with papers in hand. Well, who let him in and why are they being question? Are there more facts?

  43. Seems strange; he followed someone into the house with papers in hand. Well, who let him in and why are they being question? Are there more facts?

  44. I suggest no one enter my home without my prior permission. The consequences might not be made right in your lifetime. I might consider you a threat of great injury or to life.

  45. I suggest no one enter my home without my prior permission. The consequences might not be made right in your lifetime. I might consider you a threat of great injury or to life.

  46. Yes, I was wondering about that too and from what a woman witness had said that the Antifa group and the supposedly KKK group were riding together in the same bus and after they got off the bus they went in a separate way.

  47. ” On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake.” Is this the time that a nut hit and killed a girl When Antifa was in attack mode with clubs and guns? This statement makes it sound like there are white supremacist killing people all over the place. I am curious as to when the other dead bodies showed up from being killed by white supremacist. More information please, Political Insider.

  48. I am thankful that no one at Hannity’s home was injured. I think the intruder should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  49. I am thankful that no one at Hannity’s home was injured. I think the intruder should be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  50. “Obviously, the guy was sound of mind enough to lie his way on to the property.”

    “He may not even be politically liberal – perhaps he’s just a fan. Either way, the guy needs help.”

    Obviously the guy who wrote this article was sound of mind enough to write the article. He may not even be politically liberal – perhaps he’s just a fan. Either way, the guy needs help.

  51. As many times as Mr. Hannity has made it clear that he and his family carry and are not afraid to use them. I would say this fellow, Yo-Yo or not, was taking a pretty big risk and is lucky he didn’t end up more perforated then a screen door!

  52. surprised security didn’t stop this guy. But since he got in, yes, I’d have the house thoroughly checked, including bringing in a bomb dog. It might seem silly and it might be, but being overly cautious is a lot safer than being complacent. And Hannity needs to start locking his doors.

  53. Let us hope that the Nassau County PD does the investigation and not the Long Beach Keystone Cops! The couldn’t find their backsides with both hands! ():-)

  54. None of this political tsunami happening today was never even thought of or even possible before the Obama Presidency and his boss. They spent 8 years setting up America up to destroy itself!! Intentionally!!! Soros wants America to become an Open Society, Obama is his right hand man. He spent many millions of dollars to get a no name Senator who very seldom attended his own Senetorial meetings!! A man Soros can control. Obama entered the Presidency with very little personal monies. He left office a multi, multi, multi millionaire!! He tried to explain that away by his book sales! He must think all Americans are complete idiots to buy that bull. Oh, his liberal party members did, I am sure, they don’t take the time to research the truth about people in their own party!! Soros’s goal is to divide this country. With Obama’s, a black President, he couldn’t miss! Obama took advantage of the fact that he was black and used it to Soros advantage as well as his own. Let’s face it Obama lied to the American Citizens from the very first time he opened his mouth! Oh, Obama spoke and speaks very eloquently any that is a main thing that made people trust him. But speaking articulately doesn’t mean you are a man to be trusted!! He told America he was a Christian, yet whenever he spoke at places where there was a statue or photo of Jesus, he had them covered with sheets, not to be seen. An old interview finally popped up where he admitted he was a Muslim. The church he went to for almost 20 years GDamned America. Spoke against Jesus. The video and things that came out of his and Michelle’s church were just awful! Yet the Democrats Elites accepted it all!! When he was elected President, he immediately had his records sealed – why? What’s he got to hide??? The fact that he is not a legitimate American citizen???!!! Maybe that is one reason he is so much for illegal immigration although, I personally think it is because Soros and the Democrats want desperately to change the voting landscape of America!!! Never before has this ever happened to the United States. However, during Obama’s Presidency he did many illegal never befores!!! His sneaking Executive Orders on late Friday afternoons when no one is paying attention to the news on late day Friday’s. That’s when he signed his order for never before ever to declare Marshall Law on America in peace time??? Why did he do that?? Why did he give the United Bations power over the United States, yes, that’s right, he did that!! He gave their military power over ours as well!!! All of these things can be Googled or Binged!! He did soooo much more trying to destroy America. And this man is the Liberals Godfather!!! They don’t know half of what this man had done to destroy this Nation. The evil corruption he is involved in! Hiding behind the Democrats. This is one reason It is so important that Democrats don’t win any midterm elections!! I have left so much stuff out. His showdown government, trying to throw another President out of office!! He and Kerry intentionally and illegally breaking the Logan law and going to other Countries without permission and speaking against the President Of The United States. He hated giving up the office of President, even tried to get a third term and found out this was something he could not do!! That was one thing even Soros could not do for him!!!
    He left America and the office of the President in one heck of a mess and of course this was all intentional!! It will take years to undo!! Left poison pills for President Trump!
    Soros and Obama loaded the courts with liberal judges to make sure the letter of the law was NOT followed. Their agenda was followed! Obama appointed when he could and Soros’s money campaigned for the others!! I could go on and on about these two evil men. They have destroyed America and America had better wake up!!! One more thing, do you really think a bunch of teenagers could be so well organized in such a short time to plan these protests on gun control especially the big one coming up??? There is big money behind them – I cannot believe parents are allowing their kids to be used in such a way!!! The true agenda behind all this gun control on the left isn’t because they give a darn about the kids in this country being shot! They do however like to use them as excuses!! But it truly about disarming the Citizens of America – that’s right, they want to disarm America to have control over the citizens!!! Without guns to protect ourselves they can do anything they want to us and America!!! Look how far they have come in Obama’s 8 years of Presidency alone!! This has to stop!!! The only way to stop all of this is to stop the liberal Democrats from being elected! They mean us harm!! And that’s the truth of it all!!!


