Levin SLAMS Pelosi’s Charge Of POTUS Engaging In ‘CRIMINAL COVER-UP’

One of the biggest problems I see is that the current Democratic party and their leadership only views the Constitution as an impediment to their agenda, to the degree that they understand it at all.

Conservative radio host Mark Levin felt he had to call out Rep. Nancy Pelosi for making the statement that President Trump was involved in a criminal cover-up. Just two weeks ago, she claimed Trump was involved in a cover-up, so now she’s upgraded that charge to “criminal.”

Pelosi using the words “criminal cover-up” really puts a stain on things and ups the ante on hate rhetoric toward the Commander-in-Chief. ” As you will see in the video below, he didn’t hold back his feelings when speaking about Pelosi.

The one thing about Levin is that he is a very wise political commentator, always referring back to the Constitution and why it made us the greatest country in history. These Dems are the very reason the Constitution is so vitally important. It is a check and balance against them using the power of government to inflict violence on society.

Levin: “If we didn’t have a Constitution and these Democrats who run these committees were in charge, it’d be like the French committees during the French Revolution, where they’d be declaring people guilty with a guillotine next to them and lopping their heads off. There are times when Congress is totally out of control and this is one of them, adding that House Democrats are sending “unconstitutional subpoenas” and anyone who receives one should be fighting it in court.

“She just declared the President of the United States a criminal based on what? No due process, no court case, no indictment. … [Jerry] Nadler announces the President of the United States is a criminal. These are the worst kinds of demagogues, who are representing the mob, their base. They have taken over the House of Representatives for their own political purposes,” he said.

[video_player type=”jwplay” id=”5ceKLap3″ playerid=”UhE9s077″ ratio=”landscape” credit=”” crediturl=””]

Typically when you accuse someone of a crime, you are required to use the term ‘alleged.’ Apparently, that is not a requirement for Democrats. They would just declare someone is guilty and it is supposed to be the final word, no evidence, just someone’s words, no trial, just say they’re guilty.

I would love to see Levin debate any Democrat or mainstream media Trump hater. None of them would stand a chance against him.

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148 thoughts on “Levin SLAMS Pelosi’s Charge Of POTUS Engaging In ‘CRIMINAL COVER-UP’”

  1. Just think about what Pres. Trump could have gotten done had the House not fought him at every turn. Just imagine! I will never forget our Pres. working over the holidays while the House Dems played in the tropical sunshine. Laziest bunch of do nothings I’ve ever seen or heard of. They make every teenager in the country look wonderfully ambitious!

  2. YEP ! they tried that crap here in broward county florida. The “so called supervisor” determined how many “votes”they needed to prevail and VOILA,those votes magically appeared in the trunk of someone’s car..WHOOPS..AFTER the deadline ..so those “votes” could NOT be validated,and were ultimately proven to be phonies..THAT is exactly what democrats ALWAYS do Lie,cheat,steal,corrupt everything they touch. They ARE truly evil,anti america garbage !

  3. YEP ! they tried that crap here in broward county florida. The “so called supervisor” determined how many “votes”they needed to prevail and VOILA,those votes magically appeared in the trunk of someone’s car..WHOOPS..AFTER the deadline ..so those “votes” could NOT be validated,and were ultimately proven to be phonies..THAT is exactly what democrats ALWAYS do Lie,cheat,steal,corrupt everything they touch. They ARE truly evil,anti america garbage !

  4. Why do people refer to the Democrats as the Democratic Party!!! They are so far from being Democratic that it is almost like an oxymoron!! Kind of like Jumbo Shrimp, Open Secret….Democratic Democrat????? Look up the word Democratic and then compare that to today’s Democrats!!!!

  5. Mitch McConnell is a HUGE part of the problem today. Thank G-d Paul Ryan is gone and G-d decided that John McCain needed to go back Home. Mark Rubio no longer had his butt buddies to back him up so he has calmed down a bit and I am still trying to figure out Lindsey Graham as to what side of the fence he is on from one day to the next. I want to trust Lindsey Graham although he did his best, along with John McCain to stick it to President Trump each and every chance they could get. McConnell is FAR from being on President Trump’s side and would, if he had the opportunity, be the today’s version of Pontius Pilate against President Trump!!! Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer!!

  6. I am so, so sorry about your father!!! More and more elderly people end up dying within a month after either being in the hospital or visiting a hospital. There is a movie called Soylent Green….if you haven’t seen it before you should. The sooner “they” get rid of all of those from the Baby Boomer generation, the sooner “they” can start to implement their programs. Doctor’s are just as involved in keeping people pumped full of the pharmaceutical poisons just as the pharmaceutical companies in making money off of the people that die from them – Big Pharma makes the drugs and doctors pimp them to their patients and both Doc and Pharma walk away with blood money on their hands!! Again Bluebeer, I am so sorry about your father. Only one CAT scan in 6 months if you are over 75….unless you are in Congress, a friend of a Congressman or know someone in high places. OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

