Mike Rowe EDUCATES Liberals With Common Sense on Confederate Flag Controversy

Mike Rowe, host of CNN’s “Somebody’s Gotta Do It,” is one of today’s common sense Americans you love to hear from when the craziness goes down. Many people visit his Facebook page to ask him questions on situations and what sets him aside from other media personalities, he answers with stinging thought out honesty.

Rowe took on the Confederate flag controversy answering a fan’s question that expressed his personal dislike of the flag while warning his readers not to label those who like the flag as racists.

Mike Rowe flag

He also used this picture to remind his readers, the KKK also used the American flag and that hate doesn’t reside in clothing or material, it lies within the heart.

Check out his full Facebook post:

I think we need to be very careful about congratulating ourselves too enthusiastically for removing a piece of cloth from the public square – even if it’s removal is long overdue. I also think we need to stop calling people racist, just because they see the flag as something other than a symbol of hate. This is what happens when we put a premium on our feelings. We assume everyone who disagrees with us is not merely wrong, but dangerous.

I know many good Southerners who abhor racism, but view this flag as an important connection to their ancestors – the vast majority of whom never owned slaves. This doesn’t mean the flag should be allowed to fly on public property – not for a minute. But it’s a mistake in my view, to equate the removal of a symbol, with the removal of the evil it’s come to symbolize. And that’s exactly what a lot of people are doing. We’re conflating cause and effect.

For instance, we look at that picture of Dylan Roof, and we see a bigot who appears to have fallen off the cover of American Racist Quarterly. He’s got the whole package – vapid stare, dopey haircut, fancy apartheid patches, and of course, the Confederate Battle Flag. We’re repulsed, and yet, we also feel relief, because now we understand exactly what he is – he’s a racist, plain and simple. Now, all we have to do is eliminate the hatred that drove him to murder.

Sadly, we have no idea how to do that. Nor can we go back in time to introduce his head to a golf club, and save us all the agony of his cowardly act. So what do we do? We target his accessories. We focus on the accoutrements of bigotry, and assign them magical powers.

By all means – lets take the flag down. It’s long past time. But let’s not fool ourselves. Racism and terrorism and all the other hate-filled “-isms” that plague the species will never be eliminated by banning flags, burning books, limiting speech, or outlawing white sheets and pointy little hats. When Dylan Roof walked into The First Emanuel Church and killed nine black Americans, he wasn’t waving his rebel flag or screaming the N-word. He didn’t look like a racist. He didn’t act like a racist. Until he started killing people.

That’s the problem with people in white sheets and pointy hats. They don’t always dress the part, or carry the proper flag.

This was greatness, don’t you agree? Share your comments below and let us know what you think about Mike’s response.

H/T: Mike Rowe Facebook

45 thoughts on “Mike Rowe EDUCATES Liberals With Common Sense on Confederate Flag Controversy”

  1. There is an aspect to Southern culture which outsiders don’t get, and even many of our own have never officially acknowledged: Ancestor Worship. To know yourself, you must know your people and where you’ve come from. You can then determine where you’re going.

    “Your people” or “Your kin” aka “Your kinfolk”: These are everyone related to you to a varying degree (usually at least 5th cousin) and your ancestors. First thing they used to ask in Grayson and Breckinridge Cos, KY “Who are your people?” This lets us place you in the fabric of our society.

    The problem here is not that this flag symbolizes to us racism. The problem is that non-Southerners decided long ago that we are worthless, so they don’t care about our dialects, our culture, our history, or what OUR flag means to us.

    This is a form of Oligarchy. A bunch of uneducated, uninterested outsiders decide to impose THEIR perceptions on those who are the rightful heirs of this flag. Why? Because they are bored with themselves and need a new enemy, but are not intelligent enough to realize that it is a concept they hate. One that will not be erased by eradicating our flag or our history.

  2. I have been seeing some of the rants on the Confederate flag and how pieces of our history are going to be destroyed all in the name of equality. I want to tell everyone how I feel about this. It’s a load of crap. I am not from a southern state, I am not racist, I believe all men are created equal, and I believe that stupidity runs rampart in all shapes and sizes.

    #1. Flags do not denote whether someone is racist or not. It does not have an opinion one way or another. What someone chooses to do with a flag should not determine if the flag is allowed to be flown or not.

    #2. If you know your confederate state history you will know that the flag everyone is in hot debate over is actually the Confederate Navy Jack flag and not the original official Confederate flag.