  56. :”On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake”

    If this is true rather than more media fake news — how about details and proof?

  57. Sean needs to enroll his wife in a CC class. Then when these illegals enter her home , Mrs. Hannity can air mail their asses through the door. Here’s the scoop. It ain’t going to get any better.

  58. No More Mr. Nice Guy

    What is the big deal? We have 300 “sanctuary cities or states” [like 300 Fort Sumter’s] making such INVASIONS easy for up to 20 million foreign INVADERS at the expense and the danger to Americans which like the cancer it is spreads to anyone who doesn’t respect private property.

  59. This story doesn’t make sense. Whose the person who was standing outside? The article says that person went inside and that this 72 year old guy follows him inside, and Hannity’s wife says I don’t know him, and he leaves. I sure hope this person wasn’t Hannity’s security detail.

  60. 1. Was he armed?
    2. Did he make a threat?
    3. Is he certifiable? Not by any liberal definition which is an excuse to do anything you want and is covered under affirmative action; Is he dangerously crazy?
    4. Can he tell us what planet the aliens are from? Not Mexico or Guatemala the other illegal aliens from outer space.
    5. Why doesn’t Sean have personal security for himself and his family he has to be asking himself. Liberals advocates of socialism and social justice ,the true haters of humanity, wish us to feel threatened.

  61. This government- society is upside down. Men are feminized, victimization is somehow desirable, white people are the devils and whites believe it…, blacks get away with calls to kill whites, females are now masculine and children are being “dumb down” via Hollywood TV smut and lies from the Communist running our educational system.
    I’m not a very spiritual person, but I will say that I sense evil and treachery moving against the people of this nation. I live here not ten miles from Sandy Hook- Newtown and I implore all to research this hoax…. see the smiles, costume changes, green screens, out takes, actors… endless requests for cash and the scripted demands to disarm the GOY (YOU) never them.

    In fact, the CT police (Judas’) exempted their private access and possession of weapons. THEY have their rights intact, not the people. It was 100% staged as a FALSE FLAG designed to destroy the 2nd Amendment. Today NEWTOWN has NEW EVERYTHING!