  7. I am so, so sorry about your father!!! More and more elderly people end up dying within a month after either being in the hospital or visiting a hospital. There is a movie called Soylent Green….if you haven’t seen it before you should. The sooner “they” get rid of all of those from the Baby Boomer generation, the sooner “they” can start to implement their programs. Doctor’s are just as involved in keeping people pumped full of the pharmaceutical poisons just as the pharmaceutical companies in making money off of the people that die from them – Big Pharma makes the drugs and doctors pimp them to their patients and both Doc and Pharma walk away with blood money on their hands!! Again Bluebeer, I am so sorry about your father. Only one CAT scan in 6 months if you are over 75….unless you are in Congress, a friend of a Congressman or know someone in high places. OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

  8. I am so, so sorry about your father!!! More and more elderly people end up dying within a month after either being in the hospital or visiting a hospital. There is a movie called Soylent Green….if you haven’t seen it before you should. The sooner “they” get rid of all of those from the Baby Boomer generation, the sooner “they” can start to implement their programs. Doctor’s are just as involved in keeping people pumped full of the pharmaceutical poisons just as the pharmaceutical companies in making money off of the people that die from them – Big Pharma makes the drugs and doctors pimp them to their patients and both Doc and Pharma walk away with blood money on their hands!! Again Bluebeer, I am so sorry about your father. Only one CAT scan in 6 months if you are over 75….unless you are in Congress, a friend of a Congressman or know someone in high places. OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

  9. Well, for starters, Polosi and her gang of ne’er do wells are devoted to illegal behavior by being progressives when the business of a progressive is to undermine our Constitution. So, if anyone is engaged with a cover up it’s Pelosi and her misfit s.

  10. What you democrats have been doing is disgraceful and disgusting. Along with the media saying and doing things it’s time reporters be held accountable. Duh

  11. The only thing that will bring us out of this depression is free energy, hydrogen from water, you can make all the hydrogen, as you drive from a tank of water, you know our space shuttles,are powered by hydrogen / oxygen made from water, and home power plants run from water. There’s a 200 mpg carburetor sitting in the patient office collecting dust, called the Porge vapor carburetor, liquid gas does not burn, only the vapor, look at the gas wast that our cars, and truck get 20, 30 ,40 mile to the gallon, boycott the auto company’s owned by the oil company’s don’t buy a new vehicle, and demand water to hydrogen kits to change all autos to water power with 2 switches to shut off the fuel pump, and fuel injectors, and fill your tank up with water, free energy, just think what free energy would do for the economy? prices for every thing would start dropping.

  12. The only thing that will bring us out of this depression is free energy, hydrogen from water, you can make all the hydrogen, as you drive from a tank of water, you know our space shuttles,are powered by hydrogen / oxygen made from water, and home power plants run from water. There’s a 200 mpg carburetor sitting in the patient office collecting dust, called the Porge vapor carburetor, liquid gas does not burn, only the vapor, look at the gas wast that our cars, and truck get 20, 30 ,40 mile to the gallon, boycott the auto company’s owned by the oil company’s don’t buy a new vehicle, and demand water to hydrogen kits to change all autos to water power with 2 switches to shut off the fuel pump, and fuel injectors, and fill your tank up with water, free energy, just think what free energy would do for the economy? prices for every thing would start dropping.

  13. GreenAirBaloon

    How about they don’t get another pay raise until they start paying back the money that was taken from Social Security, It was NOT their money to take, it belonged to us the people. If they don’t straighten up we could force them to put their retirement into S.S., and see how they like it.

  14. GreenAirBaloon

    How about they don’t get another pay raise until they start paying back the money that was taken from Social Security, It was NOT their money to take, it belonged to us the people. If they don’t straighten up we could force them to put their retirement into S.S., and see how they like it.

  15. GreenAirBaloon

    Mark Levin is so right about this. The Democrats are so bad and part of this comes from them dealing with George Soros, everyone that takes money from him sells their soul to the DEVIL, and Soros is one or he wouldn’t have lived for what he did as a child in Hungary.

  16. GreenAirBaloon

    Mark Levin is so right about this. The Democrats are so bad and part of this comes from them dealing with George Soros, everyone that takes money from him sells their soul to the DEVIL, and Soros is one or he wouldn’t have lived for what he did as a child in Hungary.

  17. Congress members that have been there more than eight years are all millionaires or very close to it. They are not there to serve this country but their own pocket books. Bae salary $ 175k, extra fees for committee work, transportation costs, housing in Washington, offices and 80% of all medical premiums reimbursed and all for working(?) Less than six months a year doing nothing but investigating or campaigning. They even do get to keep and spend the millions left over in their campaign funds. Why do we taxpayers put up with this ? Would our employers accept it ?

  18. Trump is the most law abiding President this country has ever had and anybody with a functioning brain knows it.

    Lisa Page testified under oath that there was absolutely NOTHING to investigate Trump on , she admitted that the whole Russia BS was completely made up and that her superiors altered top secret documents to allow this illegal investigation into Trump continue.