    #3. To desecrate living history (IE. change the General Lee flag, remove church window panes that show a depiction of the Navy Jack flag) is basically the same thing as when people ruled that Greek artwork was showing too much nudity and went out of their way to smash or cover all the genitalia.

    #4. Yes I believe that there is too much inequality in our society, however, I do not believe that the correct way of dealing with it is by censorship. If you want to teach people tolerance and the ability to accept everyone as human beings then TEACH them by acting that way towards others. Censorship in and of itself teaches to belittle other’s beliefs an desires.

    #5. I find it disgusting that the Confederate Jack Flag is getting so much news media attention to the point of people practically frothing at the mouth because of so called racism and yet for years Westchester County, in Texas has been loosing HUD grant money because it doesn’t want to desegregate the black and whites the lower and higher income people. To my mind the fact that people are going without safe homes because a whole COUNTY GOVERNMENT seems to be racially motived is way more important than whether or not a FLAG that denotes nothing but the history of our country (both good and bad) should be allowed to be shown.

    I feel that these small minded specialty groups need to wake up and smell the real issues here and quit bullying people who have the right to their history and yes use it for good or bad. A flag, the Koran, the Bible, or gun is no more or no less racist than a hair brush when sitting on the table. It’s the people who touch it that matter and they need to be EDUCATED in how to use those tools properly and in a safe manner.

    If there is anyone to blame it is the fact that we as a society have not taught our children how to love and tolerate those not like us.

  3. I apologize for saying this, Mike Rowe, but you are an idiot just as 99% of the people in the USA who never delved into the reason why the Confederate Battle Flag was even allowed to be flown in post civil war USA. The reason is really quite simple. Any group of people left to their own means over an extended period of time will repeat their screwups. Every single empire in history fell because they either repeated their own screwups or repeated the screwups of previous empires. So, a few far sighted individuals decided to allow the stars and bars to be flown as a historical marker of what can happen when two different groups of people stop communicating with each other and start insulting each other. And as for you progressives, what you don’t realize is that history is very close to repeating it’s self again. Only a few short years after the American Revolution, the French found a way to rid themselves of their own progressive elites.. Like I said, the one true fact of history is that history repeats itself.

    1. ladyfromdixie

      Bobby I don’t apologize for saying this, you are an idiot just as 99% of the people in the USA because you are making comments about something and you are uneducated on the subject so you open mouth and insert foot… the flag is not stars and bars it is the southern cross and was carried into battle by a few of the confederate troops not all and it was a flag they used as a solidarity of the men going to fight for their land and the northern people have shown racism to people from the south from the end of the war and still do so we are called names and made fun of and call nasty terrible things that are not true and is hate fill racism but as we are a more laid back and calm nature it is mostly over looked we are joked about as uneducated backwoods and worst but the truth of this is people from the south have a higher I.Q. than northern people and remember this there were slaves in the north even some of the military leaders had slaves while in battle with the south so the American Flag was a flag of slavery, lies and wrongful conduct so when will it be taken down,,, Look at how the native americans were treated with racist hate and murdered to the point of genocide of some tribes there land was stolen from them after they allowed others to come here and live with them and were friendly and helpful before being turned on and slaughtered or forced to live in area that were baron and sent food that was rotten or riddled with bugs so how can you sit there and say the southern cross was the most harmful flag when the other has flown over more racism and hate for all of it’s year and to poppDavid if the Bible belt had a high rate of birth for illegitimate children remember the south was burned pillaged and everything of value was ripped away by union soldiers all books burned court houses burned homes burned and all food and farm animals taken or killed the south was completely raped they were left with nothing to rebuild on then the carpetbaggers came and continued pillaging away anything they could so how can a war torn country with no jobs and no money just turn around as if nothing happened but as it is the south has risen from the ashes and has in turn regained it’s beauty and has grown in amazing leaps to be once again a place of kind slow spoken friendly people who wavy at any person they meet and offered the best hospitality of anywhere in the world And I personally know that when we visit the north you all are a bunch of rude hateful short snappy speaking unfriendly group still

  4. Serena, Obama didn’t ship American jobs overseas for the last four decades, the big business did. Obama didn’t raid worker pension funds, hedge fund managers did. Obama didn’t send thousands of our military to die in Iraq for oil interests, Republicans did. Obama didn’t cause the 2008 economic breakdown, conservatives did. Obama didn’t cause the Bible belt to have the highest birth rate for illegitimate children in the country, they did.
    When you complain about someone destroying America, you should be better informed.

