Omar Blames Trump For Death Threats, Suggests Supporters Responsible For Hate Crimes

Rep. Ilhan Omar accused President Trump of fomenting anger and increasing death threats against her by posting a video of her own words diminishing the terrorist attacks on 9/11.

The President tweeted a video of the Minnesota Democrat’s controversial comments noting that 9/11 involved “some people [who] did something,” mixed with clips from the actual terrorist attacks.

Trump added the caption “We will never forget!”

Omar cited the video clip as a reason for an unverified increase in death threats against her and her family.

“Since the President’s tweet Friday evening, I have experienced an increase in direct threats on my life — many directly referencing or replying to the President’s video,” she claimed without evidence.

It was a video in her own words. Maybe it’s not Trump whose to blame here.

Omar thanked “the Capitol Police, the FBI, the House Sergeant at Arms, and the Speaker of the House for their attention to these threats.”

Nancy Pelosi stated she spoke with the House Sergeant-at-Arms, the House official in charge of security, regarding Omar’s safety following Trump’s tweet.

Accuses Trump Supporters of Rise in Hate Crimes

Not content with pretending it wasn’t her own anti-American language that caused such controversy, Omar then pivoted and blamed Trump supporters for a rise in hate crimes, an easily disputed argument.

“Violent crimes and other acts of hate by right-wing extremists and white nationalists are on the rise in this country and around the world,” she wrote. “We can no longer ignore that they are being encouraged by the occupant of the highest office in the land.”

She then specifically cited his supporters, noting allegedly that “counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes in the months following a rally” and “assaults increase when cities host Trump rallies.”

We challenge her to name one study which has definitively proven some of those assaults weren’t perpetrated against the President’s supporters. Because the one she’s referring to does not go into that level of detail.

Or, which study shows how many of those hate crimes actually turned out to be true. Does the name Jussie ring a bell?

There are countless others.

Pelosi Constantly Defending Omar

Pelosi has become an enabler of Omar, much to the detriment of the rest of Congress and America.

When the freshman Rep. found herself in hot water for repeated anti-Semitic comments, Pelosi explained that she was simply ignorant to how words affect people.

“I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning, that she didn’t realize,” Pelosi claimed at the time.

Now, she’s doing the same thing, helping Omar place blame on Trump for repeating her own words.

Words have meaning, Ms. Omar, and downplaying what happened on 9/11 and laughing at those who carried out the attacks will put you in the spotlight.

Perhaps apologizing instead of playing the victim card would be the way to go.

88 thoughts on “Omar Blames Trump For Death Threats, Suggests Supporters Responsible For Hate Crimes”

  1. David R Bridge

    The triad of Ilhan Omar, her fellow Muslim colleague Rashida Tlaib, and most prominent Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are all like-minded radicals seeking the one thing that all radicals want – POWER – and Nancy Pelosi, a befuddled old satch who should have been put out to pasture a couple of decades ago, can’t control them. Indeed, by adding her support, she’s aiding and abetting them in their anti-American, anti-Semitic antics. They are steadily nudging the Democrat Party into extreme and heretofore unexplored leftist territory. I don’t think it’s going to work out very well for them. At least that is my hope.

  2. This is the same old blame game all ” professional victims ” play. Omar and the other Spice girl winners of the 10,000 casting call for talking heads were chosen to incite and provoke retaliation to their hateful rhetoric .Omar especially is designed to utter some ignorant b/s with the deliberate aim of becoming the victim she truly believes all her ilk are. We may despise her, but we must not fall into the ambush she and the others set. Americans are not vile 7th century barbarians. We should not begin to behave like them. Just laugh at her. And block her legally.

  3. David R Bridge

    Retch, ecchh, phtoo! That’s becoming my default reaction to news about Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and, most prominent of all, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The voters who elected these three odious radicals are either anti-American themselves or didn’t realize who and what they were voting for. I’m inclined to believe the former. The fact that we now have serving in the US Congress three young women (two of whom clearly favor radical Islamism) who so openly and obviously despise America and all that it has traditionally stood for since its founding is a sad testament to the state of politics in the nation today. Almost as repellent as the women themselves is the media’s revolting love affair with them, turning them into undeserved political stars overnight. It’s enough to make you weep.

  4. She’s taking the cowards way out rather than taking personal responsibility. People like this are what is causing all the divisiveness in this country and around the world! It’s time they wake up and realize Donald J Trump is the President of the USA and he ain’t goin’ away!!!

  5. These are “no” threats. Some people did something, no threats involved. It’s not like they destroyed a couple buildings and killed thousands of people.

  6. OrangeBandAid972

    Somehow they did not identified me correctly.
    I am Frank NOT OrangeBandAid972 and this was my post.
    The cause of all of the negativity is her own words. “Somebody did something” struck a nerve with every right-thinking American. She was not very popular before that, and now, CANCER has a higher favorability rating than she does. And rightly so.

  7. OrangeBandAid972

    The cause of all of the negativity is her own words. “Somebody did something” struck a nerve with every right-thinking American. She was not very popular before that, and now, CANCER has a higher favorability rating than she does. And rightly so.