    Didn’t know that huh , well of course not the media have adamantly refused to even cover that story . Thats just one of the thousands of reasons why you can NEVER EVER believe a word out of the media’s mouth .

    In Kevin Shipps own words former CIA operative:

    This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.” 

    “Shipp also points out that, this time, it will not be business as usual for the “Deep State and Shadow Government.” They are going to be brought to justice because Shipp says, “indictments are coming because of Donald Trump coming into the White House from the outside. Trump cannot be bribed.” 


  19. Trump is the most law abiding President this country has ever had and anybody with a functioning brain knows it.

    Lisa Page testified under oath that there was absolutely NOTHING to investigate Trump on , she admitted that the whole Russia BS was completely made up and that her superiors altered top secret documents to allow this illegal investigation into Trump continue.

    Didn’t know that huh , well of course not the media have adamantly refused to even cover that story . Thats just one of the thousands of reasons why you can NEVER EVER believe a word out of the media’s mouth .

    In Kevin Shipps own words former CIA operative:

    This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.” 

    “Shipp also points out that, this time, it will not be business as usual for the “Deep State and Shadow Government.” They are going to be brought to justice because Shipp says, “indictments are coming because of Donald Trump coming into the White House from the outside. Trump cannot be bribed.” 


  20. Trump is the most law abiding President this country has ever had and anybody with a functioning brain knows it.

    Lisa Page testified under oath that there was absolutely NOTHING to investigate Trump on , she admitted that the whole Russia BS was completely made up and that her superiors altered top secret documents to allow this illegal investigation into Trump continue.

    Didn’t know that huh , well of course not the media have adamantly refused to even cover that story . Thats just one of the thousands of reasons why you can NEVER EVER believe a word out of the media’s mouth .

    In Kevin Shipps own words former CIA operative:

    This is deep. This is dark. This is as dark as it gets, and this is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country.” 

    “Shipp also points out that, this time, it will not be business as usual for the “Deep State and Shadow Government.” They are going to be brought to justice because Shipp says, “indictments are coming because of Donald Trump coming into the White House from the outside. Trump cannot be bribed.” 


  21. And I am knocking on 86 and totally agree with the both of you ..and if Trump is not re-elected you can kiss our country goodbye as we know it…look at the ages of Piglosi, Shummer and the others that are heads of committees and the number of years they have been in Congress…Trump has interrupted their club of corruption and they are fighting him tooth and nails to keep their power and control with the help of the fake MSM…

  22. And I am knocking on 86 and totally agree with the both of you ..and if Trump is not re-elected you can kiss our country goodbye as we know it…look at the ages of Piglosi, Shummer and the others that are heads of committees and the number of years they have been in Congress…Trump has interrupted their club of corruption and they are fighting him tooth and nails to keep their power and control with the help of the fake MSM…

  23. And I am knocking on 86 and totally agree with the both of you ..and if Trump is not re-elected you can kiss our country goodbye as we know it…look at the ages of Piglosi, Shummer and the others that are heads of committees and the number of years they have been in Congress…Trump has interrupted their club of corruption and they are fighting him tooth and nails to keep their power and control with the help of the fake MSM…

  24. The standard response to a stroke, even a mild one, is to order a bilateral carotid artery ultrasound procedure. What area of your dad’s body was the CT scan focused on? Sounds to me that the doctor that diagnosed screwed the pooch.

    And, BTW, there is no such Medicare rule on CT imaging being limited to once every 6 months, regardless of patient age.

  25. The standard response to a stroke, even a mild one, is to order a bilateral carotid artery ultrasound procedure. What area of your dad’s body was the CT scan focused on? Sounds to me that the doctor that diagnosed screwed the pooch.

    And, BTW, there is no such Medicare rule on CT imaging being limited to once every 6 months, regardless of patient age.

  26. He only mentioned Pelosi & Nadler. What about Schiff Twittering that POTUS TOOK FOREIGN HELP IN 2016 AND WANT IT AGAIN. Below is the link to the tweet. file:///RepAdamSchiff/status/1139184467254415360

  27. He only mentioned Pelosi & Nadler. What about Schiff Twittering that POTUS TOOK FOREIGN HELP IN 2016 AND WANT IT AGAIN. Below is the link to the tweet. file:///RepAdamSchiff/status/1139184467254415360

  28. The biggest mistake made by American voters was when they gave the house back to the Democrats. There’s been nothing but meddlesome, power grabbing since then. Not to mention the fact that all the crazy socialists have reared their ugly faces.

  29. The biggest mistake made by American voters was when they gave the house back to the Democrats. There’s been nothing but meddlesome, power grabbing since then. Not to mention the fact that all the crazy socialists have reared their ugly faces.

  30. BINGO! They project all of their deviousness onto President Trump, William Barr, and any of the other decent people in our Government trying to protect legal American citizens.

  31. BINGO! They project all of their deviousness onto President Trump, William Barr, and any of the other decent people in our Government trying to protect legal American citizens.