  5. KKK was and maybe still is a Democrat organization. When I was a boy we lived across the road from an open field where the KKK held many rallies and burned crosses. My father would not let us out of the house during these rallies. I sneaked out once and there were (as well as I can remember from the age of 14) only a few Democrat battle flags. There were lots of American flags.

  6. It has amazed me, yet again, at how easily, with the aid of the main stream media, the Democrats have managed to make Republicans the scape goats. THE DEMOCRAT PARTY WAS CONCEIVED IN RACISM yet Democrats, aided by many self serving people of color, have managed to make themselves the poster child for people of color.

    The Democrats have NEVER admitted to, or apologized for, any of their racist history including slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and filibustering against Civil Rights. NEVER. Yet every person of color feels Liberal Democrats are their Saviors. Democrats have “enslaved” not saved, and many opportunistic people of color, all shades, are now front and center, reaping personal rewards at the expense of their brothers and sisters of color.
    I find black loyalty to race baiting Democrats as puzzling as Jews voting for Obama, one of the most anti-semetic president we have ever had.

    Martin Luther King was a staunch Conservative Republican and an advocate of “personal responsibility” but race baiters never mention that. They have bastardized the good name of Martin Luther King.

  7. “Huckleberrysays: July 2, 2015 at 6:15 am
    I read the Secession Declaration of each of the Confederate States. The sole reason for secession cited in each was to preserve the institution of slavery.”
    Apparently that is not the case!

    From the Georgia declaration;
    “While it attracts to itself by its creed the scattered advocates of exploded political heresies, of condemned theories in political economy, the advocates of commercial restrictions, of protection, of special privileges, of waste and corruption in the administration of Government. … In the first years of the Republic the navigating, commercial, and manufacturing interests of the North began to seek profit and aggrandizement at the expense of the agricultural interests. Even the owners of fishing smacks sought and obtained bounties for pursuing their own business (which yet continue), and $500,000 is now paid them annually out of the Treasury. The navigating interests begged for protection against foreign shipbuilders and against competition in the coasting trade.

    Congress granted both requests, and by prohibitory acts gave an absolute monopoly of this business to each of their interests, which they enjoy without diminution to this day. Not content with these great and unjust advantages, they have sought to throw the legitimate burden of their business as much as possible upon the public; they have succeeded in throwing the cost of light-houses, buoys, and the maintenance of their seamen upon the Treasury, and the Government now pays above $2,000,000 annually for the support of these objects. Theses interests, in connection with the commercial and manufacturing classes, have also succeeded, by means of subventions to mail steamers and the reduction in postage, in relieving their business from the payment of about $7,000,000 annually, throwing it upon the public Treasury under the name of postal deficiency.”

  8. Let’s talk the Civil War.
    Yes, some of the discussions were over slavery, but the south and most southerners were fighting for their “country”, be it Alabama or Tennessee or Virginia. They were tired of the northerner’s bullying the south over various issues by ignoring the 10th Amendment.
    –Lee chose not to take the command of the ‘Union’ army because he could not desert his “country”…Virginia.
    –while the north had 1 army, the south had numerous: the Army of Tennessee, the Army of Virginia, etc. Each State autonomous…as the Constitution so designed.
    –in the third year of the war when Lincoln freed some slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation there was rioting in northern cities and in the military both north and south: no one wanted the focus of the war to be shifted to putting an end to slavery! The south wanted what the Constitution described and promised….the north wanted a powerful union (that THEY could control).

    Which is EXACTLY the cause of ALL of our nation’s problems (again) today.
    So I would like to see the flag of the Confederacy flying everywhere as a sign of protest about the exact situation under which it first flew: an anti-Constitutional, dictatorial federal government.
    Let it be a reminder…a threat… to those in WashDC who have ignored the Constitution in order to empower THEM over US.

    If YOU wish to allow your ignorance to take offense at this, so be it….feel free to be offended.

      1. Huckleberry I take it you have never read the corwin admenment to the us constitution of 1861 read it and you will see that the South did not leave the union to keep the slaves. Read it and you will know the truth.

  9. So refreshing to know that there are still intelligent people left in America.
    Thank you Mike Rowe for your very outstanding, non-radical truth, which can also be said for a lot of things going on in America anymore.

