Bill O’Reilly Speaks Out About Liberals Who Got Him Fired From Fox News!

The media was stunned when Fox News’ most popular pundit Bill O’Reilly was fired from the network in April following the publication of a New York Times article reporting that O’Reilly had settled in court to resolve sexual harassment allegations.

Given the recent sexual-assault controversy surrounding Roger Ailes, it’s no surprise that O’Reilly was quickly thrown under the bus as the network feared a PR nightmare.

Just weeks after his departure from Fox, O’Reilly appeared on Glenn Beck’s program, which airs on his “The Blaze” network. In that interview, O’Reilly told Beck that “This was a hit.” in regards to his firing. “In the weeks to come, we’re going to be able to explain some of it,” he said. “It has to do with destroying voices that the far left and the organized left-wing cabal doesn’t like,” he continued.

Now, O’Reilly is speaking out again, and he’s coming out swinging.

Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly regrets his decision not to fight back against those who successfully attempted to oust him from his longtime job at Fox News.

He crushed his progressive counterparts on CNN and MSNBC in the ratings game, so when liberal activists finally saw an opportunity to go on the offensive against him, they seized on the opportunity earlier this year when it was revealed that O’Reilly had settled a number of sexual harassment lawsuits with several different women. While the women contended O’Reilly had sexually harassed them, O’Reilly said he settled the lawsuits to make the noise go away — all while maintaining his innocence.

In hindsight, O’Reilly says he should have fought back against those putting pressure on his advertisers, like his friend Sean Hannity did, who recently also had liberal activists pressure his advertisers in an effort to oust him.

“This was no accident our sponsors were attacked. This is very well organized. They tried to with Hannity. Hannity actually fought back. I didn’t. I should have. For reasons that I cannot explain now, I did not,” O’Reilly explained.

“Hannity knows they’re looking to get him.”

H/T The Blaze

Watch O’Reilly’s interview below. The relevant comments about his termination at Fox began at 12:20:

Who do you think is responsible for forcing Bill out at Fox? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and share this post on Facebook and Twitter.

26 thoughts on “Bill O’Reilly Speaks Out About Liberals Who Got Him Fired From Fox News!”

  1. What a scary time. I am 77 years old, so it won’t have much effect on me, at least for long. When Fox News is finally obliterated, we will have the US version of the government press, and will only get the side that the establishment allows…kind of like Pravda. Sad… the end of Democracy? I

  2. hard news reporters hahhahhahahhha were on CNN hahha you are the same as all those Zionist puppets , you were the biggest truth BS FOLLOWER WENE IT SUITED YOU . Bring up 911 and see what happens , you want to see a cover up 911 is the biggy 911TRUTH.

  3. At this point in time, I have come to realize that the far left will stop at nothing to stomp out the media competition and will destroy lives to achieve it. They have corrupted the Democratic party and destroyed their credibility. The progressive elected members of Congress have held up Trump appointees and made his job exceedingly difficult, not mentioning the obstruction they have created by false accusations and wasteful hearings. They are the political mafia.


  5. The irony…to me at least…is that Mr. O’Reilly is not really a conservative, nor is/was he as tough as the soros media lapdogs try to paint him (I saw the fat, multi-millionaire buffoon michael moore make a fool of him many years ago, as did the puke letterman)…it’s just that he’s not AS ANTI-conservative/American as they wanted him to be…back during the election, soros promised the Benghazi beast that he would spend whatever it took to destroy Fox news…and although it didn’t produce the results they expected…the beast in the White House…they DID destroy the only NON-SOROS-OWNED propaganda outlet in the country…

  6. Soros is a toxic animal wanting to pounce on new prey like Schumer and he knows it. The Democrats will do anything to try and undermine Trump because they hate him for trying to make America great again because that is not what they want. They want a country that relies on them so they can have complete control of our lives. That ain’t going to happen with Trump at the helm and they know that. I hope he just keeps on truck-in and don’t let them get in his way. He has a plan and seems to be sticking to it. Soros needs to be exterminated.

  7. I was once involved with a sexual harassment case. I was a witness against the accuser. A few months prior to accusing the bosses son of sexual harassment, this same woman pulled up her skirt in front of me when we were alone at work. I walked away. When she began accusing, I came forward to expose what a fraud she was. Instead of backing down, she made up things about me that I would never dream of doing. I learned a big lesson at that time on the art of lying. The boss settled because it was a lot cheaper to settle than to prove your innocence. Its a game that corrupt women use who prey upon the wealthy.

  8. Isn’t it wonderful that the sane voters put the kibosh on Soros, who by the way, threw millions Hillary’s way. Ha-ha. I had to laugh when I saw some sore loser Dems complaining about the Koch brothers…isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black???

  9. Soros and his thugs did it with O’Reilly. I cannot believe that such a miserable old and wrinkled
    old man harbors so much for America. He is old enough to be 6 feet under and many wish for
    his demise. If his sons have the same idealogy, we may be in for a long battle.

  10. O’Reilly was the pin that held FNC together, I trusted his commentary above all the others, no longer eager to watch FNC in the evening since he’s not there. Fox, eat crow and beg him to come back, save your business!

  11. It’s amazing how concerned these so called – “liberal” news agencies – are with sexual indiscretion.
    They went tooth and nail after Bill Cosby too. Yet somehow they not only ignored all of Bill Clinton’s they joked about it. That hypocrisy should be lost on no one. But it was not only Bill Clinton accused by no less the 16 women for rape/unwanted advances – Hillary campaigned as an advocate for women – the same left wing loons believed her and NEVER asked – if Hillary is really an advocate for women – why did she do everything in her power to destroy the women who tiered to stand up for themselves against Bill? Why does Hillary pay women on her staff less than men in “equal” positions? Hillary claimed to be an advocate for children – if so why is she so entrenched with Planned Parenthood? Why was there evidence on Huma Abedin/Anthony Wiener’s computer seized by the NYPD that Hillary also made at least 6 trips to Jeffery Epstein’s “Pleasure Island” for the orgies with trafficked and run-away under-aged girls? Remember Bill Clinton had his law license revoked for “giving false testimony” – aka – lying under oath in the Paula Jones case.
    Barack Obama Jr. or whoever he is had h to surrender his law license to avoid prosecution for lying on his bar application. Michelle/Michael? Obama had to surrender her/his law license to avoid prosecution for insurance fraud. Really, especially if I was black, her law license wouldn’t concern me as much as was she did when Obama was elected senator. She was working at a university hospital in Chicago – when Obama was elected senator her salary tripled – and she was given a new office. Her job? To get low income blacks out of that hospital as quickly as possible and into another hospital “more suited for them”. I guess they thought it might look racist if they had a white person doing that job.
    Obama loves to make eloquent speeches about “being our brothers keeper”. Ask his family – the Obama’s in Kenya what he has ever done for them. Nothing is the short answer- also the long answer. Nothing. They feel they were used for political gain with all the talk about his father “a sheep herder in Africa”. It was all a crock of s**t. The Obama’s in Kenya would now like to see a DNA/paternity test because they do not feel like they are really related to Barry. That would prove it once and for all wouldn’t it? But yet the media can look past all of this B.S. and ignore it.

  12. When a liberal pushes you the best defense is to kick him in the nuts and stomp on his neck once he hits the dirt,libbies are slow learners and need a strong rebuke to guide them.Violence never solves anything but it sure makes the libturds nervous.

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