  32. I am so sorry to hear this. Please accept my condolences. That should never happen in this Nation. It does often happen in Nations with socialized medicine. People talk about free medical care. I lived and worked in the UK. It certainly is not free; half of my paycheck was deducted to take care of their “free” socialized medicine care. When it comes to serious illnesses such as what occurred with your Father, they do send them home so they don’t take up a bed / room in a hospital and if the older patients need a kidney or specialized treatment for other diseases, the waiting time for being able to have the operation or other major procedure is incredibly long. And the left wants to keep pushing this forward for our Nation. Unbelievable. I am again so very sorry about your Father. May he rest in peace.

  33. I am so sorry to hear this. Please accept my condolences. That should never happen in this Nation. It does often happen in Nations with socialized medicine. People talk about free medical care. I lived and worked in the UK. It certainly is not free; half of my paycheck was deducted to take care of their “free” socialized medicine care. When it comes to serious illnesses such as what occurred with your Father, they do send them home so they don’t take up a bed / room in a hospital and if the older patients need a kidney or specialized treatment for other diseases, the waiting time for being able to have the operation or other major procedure is incredibly long. And the left wants to keep pushing this forward for our Nation. Unbelievable. I am again so very sorry about your Father. May he rest in peace.

  34. Its the same social justice mind set that has Congress in “hearings” that is merely a propaganda platform for socialists on the issue of repatriation for slavery. For that they got a multi millionaire black man from Hollywood to front for them. How can he claim he is not a part of the American dream? Why should we believe he is an aberration? We have spent trillions on reparation already if anything it is proof money is not the answer.
    This is merey the sort of false negatives Bernie Sanders projects as “progressive democratic socialism that is a constipated myth and has already failed in multi form and degrees. He simply wants to quash any power outside of government by seizing all moneys and assets. That is the underlying claim by Democrats that President Trump should be impeached. And believe it if they get power and as it rapidly ends in an end of readily available consumer goods, necessities and hours in food lines like we already have at the Government run SS offices and DMVs, all I got to say to those fools is , I told you so, but it won’t be very satisfying as a wait for my year end issue of one chance to buy shoes annually.

  35. “Democrats were also busy rigging elections and committing voter fraud.”

    And they will continue to do so, until the legal hammer lowered, and the perps are prosecuted and incarcerated, for a very long time.

  36. “Democrats were also busy rigging elections and committing voter fraud.”

    And they will continue to do so, until the legal hammer lowered, and the perps are prosecuted and incarcerated, for a very long time.

  37. I don’t believe the various polls any more now than I did when they were declaring that President Trump had less than a 20% chance of winning and that Hillary was the overwhelming favorite across the country. Of course, it was all planned lies in the democrats efforts to persuade voters. Democrats were also busy rigging elections and committing voter fraud.

  38. Well, they’re not getting it through school or religion. We are all living a very privileged life in this country and many have badly lost perspective. I have a neighbor who knows a new representative in Congress and will suggest she speak to him about the idea. I think you should be able to choose whether you will face bullets or support, but the best benefits reserved for those facing live combat or high danger.

  39. Well, they’re not getting it through school or religion. We are all living a very privileged life in this country and many have badly lost perspective. I have a neighbor who knows a new representative in Congress and will suggest she speak to him about the idea. I think you should be able to choose whether you will face bullets or support, but the best benefits reserved for those facing live combat or high danger.

  40. They only people I see who are criminals are Pelosi and her gang of bullies, enough is enough stop this witch hunt and get back to real work. Please some lawyer out there start a class action lawsuit against all of theses treasonous people. I will be the first person to join your fight, for Stressing out the country. Doing harm to us all and for taking money under false pretense. Please

  41. Sounds like the making of a substantial lawsuit right there. Now with healthcare like that, who needs enimies . Yet they want the govt to take over and give everyone free Healthcare. Yeah, right. We’ll all be dead inside a year at best. They can’t even take good care of the people on Medicare and veterans now.

  42. Sounds like the making of a substantial lawsuit right there. Now with healthcare like that, who needs enimies . Yet they want the govt to take over and give everyone free Healthcare. Yeah, right. We’ll all be dead inside a year at best. They can’t even take good care of the people on Medicare and veterans now.

  43. Sounds like the making of a substantial lawsuit right there. Now with healthcare like that, who needs enimies . Yet they want the govt to take over and give everyone free Healthcare. Yeah, right. We’ll all be dead inside a year at best. They can’t even take good care of the people on Medicare and veterans now.

  44. I agree with you completely! This ‘entitled’ thing I live with every day of my life as my son is married to one. Please & thank you aren’t in the vocabulary. Expect everything but never want to reciprocate for anything. Helping others is too much of a bother. Does nothing unless a ‘reward’ for them is involved. I’m so sick of it. Kindness & consideration of others went out the window when patriotism & prayer left the schools. The draft would teach people to work together & appreciate their fellow man/woman again.