  8. The cause of all of the negativity is her own words. “Somebody did something” struck a nerve in every right-thinking American. She was not very popular before that, but now, Cancer has a higher favorability rating than she does. And rightly so.

  9. The cause of all of the negativity is her own words. “Some people did something” struck a nerve in every right-thinking American. She was not very popular before that, and now, EVEN CANCER has a higher favorability rating than she does. And rightly so.

  10. Islam or the constutition I choose the constutition. Muslims have been spreading lies and fear for hunderds of years . And now its here and some really stupid people filled with greed and hate think it a grand plan to just hand all of our rights and freedoms to these animals . Omar is somallian and is using our fredoms and civil liberties like a gunman weilds a gun . Note when qustioned about any of het BS she emeeditly plays the rase bating victum card . One of her fellow countrymen just last week in Michigan just grabbed a 5yr old boy and threw him off a 3rd floor balcany of a mall . And all the media is silent . Now we are told 3000 more of these animals are being relocated in West Virginia . Woe is us to allow these sick stupid laws and regulations to utterly destroy the greatest country on earth all the while we do nothing to stop them

  11. Tar and feather her that is the kind of treatment she would get back in her disgusting MUSLIM country how dare she spew such hatred at the country that saved her GO HOME

  12. Ilhan Omar,She is a great person,she’s got the whole Zionist killing machine after her. God bless her and protect her from these pack of wolves.

  13. Is anyone asking how she can be in congress and associate with Farrakhan, Muslim Brotherhood and Cair?Secret Service should investigate her secret meetings behind closed doors.Is she working on a plan to hurt our country or is it just hate speech?

  14. Yes Omar do continue your America hating rhetoric, do go on about some people doing something….like MURDERING 3000 Americans on our own soil. You racist, facist, muslim POS, Trump doesnt need to say anything to anyone who loves America to make them despise you. We, who love this country are perfectly capable of hating you for hating America. Those are YOUR WORDS slag own them, you are the POS who said it. Quit virtue signaling, anyone with half a brain is past that , the PC bullcrap and everything is racist if it goes against the Dem narrative.Do us all a favor Omar and FUQ OFF!!!

  15. Pelosi has had enough of these rookies….she is going to lose her House leadership back to the GOP in 2020. She will take these nitwits out with primary opponents.

  16. I am tired of the so called Democrats who go out of their way to care for illegals, muslims, M13s. and care nothing about the terrorists who are killing American people.

  17. Covering her head does not show modesty, it just makes her look like the charwoman that she is, covering her mouth is better. That goes for all the muslims who think that Christian women are prostitutes for not covering their body.

  18. Seems to me, any thinking person sees her disgraceful speeches are rife with “hate-filled rhetoric”. “… some people did something”, trivializes our nation’s grief at the hands of radical moslems like her.

  19. Mudlums are trash. People who worship a murderous pedophile are just trash. Plain and simple. Minnesota is trash for allowing this. I am not just slighting other places. My hometown gave us obummer and hildabeast. But time to start naming trash for what it is.

    A caveat, the lames in Chicago hammering Smollet. About time you stood up for what is right.

  20. Omar belittles American sentiment about 9-11 and lames Trump? Here’s a fact an Imam is recruiting for radical Islam in Wales. His pitch is that its the Islamic thing to do to take women slaves and rape them. Would she care to comment on that? Is that why she wears the Hijab? How does she feel about the sentence a woman lawyer defending women’s rights not to wear a Hijab, received from the religious Iranian Courts. 38 years in an Iranian jail and 148 lashes. I have to wonder if Omar who would not be raping non Muslim women would hold the coats of Muslim men who would, and if she would uphold the sentence of a woman who is a hundred times more righteous and better then her. Trump she thinks our dislike of her is about Trump?

  21. Omar has made her bed so now she must lie in it. She has spewed her incredibly stupid lies and hate mongering, and it is coming home to roost. I have no pity for anyone who follows a cultist ideology and threatens and/or chastises anyone who isn’t a muslim. For someone who owes her life to the people of this country for rescuing her and her family, she is continually biting the hands that have fed her. According to the laws, she should be disenfranchised, stripped of her citizenship, and deported.

  22. Amazing that we allow an openly hostile opponent of the constitution to serve in our congress, on the House Budget Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organizations and the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

    The question is: Does she have a security clearance?

  23. Rep omar if you can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen. True Americans lost their lives on 9/11 families were destroyed and America mourned but people like you cheered, danced and laughed while the towers the pentagon and a plane with 151 people crashed in pennsylvania. You say it was some people we say it was muslim extremists and you are a traitor to the country that saved your rear from a life of destitution in a refugee camp. You need to pack up your so called family and go back to somalia where you will learn what true freedom means by being forced back into your rightful place by your tyrant husband. We don’t need to be lectured on our cultural, our morals, our language or our justice system. We don’t need to be sacrificed or mutilated to love our families. Just because FMG was performed on you as a child don’t take it out on the rest of the country take it out on your own people that did it to you.

  24. An oath sworn to defend the Constitution “against all enemies, foreign _and_ domestic” was and always has been sworn on a Bible.
    When being sworn into Congress, Omar had her hand on a copy of the Quran.
    Must we draw a picture?
    None are so blind as who refuses to see.

