John McCain’s Recovery From Surgery Could Take Longer Than Expected

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is recovering from surgery to remove a blood clot from above his left eye, and the recovery time may be longer than expected – delaying a vote on the Republican health care bill for weeks.

Doctors originally said the surgery – which required an incision through the eye, a surgical opening into the skull – would require a week of rest.

Some experts are expressing growing skepticism, saying the surgery was more serious than is being indicated. They believe he will require two weeks to recover – something which could drastically delay congressional attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Via the New York Times:

The condition for which Senator John McCain had surgery on Friday may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two, medical experts said on Sunday.

The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, has already announced that votes on a bill to dismantle the Affordable Care Act will not begin until Mr. McCain’s return. A statement released by Mr. McCain’s office on Saturday had suggested that he would be in Arizona recovering for just this week, but neurosurgeons interviewed said the typical recovery period could be longer.

We’re very thankful to hear the Senator is recovering fairly well. Prayers to hm and his family.

There are political matters at hand, sadly, that are being affected.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has decided to “defer consideration of the Better Care Act” while McCain is recovering.

The New York Times report speculates that McCain may have been suffering from symptoms of the clot during a bizarre line of questioning for former FBI director James Comey.

Let’s hope McCain fully recovers from this procedure, but do you think McConnell should continue to stall the health care vote while he’s recovering from a surgery of this nature?

Tell us your thoughts below!

32 thoughts on “John McCain’s Recovery From Surgery Could Take Longer Than Expected”

  1. Nobody knows how this mentally ill Senator is going to vote anyway. With his Trump derangement syndrome he might just vote against the replacement out of spite. He’s a vicious old POS who should take a long walk off a short pier.

  2. McCain is a very bad man. He is a vile Soros owned lap dog who does not have the better interests of humanity at heart. He is out for only one person, HIMSELF. He may have escaped his crimes in this life, But where he goes next, Won’t be comfortable.

  3. Force ALL members of Congress, staff, and ALL Gov’t employees to use ObozoCare! No exemptions, PERIOD! THEN, we might see it REPEALED/REPLACED!

  4. McShame the lowest of lows…you ARE NO HERO TO US REAL VIETNAM VETERANS. It would be good if all of the GOP turncoats could be shot a dawn. Sorry you got out of the hospital.

  5. John is not a TRUE conservative anyway. He does not protect the Constitution or TRUE FREEDOM. He is a Hilary and Barack follower and a Democratic “PLANT” in the Republican party for control. He is a traitor !!!

  6. Jan here: I personally do not believe anything McCain says. He totally hates President Trump. He will not vote for anything President Trump brings before the Senate. This might be a ploy to delay the vote on the Health bill. On the other hand, he certainly vote no. It is time for him to retire. He is worse than nothing.

  7. It is amazing how “the system” has covered for the psychopathy of John McCain, beginning with his destruction of aircraft during his aviator training. McCain already had the nickname “Johnny wet-start” prior to the Forrestal event, in which his “showing off” KILLED 134 US Navy sailors and maimed and injured an equal number. Had McCain´s not had two relatives who were Navy admirals, his spoiled-brat history would read very differently. His history of captivity in Viet Nam, and subsequently as a politician, continues to display the psychopathy that is associated with a fighter-jet-pilot who wilfully engages in a “wet start” as a form of “showing off”.
    Had this man received the punishment he deserved, he would not be in a position to continue to make “wet starts” with his mouth. The voters of Arizona who continue to re-elect him seem to be as brain-washed as those of California, who continue to re-elect their same, congress-criminals.

    1. John McCains father & grandfather were both Admirals back then and they covered up all of his misdeeds and traitorous acts while in the Hanoi Hilton by “ratting out” his fellow prisoners and making more than 3 dozen propaganda videos for NVN and the VC! He should have been shot for his actions during war!

  8. My hope is that he does recover soon but, that he will decide to retire as soon as he gets out. Arizona has a Republican governor , I believe and would replace him with a republican.

  9. Just thinking,during the end of the 60tes we transported Gis to and from Nam.Even though I am a Swede we even flew wonded folks from Cam Ranh Bay to Clark AFB in the Phil.. One time the pilots ware descussing about a US AF pilot that killed several people on an Carrier and then this guy went lost on Nam. For me this sounds like this republican. The thing is that they ware laughing about this pilot as he in their eyes was a joke. Wonder if this is the same person as John McCain.. In that case we need to prosecute this man killing our soldiers in a stupid way… Sorry for my spelling, my sight is not very good… the worst was to see dead GI soldiers killed by VC – for me US people ar my folks no matter what some idiotic Obama will hurt americans. He is a jerk…

    1. You have the right “pilot”. Showing off with a wet-start, “Johnny wet start” caused a fire on the USS Forestall that killed 134 American sailors and wounded a similar number. He switched to doing “wet starts” with his mouth once he entered politics. However, his treason is consistent.

  10. Is McCain on board for this insurance plan? If so, he can vote in absentia. Why is McConnell holding off? To give him time to make some more changes? This is out of control. Repeal the damn thing and let the insurance industry to do the rest. Congress/government has no business selling insurance…they’ve proven that with O’care and the VA.

  11. So we are even now. Hillary had surgery in 2012 to have a brain stimulation device inserted to hide her Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Parkinson’s disease is a disqualifying disease for any job because it affects the brain, behavior, memory, emotions, etc. McCain is really a Democrat and is why if they are hiding anything about his underlying condition they will be successful.

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