  45. I agree with you completely! This ‘entitled’ thing I live with every day of my life as my son is married to one. Please & thank you aren’t in the vocabulary. Expect everything but never want to reciprocate for anything. Helping others is too much of a bother. Does nothing unless a ‘reward’ for them is involved. I’m so sick of it. Kindness & consideration of others went out the window when patriotism & prayer left the schools. The draft would teach people to work together & appreciate their fellow man/woman again.

  46. I agree with you completely! This ‘entitled’ thing I live with every day of my life as my son is married to one. Please & thank you aren’t in the vocabulary. Expect everything but never want to reciprocate for anything. Helping others is too much of a bother. Does nothing unless a ‘reward’ for them is involved. I’m so sick of it. Kindness & consideration of others went out the window when patriotism & prayer left the schools. The draft would teach people to work together & appreciate their fellow man/woman again.

  47. The Dem leadership and many followers don’t make a bit of sense, anymore. All they do is sow hate for Trump, starting with the “Love Trumps Hate” slogan, which was abusive. That alone was enough to turn the stomach of many decent people. They pander to failure, to bad choices, delusions, and try to say anything goes. Islam is about as ant-liberal as a religion gets, and they embrace it. They think it’s all about a hijab. Ironically, I told my family members that all Clinton had to do to win was “be nice to Trump”. She couldn’t manage it. People could tell she was and is a very sick chick. The only good fix I see is bringing the draft back. Everybody performs service at 18. We’ve got a country full of self-absorbed teenagers who never grew up.

  48. The Democrats definitely are not the party of peace or equality. They call us, Conservatives, everything they, themselves are. Interesting, but hurtful too. I thought we were all Americans who want the best for one another. Sad that they became so radicalized. Sort of like Islam. Radicalized is dangerous.

  49. The Democrats definitely are not the party of peace or equality. They call us, Conservatives, everything they, themselves are. Interesting, but hurtful too. I thought we were all Americans who want the best for one another. Sad that they became so radicalized. Sort of like Islam. Radicalized is dangerous.

  50. The Democrats definitely are not the party of peace or equality. They call us, Conservatives, everything they, themselves are. Interesting, but hurtful too. I thought we were all Americans who want the best for one another. Sad that they became so radicalized. Sort of like Islam. Radicalized is dangerous.

  51. It was a slow process. For quite a while I was voting third party more and more often, but finally wised up. Pubs are bad, too, but it’s all relative. Dems are prejudiced, complicated, mixed up, and some are plain evil.

  52. It was a slow process. For quite a while I was voting third party more and more often, but finally wised up. Pubs are bad, too, but it’s all relative. Dems are prejudiced, complicated, mixed up, and some are plain evil.

  53. I am a mathematical physicist and actually understand all the numbers. Dems are running the biggest fraud in history, along with all the other socialists. It’s so obvious…but the media has brainwashed half the population. These politicians are not nice people. That’s all a smoke screen.

  54. I am a mathematical physicist and actually understand all the numbers. Dems are running the biggest fraud in history, along with all the other socialists. It’s so obvious…but the media has brainwashed half the population. These politicians are not nice people. That’s all a smoke screen.

  55. You’re not alone, the secretary in my department saw me wearing a MAGA hat one day and very quietly told me it was dangerous! She feared getting fired. My son worried about it when we were in the car, thought people might throw rocks at us. That’s the kind of atmosphere Dems and the media created in their bid to take the election by hook or crook! Trump supporters deplorable??? Not compared to these so-called liberal Democrats!

  56. You’re not alone, the secretary in my department saw me wearing a MAGA hat one day and very quietly told me it was dangerous! She feared getting fired. My son worried about it when we were in the car, thought people might throw rocks at us. That’s the kind of atmosphere Dems and the media created in their bid to take the election by hook or crook! Trump supporters deplorable??? Not compared to these so-called liberal Democrats!

  57. Democrats ≠ Americans.
    They are Marxists with splits between:
    Communist (where the government owns everything) and
    Fascists (where some businesses are owned by entrepreneurs, like China is now).

  58. Well, they called them “Benefit Review Panels,” but their intention was to find reasons to deny treatment to older Americans, the same way they did to your dad. THAT was Obama’s intention when he set that up! I don’t know for sure, but I think those “panels” might STILL be part of Medicare now! If he’d had that scan, they would have found the blocked artery! I’m sorry for the unnecessary loss of your dad!

  59. Well, they called them “Benefit Review Panels,” but their intention was to find reasons to deny treatment to older Americans, the same way they did to your dad. THAT was Obama’s intention when he set that up! I don’t know for sure, but I think those “panels” might STILL be part of Medicare now! If he’d had that scan, they would have found the blocked artery! I’m sorry for the unnecessary loss of your dad!

  60. They actually had death panels set up. My Dad had a minor stroke on a Wednesday had a cat scan and the hospital sent him home. The next day his nurse found him on the floor again. This time it was a major stroke. His DR wanted another cat scan but Medicare said anyone over 75 can only have 1 cat scan in six months. He died a few weeks later. Turns out he died from a blockage in the artery in his neck and his brain wasn’t getting enough blood.