    I also know Boston too was a FALSE FLAG where no one died. Florida, Vegas? It has all the earmarks. Ditto for “White Supremacist stories”. Shills…
    Many believe, as do I, that this government has been hijacked by the Bolsheviks and they hate America and white Christians. Every day I am reminded that liberalism is a mental disorder as an inhabitant where convicted felons are returned to political office in the cities they got caught stealing from by the police unions (Joe Ganim, Bridgeport CT- now running for Governor) And Governors of the past.

    I hope Hannity is able to sue the socks off this wacko dentist and that his lawyers are able to have the man locked up- Wake up people. Keep your cameras on standby. You never know when a liberal lunatic is going to want to take out a “deplorable” or participate in ANOTHER FALSE FLAG.

    1. Totally agree with you on all these false flag events but unfortunately most Americans believe these were real events when instead they were all created events solely to disarm Americans.

  62. It’s as difficult to pin a bow tie on the rump of an angry mountain lion as it is to get a liberal-socialist-communist-democrat (dung beetle) to accept responsibility for their usual sociopathic acts against Americans.

  63. Guess this guy its lucky that it was the wife and not Sean that spotted him. Sean often tells that he carries a concealed weapon; this would have been a perfect opportunity to use it.

  64. Hannity needs to teach his wife to shoot, and defend home-base.

    He may have already done that and that may be the reason the Deranged Humanoid (probably a garden variety Lefty?) left without an altercation, but this “numb-nuts” could easily get himself killed by entering a home without permission.

    As Michael Savage has said for Decades . . . . “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”, and its proven correct every single day.

  65. It’s unread the way some of these joker’s are doing. Th ere is no sense people being that way over the parties. If you can’t live under either party it is best you pack up and leave the country. Some of you may just check into the nut house to start.

  66. These are scary times but we all have the right to our beliefs, political, religious or moral. We also have the right to protect our family and home from unwanted invasion, This idiot would have come face to face with the reason we have the second amendment, personal protection of life and property if it had been my home, Sean please get trained and get a gun I would greatly miss your news coverage Fair and balanced.

  67. On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake.

    Hey PI , those so called “White Supremacist” marches have been funded by Soros , Black Lives Matte and Antifa members dressed in white supremacist garb have been filmed getting off the same Soros rented buses .

    The organizers of those white supremacist marches are paid Soros people posing as alt right people .

    If white supremacists were actually a threat don’t you think you would have heard about them during the anti American Islamic communists 8 years in office . They were a complete non factor and NEVER mentioned.

    EVERYTHING is organized and funded by the left to bring Trump down .

  68. I have worried about the safety of Sean Hannity and his family for quite a while now. I would think it is time for them to move or install much improved security around their dwelling space. He is a one-man force in this nation, almost single-handedly leading the charge against the Washington swamp.They, the swamp scump, hate him and how he is exposing them to the bright light of daylight and truth. He is a great patriot, and there are already many, many dead bodies littering the national landscape, easily attributable to the evil murderous left. Move, Sean, move! Please move into a safe, private, even secret space, for your and America’s sakes. Keep up the good, great work you are doing. We love you and want you safe!!
    Signed, a thirty-year USAF Command Pilot

  69. I should think that if this statement were really true, it would have been all over the news…”On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake”, when did this happen? Who are you calling “on the right”, anybody that reads the constitution? Why do you automatically associate “white supremacists” with “the right”…they are NOT the right…they are anarchists and racists…know what you’re talking about before throwing accusations around.

  70. I suggest no one enter my home without my prior permission. The consequences might not be made right in your lifetime. I might consider you a threat of great injury or to life.

  71. ” On the right, there are white supremacist marches that leave dead bodies in their wake.” Is this the time that a nut hit and killed a girl When Antifa was in attack mode with clubs and guns? This statement makes it sound like there are white supremacist killing people all over the place. I am curious as to when the other dead bodies showed up from being killed by white supremacist. More information please, Political Insider.

    1. Yes, I was wondering about that too and from what a woman witness had said that the Antifa group and the supposedly KKK group were riding together in the same bus and after they got off the bus they went in a separate way.

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