  10. Mike Rowe is neither enlightened or intelligent, but he certainly is a Leftist in every sense of the word. There is nothing unconstitutional about displaying the Confederate Flag, or ANY flag for that matter. I happen to be offended by Liberals like Mike Rowe who have no problem offending ME for MY opinions and beliefs. He will always take the side of the shrillest minority who is WRONG, over the majority who is Constitutionally right . . . simply because we ‘White’ people don’t chimp-out and riot and loot when our true rights are trampled upon. It is unconstitutional NOT to support the rights of those wanting to display the Confederate Flag. By NO MEANS SHOULD IT BE TAKEN DOWN!

  11. Talk about a misleading headline. There are plenty of Conservatives who want that flag down also. Mike Rowe is only one person with one opinion, there are as many opinions on this as there are people. Here’s my opinion, not everyone is clueless about the meaning of that flag so some Southerners, and we know that it isn’t a sign of racism to many, but here’s the thing, we’re talking about flying this flag above a public building in today’s United States of America, not the Confederate Sates, and this flag should be put where all other outdated flags are, in museums or personal homes and property. The fact that even a few use it as a symbol of their bigotry should tell you something about why we shouldn’t be honoring them by flying it above our public buildings. This is not a Southern issue, this is a national issue. I respect Mike’s opinion, but he forgets one thing, he assumes everyone is clueless about it’s meaning, and he’s wrong about that. When this headline singles out “Liberals”, it’s actually inaccurate, as there are folks on both sides who feel this flag should be taken down from our public buildings. I find it disgusting actually that the ones who don’t understand what meaning it has to the majority of Americans would defend it flying above their Capitol buildings. One final thing, Political Insider loves to divide us, it’s evident in their headline to this story, show me one place in Mike’s comment where he mentions “Liberals”, he wasn’t taking sides politically, he was talking generally, and that includes Conservatives.

    1. Mike Rowe does NOT speak for Conservatives who have also drunk the purple Koolaid and who have been made to feel guilty about NOT wanting the Flag to come down. This is a CONSTITUTIONAL issue, and MY Constitution supports my right to display the Confederate Flag! Like it or hate it, it is NOT for YOU or MIke Rowe or any other bleeding heart leftist to decide whether or not a historical symbol of this nation should come down based upon the the shrill gibbering and hooting of uber-racist minorities who are all race-baiting poverty whores.

    2. ladyfromdixie

      why are you all so threatened by a piece of cloth and the uneducated rednecks from little ol back woods south of the mason/dixon hicks if we are all of that why do you bother hating on us and our southern ancestry and redneck pride and allow us our rights as citizens of the United States of America to have freedom of speech freedom to worship and freedom to believe the way we wish what makes each and everyone of you think you have the right to tell others how to live their lives and how to think and as in the Bill of Rights all men are created equal no person has any more right than the next no matter your education beliefs or any thing else so THE CIVIL WAR is over get off our backs and lets us live in this our land of the FREE or does that just apply to a few of you narcissistic people if this part of America doesn’t have the requirements you are looking for it’s a big country I’m sure you can find somewhere to go and stop your bossy complaining

  12. So refreshing to know that there are still intelligent people left in America.
    Thank you Mike Rowe for your very outstanding, non-radical truth, which can also be said for a lot of things going on in America.

  13. To Free At Last: THANK YOU for your honesty and wisdom.

    History is history–NO one can change History— only try to hide it and pretend it did t happen. How does destruction of a MATERIAL item change anything? No matter what happens People need to realize their HEARTs and MNDs are what is important. Post: “Free At LAST” July 1, 2015 at 8:39 said it BEST! Black people need to search their souls and see that NO honest, truthful, caring White person is a Racist or posses Race HATE in their being! It does NOT matter what part of this Country we come from–WE ALL ARE AMERICANS! Yes Bostonians have an accent, NY has an accent, Texas has an Southern accent, Calif. has a different sound, Georgia has a Southern accent. POINT: SO WHAT???? We all are humans. The North did not win anything more than the South. Since Reconstruction: The South is more courteous, more forgiving, more hospitable than ANY other AREA! Those who choose to lay spite at another’s foot is damned. ONLY Fools will give into trying to make everyone happy–and making NO one whole! IF USA is so BAD why do the people that always whine leave? Because they know they will NOT BE FREE no matter where they go outside USA!
    It is time we all reviewed History and see how much better we all are for the events that History passes on. USA is the BEST Place to live on Earth. NO other country can tout the fact that USA has helped ALL the World. We help where others will not. The internet is NOT the place to get FACTS about history. The Libraries are doing away with all books that are older than 1990. The Government thinks to do away with “old” history books and symbols will UNDO History. Abraham was not the purest of people. He did unscrupulous things as they all have done.
    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for Good Men (and Women) to do nothing.