  61. They actually had death panels set up. My Dad had a minor stroke on a Wednesday had a cat scan and the hospital sent him home. The next day his nurse found him on the floor again. This time it was a major stroke. His DR wanted another cat scan but Medicare said anyone over 75 can only have 1 cat scan in six months. He died a few weeks later. Turns out he died from a blockage in the artery in his neck and his brain wasn’t getting enough blood.

  62. They actually had death panels set up. My Dad had a minor stroke on a Wednesday had a cat scan and the hospital sent him home. The next day his nurse found him on the floor again. This time it was a major stroke. His DR wanted another cat scan but Medicare said anyone over 75 can only have 1 cat scan in six months. He died a few weeks later. Turns out he died from a blockage in the artery in his neck and his brain wasn’t getting enough blood.

  63. Thank you mark…she should be in jail all she said about trump ….imagine if we did that to HER??..imagine the fbi would be at our door..???? Take her down. down guys. she is a disgrace. GO trump.

  64. Thank you mark…she should be in jail all she said about trump ….imagine if we did that to HER??..imagine the fbi would be at our door..???? Take her down. down guys. she is a disgrace. GO trump.

  65. Obama and holder are going state to state right now to get their leftist judges to defeat the electoral college so they can steal the election in 2020. They should be prosecuted for it.

  66. Congratulations. We need more like you to save our country. The problem is that all the socialist communists running for President are giving everything free so the millennials and illegals will vote for them. It’s so sad what they are doing to America in the name of pure greed and hate.

  67. Congratulations. We need more like you to save our country. The problem is that all the socialist communists running for President are giving everything free so the millennials and illegals will vote for them. It’s so sad what they are doing to America in the name of pure greed and hate.

  68. Hi, GreenPin! Yes, I took a hit too. Guess all of us on SS did. My disgust for the DC Swamp is beyond words. Never thought I’d see the day when I’d not be able to show my support for a candidate for office for fear of the safety of my pets, my home, me! This is what the Dems have done to this country. Used to be a Dem until I wised up during the Clinton years. Dems are pushing for Socialism/Communism as hard as they can. Our Bill of Rights is being tossed into the trash by them.

  69. Hi, GreenPin! Yes, I took a hit too. Guess all of us on SS did. My disgust for the DC Swamp is beyond words. Never thought I’d see the day when I’d not be able to show my support for a candidate for office for fear of the safety of my pets, my home, me! This is what the Dems have done to this country. Used to be a Dem until I wised up during the Clinton years. Dems are pushing for Socialism/Communism as hard as they can. Our Bill of Rights is being tossed into the trash by them.

  70. That’s totally true. What have they done since the election to earn the paychecks they are getting. Besides that they are so completely overpaid! They are getting money under the table to obstruct our President on everything he wants to accomplish, especially the border. They all belong behind bars. They are reflecting on President Trump and his staff what they have done and are doing. Bigots and traitors.

  71. That’s totally true. What have they done since the election to earn the paychecks they are getting. Besides that they are so completely overpaid! They are getting money under the table to obstruct our President on everything he wants to accomplish, especially the border. They all belong behind bars. They are reflecting on President Trump and his staff what they have done and are doing. Bigots and traitors.

  72. That’s totally true. What have they done since the election to earn the paychecks they are getting. Besides that they are so completely overpaid! They are getting money under the table to obstruct our President on everything he wants to accomplish, especially the border. They all belong behind bars. They are reflecting on President Trump and his staff what they have done and are doing. Bigots and traitors.

  73. I too was a lifetime Dem until I got wise to the Clinton Machine. Even went to Hot Springs, Arkansas & talked to people there who knew the family going way back. Hot Springs has quite a history, crime wise. Now, things so bad I don’t have any outward signs of being Conservative. Fear for pets, home, car, etc.. That’s how crazed the Dems are!

  74. I too was a lifetime Dem until I got wise to the Clinton Machine. Even went to Hot Springs, Arkansas & talked to people there who knew the family going way back. Hot Springs has quite a history, crime wise. Now, things so bad I don’t have any outward signs of being Conservative. Fear for pets, home, car, etc.. That’s how crazed the Dems are!

  75. Wow, if he ran and won, wouldn’t that send the progressive liberals into a tizzy. Levin studied the Constitution, he really knows and understands the Constitution and if he were President of this country would follow the Constitution which the liberals would hate. Just think, there would be no more “unconstitutional laws” like Obama put into place using a “phone, pen and executive privilege”.

  76. Wow, if he ran and won, wouldn’t that send the progressive liberals into a tizzy. Levin studied the Constitution, he really knows and understands the Constitution and if he were President of this country would follow the Constitution which the liberals would hate. Just think, there would be no more “unconstitutional laws” like Obama put into place using a “phone, pen and executive privilege”.

  77. I love to listen to Levin. He is extremely smart and could put down a democrat on any subject they want to bring up. I would dare Pelosi to have a one-on-one with him about the Constitution but I know that will never happen because she knows she’d lose all credibility in a heartbeat.

