Obama Does Have One More Election to Win; Staff Working to Defeat Bibi



Citing the proximity to the Israeli elections, President Obama has refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu in March. The White House said it is policy to avoid the perception of influencing a foreign election. The President also said at the State of the Union that he has no more campaigns to run.



Upon closer look, it appears President Obama is inserting himself into another campaign. Five American Campaign experts, including Obama’s national field director, Jeremy Bird, are in Israel working to defeat Prime Minister Netanyahu in the upcoming elections. Israeli journalist Caroline Glick posted about this on her Facebook page.

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Independent Media Review Analysis translated the article into English.

Haaretz reporter Roi Arad revealed in an article in the Hebrew edition
today that the foreign funded organization, “One Voice”, is bankrolling the
V-2015 campaign to defeat Binyamin Netanyahu’s national camp in the March
2015 Knesset Elections.

One indication of the generous financing is that it has now flown in a team
of five American campaign experts (including Jeremy Bird, the Obama
campaign’s national field director) who will run the campaign out of offices
taking up the ground floor of a Tel Aviv office building.

V-2015 is careful not to support a specific party – rather “just not Bibi”.
As such, the foreign funds pouring into the campaign are not subject to
Israel’s campaign finance laws.

President Obama has made some significant foreign policy errors in the past month. He failed to attend the rally in Paris following the terrorist attacks, he refuses to meet with Netanyahu, he skipped attending the Auschwitz’s 70th Anniversary of Liberation Ceremony, and now his campaign staff is in Israeli working to defeat the Prime Minister.

Is this how you treat your allies?

H/T: PJ Media


5 thoughts on “Obama Does Have One More Election to Win; Staff Working to Defeat Bibi”

  1. Obummer is Muslim, he is on their side. Everything he does is the opposite of what he says. He is not American and he is hell-bent on destroying this country as fast as he can before his time is up. The mystery is why he continues to get away with outrage after outrageous scandal . Republicans we elected in Nov have already joined him. He has ignored our Constitution since the day he took an oath to uphold it. The list of his ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’ is already a mile long and continues to grow. He should be arrested, tried, convicted and face a firing squad for multiple acts of Treason!
    Campaigning is the Only thing he knows how to do besides meddle/muddle in everybody else’s business.

  2. Obamas a cry baby!!!! He didn’t tell Obama about meeting with congress so his feelings were hurt!!! See what he does when you cross him! He “takes care of you” just like he did to whistle blowers!!!!

  3. The commander and Chief of the newly reconditioned ‘Z’s’ has an obligation to honor the new King in Saudi as well as Muslim brotherhood. Bring Israel down as well as our own country is his mission in life. For this will insure his place among the honored and Allah will be pleased.

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