  25. her mouth is her worst enemy. Who knows if she isn’t a Jussie copycat. I don’t believe her I think she wants publicity. If someone is going to make a hit they don’t announce it. They use the element of surprise.

  26. I was instructed not to say anything that I did not want to appear on the cover of the New York Post.

    My apologies to Cheech and Chong:
    Young man. Young man. Give that knife!
    Thank you!

  27. Remember, she is a Muslim and they for years they have chanted death to the US and Israel and that both countries be wiped off the map. No Patriot would have voted for someone like that, period. Do people not know or care who they vote for as long as they are anti-Trump?

  28. You and only you is i blame !!! Get out of our country and ruin someone else’s life not ours.
    Don’t. Blame trump for your mistakes….we don’t care about you……but our president comes first ,,,
    go home !

  29. The #1reason for a rise in islamophobia is Omar herself. Her insane ranting and playing the racist card is giving Gatormouth Waters a run for title of the most unethical politician.

  30. She is carrying out the agenda of Islam.  Blame others has always been what Islam has done all over the globe.  She should be forced to resign.  She has become a terrorist from within.

  31. But the way America is going , with People like her in Washington, America want be a Free America much Longer !!! And this is what People like Her Want !!!

  32. Ms. Omar is in the US because we are a caring Christian nation. President Trump should rescind her citizenship and give her a one way ticket back to Somalia, in coach!

  33. She needs to resign immediately she has shown her contempt for America and the American People this should have never been allowed in the first place she Islam and that is automatically against America and our Freedoms get that thing off your head and start being an American or Resign return to your own country

  34. i feel that this un American woman gloats every day she dones her rediculas headgear and struts her ugly clad self to our Washington institutions. she is not now nor ever will be a patriotic American. she spews anti American reteric on a daily basis and beams with hateful pride when she puts down the American Republic. it is a shame the she is able to get away with this because this country has become paranoid of political correctness. this needs to stop now!! 99% of muslims hate this country.

  35. I also do not believe that I have to let someone else into our country and put them in some strange but they don’t want to go when we definitely have sanctuary cities that say they are willing to take people in. I think that’s the best thing to happen ever came up with . Put them where the sanctuary cities are it will be easier to keep track of them and it will keep the crime to certain areas. And evidently the cities don’t care so proper placement

  36. I am in no way understand how forwards by President Trump good insight violence in regards to this particular person. Her own words hurt her. As if what’s the big deal. The big deal was these people that did something destroyed more than buildings and more than lives they destroyed any sense of protection that we thought we had I am not a violent woman I would do nothing to answer someone but given the opportunity I’m afraid I would have to slap this woman in the face. Not to prove a point it would just make me feel better. The Democrats are out-of-control. I wish everyone would read that sign as they come into our country the one that says you must come here to join us as Americans and do nothing to try to interrupt our laws or our way of life. Not Word for Word but that’s close. Everyone that comes here and wants to destroy what we have. I have freedom of speech I have freedom of religion I have the right to feel anyway I want to. And it’s all right as long as I break no laws. I can sleep with you I want it’s none of your business. I can do anything I want . I can start a new business I can put people to work they will make many they will spend it and that will put more people at work. It’s such a simple simple act to make a company you want to run it the way you want it put people to work. I don’t know how this woman or AOC got in to a position that was voted on. It must have something to do with our liberal taught schools That is teachers liberal opinions not subjects

  37. Trump people do not work that way and if you are getting death threats is because you keep putting down America and talking about how bad we are , if you dont like it here leave, you dont come here and put our ways down and accuse us of things we did not do and you dont put down Isreal

  38. What did she expect from the families of the 3000 that died in that attack after she diminished their deaths. Open arms of love? That is like twisting the knife after being stabbed in the heart.

  39. Her words and her words are the cause of her getting the threats so some people are saying something and they are angry with you and your nasty additude you play you pay so stop your crying already you are one nasty individual and you do not belong in DC

  40. We TRUE AMERICANS do not want to keep her here. She does not think or act American so she should have stayed in her country where everyone else thinks & acts like she does, then she can be “HAPPY”. She definitely does not belong in AMERICAN GOVERNMENT because she is FAR FROM AMERICAN in her thoughts & ways, which is fine…live & let live, but they want to rule over & change America into something it is not…TRUE AMERICANS WOULD NEVER ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN HERE IN AMERICA…

  41. Mrs Omar ,You did practice the Freedom of Speech and the 1st Amendment of the USA ,and also Congresswoman Mrs Omar,the Truths Always Hurt ,Your Comments about the Tragedy of Sept 11 2001 is the same as the Ex President,s Bush,But You Being a Smart,Brave Muslim American Congresswoman in USA, the Jewish Lobbies in the White House,Congress and House so afraid of Your Facts and Truths ,also the President Trump acts Like Las Vegas and Chicago Mafia,s Boss,and He thinks the People scared of His Big Mouth and Bullish Cow Boy Style Actions.I admired You and also Congratulate You for Your Bravery ,Wisdom ,Courage,and GOD BLESS YOU AND USA.

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