Rubio Might Have Had The Best Single Line In Any Debate


During last night’s debate on CNBC, several candidates took opportunities to lambaste the media for their blatant bias against Republicans.  Perhaps the most incredible example of this was Ted Cruz going off on the CNBC moderators for their performance.

Not to be outdone, Florida senator Marco Rubio also took it to CNBC and the rest of the mainstream media, saying they are “the ultimate Super PAC” for the Democrats.

Rubio pointed out that the media has done nothing but fawn over Hillary Clinton’s ‘performance’ at the Benghazi hearings, despite the fact that “she got exposed as a liar.”

Rubio: You know the Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC, it’s called the mainstream media …

Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee, she admitted she had sent emails to her family saying, “Hey, this attack in Benghazi was caused by al Qaeda-like elements.” She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video.

And yet, the mainstream media is saying, ‘It was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton’s campaign.’ It was the week she got exposed as a liar. It was the week that she got exposed as a liar. But she has her Super PAC helping her out. The American mainstream media.

Check out Rubio’s comments below …

The crowd, as in the case of Cruz, was overwhelmingly supportive of Rubio’s comments.  The CNBC moderators worked overtime in this debate to try and embarrass Republicans, something the crowd easily picked up on and reacted to.

Rubio wasn’t about to let them and the rest of their media cohorts get away with it.  They were thrilled when the candidates finally stood up to them.

Comment:  Is the mainstream media practically just and arm of the Democrat party?  Explain your answers below.

For all of you Rubio supporters, check out this page dedicated to everything Marco Rubio.

4 thoughts on “Rubio Might Have Had The Best Single Line In Any Debate”

  1. The Republican Candidates should have never dignified any of these silly targeted questions in
    the beginning especially Trump who fell for the trap on a couple of occasions.
    The mainstream media is suppose to be a public service but today it’s nothing more than a
    “Hit man” who is a paid assassin to take out certain individuals or even political parties.
    It’s about time Cruz and Rubio put these clowns in their proper place.

  2. Is this just a rhetorical question or are you being serious. For many, many years they have been more biased than the two parties themselves.
    It really came to the front as, obvious as a zit on the end of a nose, in the way they hung on every word that Obama said. They followed him everywhere like a bunch of trained Monkeys while the opposition had one or five, forced by their bosses, following the opposition.
    Their articles alone, including the TV talking heads, shows absolute bias. Can everyone that says they’re bias be paranoid, come on you have to know the answer to this.

  3. Indeed, it was the mainstream, propaganda media that pushed to get McCain properly vetted when he ran against Barry “the Kenyon-born Sodomite” Soetoro in the Presidential election of 2008. And it were those same mainstream, propaganda media outlets that refused to even suggest that the Kenyon-born sodomite get vetted at the same time as McCain. In fact, they adamantly opposed the idea. And since then, every time the subject has been brought up regarding Barry “the Kenon-born Sodomites” Soetoro’s (AKA Obama) many fake Birth certificates and stolen social security number, and questionable presidential legitimacy, the same propaganda media outlets are always right there running defensive blocking strategies between the inquisitive US Citizenry and that White House freeloader, Obama. So…why would they NOT do the same for the Benghazi butcher, Hillery Clinton. After all, she’s a NWO communist hack just like the White House sodomite is. And, neither are REAL, patriotic Americans. Neither will serve their just time in prison as long as the media continues supporting them.

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