Iowa’s Biggest Newspaper Endorses Hillary For Dems, But Surprises GOP Voters With THIS Choice

iowa caucus

The Des Moines Register has just verified what most common sense Americans know about the media: they disregard the truth about Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and the fact that she is under investigation by the FBI.

Here is a woman who has demonstrated time and time again that she is a liar, a criminal, and unfit to lead this country. Yet the liberal media endorses her for president!

Why isn’t this paper decrying the atrocities of this egotistical lady? Hillary doesn’t want to be elected President because she firmly believes she can effectively lead our country! She wants to get elected for her own twisted personal agenda.

On the Republican side, the paper gave GOP voters a bit of a surprise with their endorsement: Senator Marco Rubio. That was a huge shock, especially with Ted Cruz highlighting his strong polling numbers and endorsement of TheBlaze’s Glenn Beck. That’s sure to give him a victory on caucus night [sarcasm].

iowa caucus

Word is out that Rubio is gaining traction in Iowa with larger crowds and he continues to gain establishment endorsements, more than any other candidate to date. Rubio could be a spoiler if things come together for him at the right moment.

I also have another idea about why the newspaper chose these two candidates, both endorsements will mean immediate circulation and advertising revenue for the newspaper until the presidential inauguration next year. It’s all about the money and controversy, which generates more revenue via advertising.

Newspapers country-wide are looking to generate revenue over controversy in any way they can until it is completely over.

Research your facts on the issues that matter to you, forget the endorsements.

Whether nor not I am right on my opinions, shame on the Des Moines Register for endorsing a documented criminal and liar for President under investigation.

What do you think about the news organization’s endorsement? Will it mean anything for either candidate with the Iowa caucuses less than 10 days away? Share your comments below and let us know what you think.

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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