Senator Bernie Sanders Says GOP Health Care Bill is Worse Than 9/11

Socialist curmudgeon, Bernie Sanders, kicked the hyperbole into overdrive declaring the GOP health care bill would be worse than the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Despite admitting moments earlier that “nobody can predict exactly how many people will die if they lose their coverage,” Sanders nonetheless made the prediction.

“If 23 million Americans were to be thrown off the insurance they currently have, which is what the House [GOP] bill would do, up to 28,000 Americans every single year could die,” he fretted. “That is nine times more than the tragic losses of we suffered on 9/11, every single year.”

Here is footage of Bernie’s panic prediction …


Whoops. Wrong clip. Let’s try that again.

Here is Bernie telling supporters that the health care bill is worse than 9/11.

Via the Free Beacon:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) on Sunday attacked the Republican health care plan to replace the Affordable Care Act, arguing it would kill more Americans each year than the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

“Now obviously nobody can predict exactly how many people will die if they lose their coverage. Nobody can make that prediction,” Sanders said at a rally in Morgantown, W.Va. “But what experts at the Harvard School of Public Health estimate, is that if 23 million Americans were to be thrown off the insurance they currently have, which is what the House bill would do, up to, up to 28,000 Americans every single year could die.”

Sanders then compared the Republican health care plan to the Sept. 11 terror attacks carried out by al Qaeda that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

Bear in mind, this is a socialist claiming that a revised health care system is going to cause massive amounts of death and hysteria.

The same socialist mindset and platform which has led a country like Venezuela to force its own people to ration toothpaste. Socialism kills people.

But yeah, fixing Obamacare, now that’s bad. Terrorism-level bad.

It’s not the first time we’ve seen liberals compare things they don’t agree with to the horrific events that occurred on 9/11. They make such comparisons because they’re simple-minded people.

Hollywood actor Robert De Niro compared the election results to 9/11. As did so many other snowflakes in coping with Hillary Clinton’s loss. Harry Reid compared Russian hacking to 9/11.

To paraphrase the Geico commercials: If you’re liberals, you compare Republicans to terrorists. It’s what you do.

Meanwhile, the Republicans will continue trying to fix the Obamacare mess – the one that actually increased mortality rates while it was policy.

The chart above translates to 11,000 excess annual U.S. adult deaths relative to the pre-Obamacare trends.

Is the GOP health care bill or Obamacare worse for Americans? Share your thoughts below!

45 thoughts on “Senator Bernie Sanders Says GOP Health Care Bill is Worse Than 9/11”

  1. So he’s saying Obuma care IS An INSIDE job committed by AIPAC to start wars in the middle east if he’s comparing it to 911 — all smoke & mirrors to hide the real BIGGY -911TRUTH , Israel did 911.

  2. More people die FROM Obamacare than are PREVENTED from dying. 250,000 die each year because our system has too few doctors, nurses, technicians, test equipment, drugs, clinics, and hospitals. This created more demand while actually killing careers in health care.

    1. John, the United States spends more per capita and more as a percentage of GDP than any other first world nation. And you point out that our system is worse than the others.

      Sounds like an argument to support Bernie.

    2. With more people able to receive medical care, how did the ACA kill jobs. In Alabama where I live private companies have created schools to train medical personnel because there is a larger demand for them.


    1. Barbara, our Constitution’s Preamble announces that one of the functions of our government is to “Promote the General Welfare” and Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the authority to “lay and collect taxes … to… provide for … general Welfare…”
      It doesn’t say provide for corporate welfare. It doesn’t say provide welfare to rich people.
      The health of our citizens is a general welfare issue.

  4. American taxpayers are currently funding the Israeli health care system, Saunders just wants America to have the same system as they support in Israel.

  5. I wonder if he is including those who voluntarily get off of Obamacare now that it’s not mandatory! By the way – is he Pro-life? I bet not except when it means you have to pay a premium to live!

  6. I can see people with severe medical conditions would rather have a fast death and your family getting millions of dollars. Rather than a slow painful death because you can not afford treatments or medications. But it’s not good to compare things to tragedies like 9/11.

  7. Sanders is full of crap as usual. Nothing he said is based on fact. All of my 75 years I have heard Liberals claim that Republicans want people dead and the liberals turn around and pass BS that they call health care. ObamaCare is 100% Liberal BS and passed totally for power and control. Sanders our Nit Wit Socialist is the last person that should be complaining about the Republican Health Care bill.

  8. sander’s family has deep roots in communism. The health plan that they put in force destroyed one of the greatest health systems in the World. We may not recover from the destruction. That plan was to eventually lead to one payer system. In this system, if you don’t do as told, then you are denied coverage. It is a systematic way of killing off the older people. sanders is delusional with greed and power.

  9. Bernie’s commentary on the simile between bammiecare and 9/11 places him in the same relationship as Kermit the Frog’s commentary on the status of experimental physics and the discovery of a new solar system.

  10. So Obama destroys the health care system that is in place, gives it to the government (which we all know are SO good at fixing problems) and then complains when someone smart comes out and tries to take their toys away and give it to the smart kids. Bernie. You lost. You lost to Hillary. If that isn’t one of the worst things that can happen I don’t know what is. And as much as you hate Trump, he beat her – soundly. A guy, unlike yourself living off of the government all your life, who never ran for public office before he got fed up enough to try his hand at the first thing that came to mind. The Presidency. Not mayor, governor, city council, senate – nothing – PRESIDENT. Doesn’t that make you feel smaller than you already are? So funny.

  11. Bernie Sanders is a buffoon. I grew up in the same are in Brooklyn as he did and he was the type of guy that no one else wanted to hang out with. He’s a person that causes grief and only wants to be popular and make money. He’s also a fake communist.

