Leaked Documents Reveal 238,647 Veterans Have Died Waiting for Healthcare

As a veteran of the Air Force, and having served in Desert Storm/Shield, I understand the severity of this issue. My mother has told me to sign up for benefits that I am owed because of my military service but why not go to a regular doctor with information like this out there?

If they were illegals they would have been taken care of! What a sad state of government when illegals get better medical care then Vets, don’t forget to vote people.

The Huffington Post recently leaked documents that exposed a dramatic number of deaths withheld from Congress and the American people. Around one-third (238,647) of the backlogged 847,000 veterans have died while stuck in the revolving door healthcare system of the Veterans Administration (VA). This is outrageous!

veterans administration

Scott Davis, a VA program specialist, blew the whistle on this staggering secret when the VA attempted to cover its backside by saying the number only appears to be so large because they cannot purge old cases of dead veterans that have not been alive for years.

“[The] VA wants you to believe, by virtue of people being able to get health care elsewhere, it’s not a big deal. But VA is turning away tens of thousands of veterans eligible for health care,” Davis told the Huffington Post. “VA is making it cumbersome, and then saying, ‘See? They didn’t want it anyway.’”

Walinda West, VA spokeswoman, told the Huffington Post some people on the list could be using another form of insurance or they may not have completed their applications correctly. She said 81% of veterans using the VA services had another form of private insurance.

[81 percent of the veterans who come to the VA] “have either Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare or some other private insurance,” West said. “Consequently, some in pending status may decided to use other options instead of completing their eligibility application.”


VA waiting room

This story just makes me want to puke. We have enough money to build multi-billion dollar weapon systems, some of which are just pure garbage and don’t even work, but they build ’em and order them anyway. But there’s not enough money to take care of our veterans or to feed a child who has to go to school in the morning without breakfast. I’m not ashamed of my country but I am damn well ashamed of the people who run it and the priorities they have set.

Is this the first time you have heard about this new story? How do you feel? What is your reaction? Share your comments below and add this to your Twitter or Facebook timeline. We have to spread this so the American people will know.

H/T – Huffington Post

5 thoughts on “Leaked Documents Reveal 238,647 Veterans Have Died Waiting for Healthcare”

  1. If Vets want health care priority, they should 1. defect to COMMUNIST CUBA, 2. then vacation in Mexico, 3. then cross our Southern border illegally, 4 then apply for 0bamacare or other health care offered to illegal invaders.. I mean immigrants,; 5 Voila!! FREE health care & high PRIORITY by the 0bama Admin. & their Dem. proxies throughout the U.S..

    1. I spent nine years waiting for a Dental Appointment, and three years for an optical appointment, I am thankful that I do not have a life threatening ailment for if I did I more than likely would already be dead waiting on the VA for anything. And yes I am a 100% tottaly disabled veteran service connected.

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