After Outing Himself As A Leaker, James Comey Set To Make $10 Million Off Memoir

Fired FBI director James Comey may be out of a job, but he’s set make Clinton-style cash off his memoir.

The liberal media had been salivating over Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, but it came out as a big huge dud and threw a massive wrench into their entire narrative. But while the liberal media embarrassed themselves over their horrible coverage of the entire Russia narrative, James Comey is looking to land a book deal that could be worth up to $10 million according to one acquisition editor:

‘Jim Comey’s story has everything, from White House intrigue to possible corruption and law breaking. His explosive story makes ‘West Wing’ and ‘House of Cards’ on a par with Mister Rogers,’ an acquisition editor for a major New York publishing house told

‘When his proposal hits my desk, I’ve already been authorized to offer $10 million.’


james comey memoir

Not only that — but Hollywood producers are reportedly already looking to turn Comey’s memoir into a movie that would rake in millions more:

A prominent movie-TV agent told ‘I know one top drawer producer who’s already talking to stars to cast the Comey role. He has to be tall, good-looking and a Jimmy Stewart-John Wayne-hero type. I was mesmerized when I spent the whole day watching Comey testify.

‘Comey could expect a movie deal tied into the book worth many millions of dollars more, tens of millions.’

“A Jimmy Stewart-John Wayne-hero type?” Seriously? We have a feeling Mr. Wayne would disagree.

But the proposed book deal wouldn’t just cover Comey’s time at the FBI. It would deal with his “entire life, from his New Jersey childhood up to the intrigue and drama of his Washington years, including the Hillary email fiasco.” The question is: Would it be truthful?

Would you watch a movie about James Comey’s life? Share your thoughts below!

By Ann

Ann is a conservative political blogger whose work has appeared on Bleacher Report and America Liberty PAC. Nothing angers... More about Ann

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