    1. Your ignorance is breathtaking. The Confederate Flag was the flag of the TRUE America before the Northern aggressors attacked and destroyed the one bastion of Godliness left in this nation. Once the liberals gained the reins of power, the do-nothings took over and the values we have long cherished have been gradually destroyed.

  14. No, I don’t agree. I’m a black american and I am not in the least bit offended by the Confederate flag. I live in the south and when I drive past cotton fields and plantations that use to house slaves I don’t get offended. Why? Because, I see it for what it is, American history. Not proud of all of it, but its history none the less. So, if you take away the history that is offensive to some, we would have no history at all. America has become a nation of crybabies, just like the child who hits their toe on a chair and gets mad at the chair. We need to grow up and do it fast.

  15. He his the nail on the head when he said,” Some people think that those that do not agree with them are dangerous.” This the montra of the extreme left. that such people as the tea party are dangerous,. To them all I have to sa is any one with truth is dangerous to them.

  16. Another example of ISIS, oops, I mean the Left trying to destroy and or change History. Anyone who saw or read 1984 should certainly see the similarities, remember the main character’s job was to change old news releases by the Government to match what is really happening. If you don’t like the past don’t learn from it destroy it.

  17. I remember when this flag was re-introduced, around 1962. It was strictly and only a poke in the eye to the Civil Rights movement. It was strictly and only called the “White Power” flag. Jeffrey down below me here would like to rewrite history. This was never the “Democrat Party Flag”. The White Cracker Lynch-law Bigots were Democrats because Lincoln won the War Over Slavery. They were always a shame to the National Democratic Party. So When the GOPers started to suck up the White Cracker Lynch-law Bigots, the Dems said “Good Riddance!”
    Jeffrey has no knowledge nor grasp of the history of his own Party. It seems that Republican voters prefer homogenized propaganda from the Wingnut echo-chamber. If you repeat the same lie over and over, you are obviously hoping that there is not someone screaming “LIAR!” every time you do.
    It seems that Republican voters prefer homogenized propaganda from the Wingnut echo-chamber propaganda mill..
    Please remember that the Dixiecrats all switched Parties starting in 1964. The Dixiecrats were always an embarrassment to the National Democratic Party. They were upset that LBJ, theoretically one of their own, was firmly and actively working for Civil Rights. Goldwater’s Southern Strategy (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy) worked at converting the decadent bigots into Dixiepublicans. So please remember that when you attempt to attack the Dems for a history of Southern racism, you are actually attacking the good Southern GOPer decadent bigot States-Rightsers of today. The only reason they were Democrats for so long was because Lincoln was a Republican. Of course if Lincoln were alive today he certainly would be a Democrat, because all the Southern Pro-Slavery faction are Republicans now.
    “They were the ones who supported segregation for 100 years” refers to people. And the Lynch-Law Bigoted Racist Crackers were, to a man, Republicans by 1970. There is not one White Supremacist or paranoid posse comatose militiaman or hate-filled xenophobe who is NOT a member of the Grand Old Party. They were the Democrats shame. But after 1970, they are the Republicans’ babies. The National GOP worked real hard to bring them into ‘The Big Tent’. The Candidates pander to their every States Rights whim. But they ARE GOP. The GOP is stuck with them and the Dems don’t want them back.
    Yeah, if I were Jeffrey, I’d lie about it too.

  18. Mike Rowe is correct once again and very eloquent in stating his views. the flag and the gun have nothing to do with the killings!!!!! the killings were done by a demented psychotic mental midget!!!!!

  19. This is a Democrat Party Flag and a symbol of the “Slave Holding Confederate States of America” . The name atop the constitution of these Confederate States all of which were Democrat and continued to be until the mid 90’s to late 2000’s . The “Yankee Republicans” fought to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America under the leadership of out first Republican President Abraham Lincoln . Many Southerners have now embraced racial equality , but continue to view this symbol of the Democrat Party with Historic albeit twisted sense of Pride , but better men than them died to rid this symbol of the Democrat Party from the American Landscape alongwith the Party itself which continues nonetheless . Ernest Hollings one of the many Democrats who proudly continued the legacy of his party of institutionalized racism ordered the display of this Democrat Party Flag over his Democrt Majority State Legislature in the 60’s and a Republican Governor finally had the support to act to bring it down with the support of Democrats that continue to embarrass themselves by joining the party of slavery . A party that dismisses the idea that the moral foundation of the consititution is built on the Judeo-Christian values expressed by its founders . Values that opposed slavery that Democrats supported saying that Christain values have no place in the constitution . As the support the moral decay of socialism , denied freedom , hopeless entitlement dependency , partial birth abortion , jim crow and same sex marriage .