  78. I love to listen to Levin. He is extremely smart and could put down a democrat on any subject they want to bring up. I would dare Pelosi to have a one-on-one with him about the Constitution but I know that will never happen because she knows she’d lose all credibility in a heartbeat.

  79. Mitch McConnell–like most people in BOTH parties in Congress–is a career politician, GreenBowtie. That means he doesn’t especially CARE about this country, OR its people, for that matter. All HE cares about is feathering his OWN nest, and sucking up to lobbyists with the biggest campaign contributions to fund his campaign to stay in office.

    Most career politicians don’t even remember the rest of us are OUT HERE, unless they need our votes to punch their tickets for another ride on the government gravy train. And THAT is the sad truth of the matter!

    Our Founding Fathers did NOT design this government to for CAREER POLITICIANS. They designed it to be run by CITIZENS who served a couple of terms in Congress, then WENT BACK to civilian life to LIVE UNDER the laws they enacted. If we still HAD that kind of Congress, it would be a whole different ballgame, because, since their stay in Congress would only be temporary, they would have some “skin in the game” when they passed a law that would ALSO apply to them after they left Congress. As it is, they EXEMPT THEMSELVES from EVERY law they pass on the rest of us!

  80. Mitch McConnell–like most people in BOTH parties in Congress–is a career politician, GreenBowtie. That means he doesn’t especially CARE about this country, OR its people, for that matter. All HE cares about is feathering his OWN nest, and sucking up to lobbyists with the biggest campaign contributions to fund his campaign to stay in office.

    Most career politicians don’t even remember the rest of us are OUT HERE, unless they need our votes to punch their tickets for another ride on the government gravy train. And THAT is the sad truth of the matter!

    Our Founding Fathers did NOT design this government to for CAREER POLITICIANS. They designed it to be run by CITIZENS who served a couple of terms in Congress, then WENT BACK to civilian life to LIVE UNDER the laws they enacted. If we still HAD that kind of Congress, it would be a whole different ballgame, because, since their stay in Congress would only be temporary, they would have some “skin in the game” when they passed a law that would ALSO apply to them after they left Congress. As it is, they EXEMPT THEMSELVES from EVERY law they pass on the rest of us!

  81. Mitch McConnell–like most people in BOTH parties in Congress–is a career politician, GreenBowtie. That means he doesn’t especially CARE about this country, OR its people, for that matter. All HE cares about is feathering his OWN nest, and sucking up to lobbyists with the biggest campaign contributions to fund his campaign to stay in office.

    Most career politicians don’t even remember the rest of us are OUT HERE, unless they need our votes to punch their tickets for another ride on the government gravy train. And THAT is the sad truth of the matter!

    Our Founding Fathers did NOT design this government to for CAREER POLITICIANS. They designed it to be run by CITIZENS who served a couple of terms in Congress, then WENT BACK to civilian life to LIVE UNDER the laws they enacted. If we still HAD that kind of Congress, it would be a whole different ballgame, because, since their stay in Congress would only be temporary, they would have some “skin in the game” when they passed a law that would ALSO apply to them after they left Congress. As it is, they EXEMPT THEMSELVES from EVERY law they pass on the rest of us!

  82. At least you finally DID see them for what they are, hypertensor! That’s more than I can say for the millions of deluded DEMS who continue to believe every word that issues forth from the mouth of these America-hating LIARS!

  83. At least you finally DID see them for what they are, hypertensor! That’s more than I can say for the millions of deluded DEMS who continue to believe every word that issues forth from the mouth of these America-hating LIARS!

  84. CyanBottle723

    You forgot to mention that was about the FIRST increase since that nasty little Sociopath, OBAMA took office in 2008. He HATED old people and wanted us all to die, because we’ve have lived long enough to KNOW him for what he IS, despite all this lies–and he ALSO knew that seniors VOTE–and would NOT be voting for him!

    He was hoping to get rid of a LOT of us with the “death panel” clause in Obamacare, but was thwarted in THAT avenue. So he TRIED to starve us out by ensuring that WE stayed at the same rate, despite inflation, despite ever-increasing premiums for Medicare, insurance supplements to pay what Medicare didn’t, house and car insurance, etc.

    After THAT many years of falling behind and losing purchasing power, we seniors will likely NEVER even catch up with inflation and the decline in value of the dollar–EXACTLY as that nasty little America-hating Sociopath INTENDED.

  85. CyanBottle723

    You forgot to mention that was about the FIRST increase since that nasty little Sociopath, OBAMA took office in 2008. He HATED old people and wanted us all to die, because we’ve have lived long enough to KNOW him for what he IS, despite all this lies–and he ALSO knew that seniors VOTE–and would NOT be voting for him!

    He was hoping to get rid of a LOT of us with the “death panel” clause in Obamacare, but was thwarted in THAT avenue. So he TRIED to starve us out by ensuring that WE stayed at the same rate, despite inflation, despite ever-increasing premiums for Medicare, insurance supplements to pay what Medicare didn’t, house and car insurance, etc.