  12. Bernie, the old burnt out hippie socialist, is spending too much time in the sun at his vacation homes, earned by stepping aside and enabling “the witch” and her Coven to win the Primary :)

  13. my mother-in-law is from the period when people had no healthcare [STILL DOESN”T] is in a nursing home, supported by social security, Medicare Medicade and I think the state paying for her medical care…..SHE IS 105 and STILL in good health….SO this garbage of Obamacare [which she does not have] or the new plan trying to be introduced is going to “kill” or has “killed” people is a bunch of BS….also got news for you whole lot of seniors are in this age category….also have friends where the Mom is 107…AND we’re all from the boomer generation….we grew up with the motto “Never trust anyone over the age of 30” guess what those people are now the old fuds that are STILL trying to run the government

  14. How in the Hell is obamacare better when almost all the insurance carriers want even sell obamacare. Tell me that you socialist liberal dumbass bastards. If the Gop plan doesn’t pass, the American people will be out of insurance any way. And with obamacare premiums sky rocketing people can’t afford it and they still will be left out in the cold…Why don’t you smart ass socialist liberal democrats come up with a health plan since you are so god damn smart!!!!!!

  15. And he is absolutely correct. 9/11 killed around 3500 people, FAR more than that will die from lack of medical care. HOW MANY is anyone’s guess but its a safe bet to say that far more than killed on 9/11 will die as a DIRECT RESULT of their having NO healthcare and no access to healthcare.

    1. You’re so smart. People are going to die whether they are on health care or not. You mean Obama care will save that patient who has stage 4 cancer because now he gets his health care free? Sure. And what about that 99 year old? Obamacare going to give him a couple more years to live because now he’s covered? You people are beyond stupid.

    2. There’s ALWAYS ACCESS to health care. Where do you think people without insurance went before Obamacare? They end up in the ER. I was there once for a blood clot and people came in the ER because they sprained their big toe. Painful – sure. Emergency – no. Set some popsicle sticks and tape and splint it!

  16. (To the tune of Disco Inferno): Burn The Idiot Bern, in his Socialist Inferno! Burn The Idiot Bern, in his Socialist Inferno! Burn The Idiot Bern, in his Socialist Inferno!

  17. Bernie Sanders is a piece of work. When the Republicans start working together on this we can come up with a good bill for the people, not just the insurance co.s and Big Pharma. I would like to see Natural cures included and I do think a lot of it could cost less. this is going to take some time because Big Pharma is EVIL and they don’t care who they kill, it is just about the money. They are the ones teaching the Dr.s and it has gotten to the point that they don’t know anything. Since Obamacare, all they care about is the money and how many drugs they can sell.

  18. Yes. This statement is typical of his public distractions since he became the “distractor stooge” of the Democrat party. He takes the heat off Hitlary Clinton and higher level stooges.

  19. What about all those who will die who can’t afford the so-called “affordable care act?” Hmmmm, Bernie? Ridiculous and outrageous comment he made. Who does he think he is? God? And that he can predict such things?!

  20. It’s worse than the Black Death. Bernie lived through that. It’s worse than the death of each first born son. Bernie had the paint brush and bucket of blood. It’s worse than 1918 influenza. Not only did Bernie live through that, he had a case of influenza, or at least a bad cough. His mother was very worried. She boiled a chicken for him. It’s worse than smallpox. Bernie was the first of Washington’s troops to receive a vaccine. It’s worse than syphilis. Bernie should know, he still has it, Stage 3.

  21. He is one sick cookie, Affordable Care is destructing, 911 was a horror put on us by terrorists. Our congress is trying to workout something that won’t self destruct LIKE Affordable Care, and he just shoots from the hip to be a hateful person not helping the situation at all.

  22. Socialist curmudgeon, Bernie Sanders, kicked the hyperbole into overdrive declaring the GOP health care bill would be worse than the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

    This SOCIALIST is up to his eyeballs in Trouble including his Wife for FAULD and trying to kick out disable Vet’s from homes to build a school that is in bankruptcy. Socialist do not America to move forward but rather with the help of the liberal socialist democrats put America under islam control and bow to blow allha.

    He cited in with Obama and the democrats to hide while building over 36 muslim Terrorist Training Camps and the protecting, financing and arming them. So how can any reasonable people trust anything that is said by these LIARS/TRAITORS TERRORIST.

  23. I read the synopsis of the bill, and it is a good bill. Berney Sanders wants to be President, so he has to flip out to make people think he can save them. It’s pure politics. The bill he supported, however, caused millions of people to lose their affordable insurance with reasonable deductibles. It has collapsed in several states already. It will allow free market competition which keeps prices down. Low-income families are covered. Men and women past menopause don’t have to pay for maternity care or be covered for surgical sex changes. A fraction of a fraction of a percent of people will want that, but the Democrats seemed to think it was critical and mandated we all be covered. That only raises the cost for those of you who don’t understand the concept. There really is no catastrophic care anymore. There are so many things wrong with the AHCA that I can’t list it. Yet, Sanders supported it whole hog. Democrats only purpose in life these days is to complain about everything the Republicans do and to try to prevent Donald Trump from succeeding at all things. They know, that he can turn the nation around with his ideas, that he is cleaning the swamp, and it is only a matter of time for him to get to them, and their cushy little elitist careers will be over. There was a poll on the bill put out by Republicans; they only asked questions based on each item as a stand alone. People overwhelmingly supported it. Democrats have got to be freaking out. Also, the man who shot the Republicans at the baseball field had actually had a recent meeting with Berney Sanders. Was it an innocent meeting? Who knows. He acted like he didn’t know the guy when he stood up to show is outrage. Maybe there is nothing there, or maybe there is. I don’t see CNN asking questions.


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