    As usual it is the job of Republicans to fix the Democrats failed experiments as they continue to dismiss the principles of our constitutional government and act contrary to it . We now must fix a racist country built on th Democrat Party Platform , a failed entitlement sytem that robs the middle class of their retirement savings and hands them a bankrupt IOU for less than 20 Thousand a year (below poverty) , a sentence to hopeless dependency on federal Welfare , a free ticket to the most expensive AND worst educational system in the developed world , and now heavily regulated healthcare delivered by the government that costs twice as much and includeds huge co pays , deductibles and limited coverages . The Democrats attack on the middle class continues with a unfunded enetilement liability of 128 TRILLION and a Democrat Tax and Regulatory Imposition that ensures they will suffer under massive unemployment and the top 1% will continue to make more and more of the total income of the nation .

  20. I’m not historian but the confederate states had other important values such as States Individual Rights to govern themselves without the national government overreaching powers. Slavery was on its way out regardless of who had won the civil war. Maybe if the confederacy had won we would not have a federal government that has abused it powers over the states and every person in this country.

      1. The ‘Institution of Slavery’ is alive and well be actively being practiced and perpetuated in today’s Democrat Party. When 95% of an entire race will keep voting for you EVEN THOUGH you keep doing nothing to truly help them . . . . THAT is the definition of ‘slavery’. When a race is too dumb and too uninformed to know what is good for them, that is when they should rightly lose the privilege of voting. Government was never meant to be a continuous source of welfare and freebies for lazy, ignorant people of color.

    1. Allow me to break it to you, the South lost the Civil War, and sadly, we kept the traitorous states in the Union. The consequences of losing is that you now have to live with the rest of the country, and have to abide by our Constitution, the document hated by so many Conservatives. The pervert it like they pervert their Bible. You hate the notion of equality, it certainly showed this week when you all held the Bible up in defiance of a federal decision based on the Constitution. You’ll never get it through your head that there’s a difference between the Bible and the government, and the Constitution states quite clearly that the two should be separate. If you feel so strongly against this country, there’s nothing stopping you from leaving, nothing at all.

  21. I grew up in the Bay Area and became familiar with Mike (the man, not the celeb) before he had his 2 very successful television shows. What I see in Mike today is a man whom viewers saw being assembled, brick by brick and personality trait by personality trait. A viewer growing up today, who is “new” to Mike Rowe, sees only his show persona. Mike is a very smart, decent and caring person who hasn’t changed too much over these past decades. When Mike talks, we should all listen, closely. I wish my friends were all Mike Rowes!

  22. If you use his logic, the the State Flags of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee will be next, because with minor variations, they are all Flags that were carried into battle by the Confederacy!

  23. It will be interesting to see how Walmart fares South of the Mason Dixon line. I personally prefer Winn-Dixie and Rural King! They are not run by PC idiots who dance to the lefts tune!

    1. Buy saying exactly what the left has been saying? Take the flag down. It is what it now represents not what you think it represents that is the problem.
      If Obama said “By all means – lets take the flag down. It’s long past time” you would want to tar and feather him and run him out of town for that statement.. Oh sorry, when Obama said that you did want to tar and feather him and run him out of town.
      Now when Mike Rowe says it everything is just great!

      Here is Mike Rowe’s quote for you again “By all means – lets take the flag down. It’s long past time.

      If taking it down is good enough for Mike Rowe it should be good enough for you.

      1. Tarring and Feathering is not NEARLY a permanent enough punishment for our worthless POS ‘president’. This vile traitor should be hung from a public monument until the rotten flesh falls from his bones. He has single-handedly destroyed this country and NO punishment is too harsh for this crime. He is a malignant, narcissistic Sociopath of the highest order and should be in a strait-jacket, NOT the Oval Office. He is a traitor of the highest order and an enemy of the state and needs to be dealt with as such!

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