    After THAT many years of falling behind and losing purchasing power, we seniors will likely NEVER even catch up with inflation and the decline in value of the dollar–EXACTLY as that nasty little America-hating Sociopath INTENDED.

  86. For sure. Except that it’s Mitch McConnell that is causing it to be a “do nothing” Congress. He has no problem saying that he’ll not even put a bill on the floor for discussion/debate. I’m sure he doesn’t want the American people to see EXACTLY why the Republican party is NOT for most American citizens.

  87. For sure. Except that it’s Mitch McConnell that is causing it to be a “do nothing” Congress. He has no problem saying that he’ll not even put a bill on the floor for discussion/debate. I’m sure he doesn’t want the American people to see EXACTLY why the Republican party is NOT for most American citizens.

  88. I’m a few years behind you, but Congressional Dems have become really challenged in the decency department. They are ridiculous, bordering on criminal. And I was Dem lib for 45 years! Only resigned in Feb 2017 after they turned to treason as a political tool.I was embarrassed and even nervous to say I was in the party. Kind of like saying you’re behind Benedict Arnold all the way.

  89. I’m a few years behind you, but Congressional Dems have become really challenged in the decency department. They are ridiculous, bordering on criminal. And I was Dem lib for 45 years! Only resigned in Feb 2017 after they turned to treason as a political tool.I was embarrassed and even nervous to say I was in the party. Kind of like saying you’re behind Benedict Arnold all the way.

  90. Hey Goldshadow, I am knocking on 82 and totally agree with you. Moreover, I am a Naturalized American and proud of it; I have voted in every election since becoming a US Citizen and am getting really PO’d with these jerks who are supposed to be representing us. They are pushing for a $4,500.00 increase in pay and have the gall to say it is a Cost of Living increase, that works out to 2.58%. How about giving us a 2.58% increase first my Social Security increase this year amounted to about 1.4% but the increase in my Medicare payment blew that away and I ended up with a net loss for the year. Bet the same happened to you too Gold?

  91. Hey Goldshadow, I am knocking on 82 and totally agree with you. Moreover, I am a Naturalized American and proud of it; I have voted in every election since becoming a US Citizen and am getting really PO’d with these jerks who are supposed to be representing us. They are pushing for a $4,500.00 increase in pay and have the gall to say it is a Cost of Living increase, that works out to 2.58%. How about giving us a 2.58% increase first my Social Security increase this year amounted to about 1.4% but the increase in my Medicare payment blew that away and I ended up with a net loss for the year. Bet the same happened to you too Gold?

  92. Hey Goldshadow, I am knocking on 82 and totally agree with you. Moreover, I am a Naturalized American and proud of it; I have voted in every election since becoming a US Citizen and am getting really PO’d with these jerks who are supposed to be representing us. They are pushing for a $4,500.00 increase in pay and have the gall to say it is a Cost of Living increase, that works out to 2.58%. How about giving us a 2.58% increase first my Social Security increase this year amounted to about 1.4% but the increase in my Medicare payment blew that away and I ended up with a net loss for the year. Bet the same happened to you too Gold?

  93. Levin is correct. In my opinion, our President has a good case against them for slander and defamation of character and it seems to me that he should SUE for as much as a judge will award him just to teach those leftist wackos that these baseless assaults upon the President are going to stop OR guilty parties may be sued into bankruptcy!

  94. Levin is correct. In my opinion, our President has a good case against them for slander and defamation of character and it seems to me that he should SUE for as much as a judge will award him just to teach those leftist wackos that these baseless assaults upon the President are going to stop OR guilty parties may be sued into bankruptcy!

  95. “There are times when Congress is totally out of control and this is one of them….” In my lifetime I’ve never seen such a, do nothing, obstructive, Congress. I’m knocking on the door of 80 yrs.. Need term limits & get rid of these non-respecters of American citizens. Vote!

  96. “There are times when Congress is totally out of control and this is one of them….” In my lifetime I’ve never seen such a, do nothing, obstructive, Congress. I’m knocking on the door of 80 yrs.. Need term limits & get rid of these non-respecters of American citizens. Vote!

  97. “There are times when Congress is totally out of control and this is one of them….” In my lifetime I’ve never seen such a, do nothing, obstructive, Congress. I’m knocking on the door of 80 yrs.. Need term limits & get rid of these non-respecters of American citizens. Vote!

  98. All Democrats are good at is Projecting onto others who they actually are. They accuse Conservatives as being racist when in actuality they are and Conservatives are not. They project that Conservatives want to destroy this country when in reality the Democrats will do whatever they have to to get back at Trump even if it destroys this country.

  99. All Democrats are good at is Projecting onto others who they actually are. They accuse Conservatives as being racist when in actuality they are and Conservatives are not. They project that Conservatives want to destroy this country when in reality the Democrats will do whatever they have to to get back at Trump even if it destroys this country.

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