Anti-American Jane Fonda Not Happy With America

jane fonda proud america

Back in 2015, Jane Fonda had been scheduled to speak at the Weinberg Center for the Arts in Frederic, Md. While the speech she gave wasn’t political, about 50 veterans stood outside the Center to protest Fonda’s appearance there. They held signs that read “Forgive? Maybe…Forget? Never!” and booed people attending the event, according to the Frederick News-Post. 

To the protesting veterans, Fonda was “Hanoi Jane,” a nickname the young actress earned in the 1970s after making a trip to Hanoi during the Vietnam War. She had previously been outspoken against the War, but none of her actions had damaged her reputation as much as parading around with the Viet Cong, who had killed tens of thousands of American soldiers. North Vietnamese press had reported, and Fonda also confirmed,  that she made several radio announcements over the Voice of Vietnam radio to implore U.S. pilots to stop their bombings. “I appealed to them to please consider what you are doing. I don’t think they know,” Fonda said in a news conference when she returned home. “The people who are speaking out against the war are the patriots.”

I bring up that detail of her past just for some context for the news today that she’s very disappointed in America today for electing President Donald Trump.

She appeared on the BBC show “Hardtalk,” and was asked by host Stephen Sackur, “are you proud of America today?” Fonda replied “No! But, I’m proud of the resistance. I’m proud of the people who are turning out in unprecedented numbers and continue and continue over and over and over again to protest what Trump is doing. I’m very proud of them, that core.”

According to Breitbart, “later in the segment, Fonda offered her thoughts on the NFL protests and was asked if she would participate. She said she would not only participate by getting down on a knee, but she would get down on both knees or on all fours if necessary.”

Trump must be horrified that one of America’s must noteworthy traitors doesn’t approve of him….. except not really.

Breaking News: Jane Fonda is still Jane Fonda.

Share this if you want Hanoi Jane to keep her trap shut for good!

21 thoughts on “Anti-American Jane Fonda Not Happy With America”

  1. There’s a side of me that likes Jane. I’m just afraid she’s been brainwashed by people she believes are sincere. The problem is they are sincerely wrong. Perhaps this is why she and Ted Turner couldn’t make it. Hopefully she’ll no longer be silent about the swine Weinstein.

  2. Look. This was always a woman on the make. She had a towering paternal presence to live up to. And through her acting, especially in the 1970s, she largely did. But her ambition was limitless. And it led her to outrageous publicity stunts, from Saigon to Work Out Videos. He\\, she married a billionaire, when such things were still rare. She was a notorious round heel, but always in furtherance of her career. What do you call such a woman? I forget. But we don’t have to listen to her anymore. She’s washed up, playing over the top, outrageous bit characters, with a heart of gold. Does anyone remember “Klute”? That was a real movie. So sad. It breaks your heart.

  3. If anyone believes Jane Fonda truly meant she made a mistake in Viet Nam, then I have two bridges I want to sell ya. She’s unhappy with America and and America is unhappy with her.

  4. Guess what Hanoi Jane, we ARE proud of America & especially proud Trump is our POTUS now. Why don’t you move to North Korea you washed up has-been! You were never even a good actress so shut the hell up!

  5. Had it not been for her father, Henry Fonda, a decorated Naval Intelligence officer during WWII, this dumb bi*ch would be sitting in a prison cell today. She received a pardon in the ’70s because the nation respected her father. She still doesn’t understand the betrayal of the GIs, serving in Vietnam and elsewhere, she committed by posing for the infamous photo sitting on an anti-aircraft artillery piece in North Vietnam.

  6. Hanoi Jane was of interest YEARS ago, as a pimply faced boy’s
    “hormone reliever.” Barbarella ??? Oh, yea…
    Of course her view then, and now, is Marxist vomit.
    Saying that she supports obstructionist views, is a GIVEN !
    That discussion of her on various knee poses…na…she now
    appears to have Ed. Zachary Disease. Her face looks Ed.
    Zachry…like her posterior.
    Who gives a crap what I, or Hanoi think about politics ?
    President Trump FOR EIGHT YEARS !!

  7. No one cares what Hanoi Jane’s view are. She is a confused old bitty who drives herself to be different from Americans who made her rich. BUT NO ONE IN AMERICAN GIVES A RATZAZZ WHAT SHE THINKS. Just keep her away from our Internet sites, pleas.

    1. Her father, a true patriot and great actor, made her wealthy. The only reason she became an actress, that anyone would hire, is through her father’s connections. Both she and her brother are terrible actors. I don’t think Henry had much to do with her for most of his remaining life.

  8. Years ago Jane Fonda claimed she had become a Christian, as a Christian myself I waited & watched. Jane Fonda is not a Christian & I doubt if she considers herself one now days.
    That said, Jane Fonda should have been tried as a traitor, as she gave aid to the enemy & caused the deaths of America soldiers through her actions.
    Jane’s newest statement doesn’t surprise me, she was an over-paid, spoiled, elitist, brat of the Hollywood actor, Henry Fonda.
    Jane’s a disgusting, vile & liberal Lefty. A perfect example of what is wrong with the Hollywood elite!
    As a Christian I hope she meets & accepts the Jesus who died for her, but I am extremely doubtfully she will give her life to Jesus.
    As an American I despise her for her actions that caused the death & torture of American soldiers. I wish she had been tried & convicted for treason.
    I totally support our military personnel, they are simply put, the “Best of the Best”.

    1. Hanoi Jane received a pardon in the ’70s due to her father, who was a decorated Naval Intelligence officer during WWII. I don’t recall if he requested the pardon, but I DO recall reading that it had been granted. I also don’t recall whether President Nixon, Ford or Carter provided the pardon.

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