Hillary Clinton Uses Speech at Women’s Conference to Attack Men

Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump in the 2016 election may go down as one of the most embarrassing defeats in political history. Pundits on the left, and many on the right, all but declared the election for Hillary months before anyone had voted, so Trump’s surprise defeat stunned liberals nationwide.

Despite the left’s ludicrous conspiracy theories that Russia cost Hillary Clinton the election, they fail to accept the fact that Hillary was a flawed candidate that failed to reach out to the millions of Americans left behind during Obama’s eight years in the White House.

Now, it appears as though Hillary Clinton has learned nothing from her 2016 defeat. She used a speech to the Professional Business Women of California conference to attack men, the very group of Americans she should have reached out to during the election.

Here’s video of Hillary’s comments:

Crooked Hillary claims she was rejected by NASA for being a woman, saying “Being told I was being excluded not because I couldn’t meet the physical demands and my eyesight was so bad, but because I was a girl really stung,” she said.

She claimed her a former boss demanded she come in to work just hours after giving birth. Does anyone really believe this?

Had Hillary spent more time during the 2016 election reaching out to the millions of American men who had lost their jobs over the past 8 years, she may have earned more than just 41% of their support in the election. Instead of learning from the mistakes that cost her the election, the far-left Democrat continues to pander to her liberal base, living in a state of denial.

Throughout the 2016 election, Clinton spent the majority of her campaign pandering to different left-wing special interest groups, ignoring the vast majority of Americans who were suffering. Now she’s making up preposterous lies. What is wrong with her?

Do you think that Hillary’s speech shows that the failed candidate has learned nothing from her 2016 loss? Share your thoughts below! 

20 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Uses Speech at Women’s Conference to Attack Men”

  1. They say 3 million more Americans voted for the Beast, yet she had to pay people to attend her rally’s at most she usually had 3,000 or less, the figures don’t add up, after all nothing is ever real
    when it deals with crooked Hildabeast.

  2. What in the he\\ is she wearing? Black leather and a floral print blouse. In what universe does this make any sense. Before He\\ary goes after men, perhaps she should trying being a woman and maybe even a lady for once in her life.

  3. Apparently Hillary is following the lead of the MSM in slandering anyone and everyone who does not belong to the Progressive Liberal Socialist Party. Well known fact Hillary lost the election because she is a “compulsive, pathological and serial liar” Hillary lost any claim to “commander-in-chief” after Benghazi – She covered up her role and our idiots along with the Media wanted to make her President as a reward. More proof Liberalism has become a special kind of stupid.

  4. Hillary is naught more than a spoiled little rich B [rat] B [….] who thinks it is her “turn” to be president by virtue of her past political holdings… of sec-state, and senator, and the fact sick/slick willy was president before her…
    Hillary totally redefines delusional… all the way to screaming lunatic !!

    1. It is hard to find a presidential candidate that had more owed to her than Hillary Clinton. She owed the presidency, not just the candidacy. She did her time supporting Bill’s presidency and all his personal flaws for decades. Hillary and the left thought the presidency was hers for standing by as the Obama bus ran her down. She was owed the presidency for serving as Secretary of State and driving around the world accomplishing absolutely nothing. She was owed the presidency for leaving the White House “dead broke’ and turning it into a fortune. Finally, she was owed the presidency just because she is a woman. It is no small wonder that her campaign was so damn dull. If that much is owed to you, all Hillary had to do was to stand there and wait for delivery. When she lost all hell broke loose.

      The truth is that Hillary was running to become president by default. She hoped that her campaign assisted by associated Democratic groups and a sympathetic media would have made Trump so unacceptable by the fall that the public would have had no option but to turn to someone it doesn’t particularly like or trust as the only alternative.

      This was far from a crazy bet, although it was fundamentally a defensive posture. All signs were that Trump would dominate the conversation in the general election just as he did in the Republican primaries. By always painting with bold colors, he made the other 16 candidates look small and weak, and could do the same with her. Trump at least had some chance of capturing people’s imaginations and changing the rules of the game.
      Hillary painted by the numbers and was formidable only to the extent voters consider not voting for Donald Trump. Mrs. Clinton has no more in common with average, ordinary Americans than somebody from Mars. In fact, Mrs. Clinton’s whole life has been to distance herself from ordinary Americans. On top of that America is bankrupt. Barack Obama doubled the national debt. We are bankrupt! We don’t have any money. The Democrats have proven they know only how to spend and print it.

      I’m not sure why anyone should be surprised that Liberalism, as a general rule, doesn’t create anything. Like a leech, liberalism/Socialism has always fed off of what is already in existence. Without a host, liberalism cannot survive on its own as demonstrated during the Obama years.

  5. If non Christian values are not important to you and you do not mind dishonesty, corruption, baby killing, in-morality, and you have no values then Hillary would be a good choice. She has the ability to lie, cheat, steal. and even murder and feels no remorse.

  6. They should have a TV reality show, “Failed Democrat Socialist” and Hildabeast could be the
    hostess(?). That would convert even the most ignorant Democrat Socialist over to any other
    party after the second show. Her mental flaws would be highlighted by herself and not need
    script writers, directors, just turn on the camera and let the show begin. They could have a
    “special room” just for her to sneak off to for her “meds” and then return to the stage live to
    scare the hell out of the TV audience. I think it would be a great hit at all of the asylums
    around the world, hck they might even come up with a name for her “infliction”.

  7. She was turned down by NASA, was that before of after she was dodging bullets in Bosnia?
    Must have long before she got Chris Stevens and 3 Marines murdered in Benghazi.
    Excuse me I have an overwhelming urge to go buy a bunch of Ivanka Trump’s products.

  8. She keeps proving that she is an idiot. And what about that leather jacket. What kind of fashion statement is she trying to make. She looks ridiculous. She is not even feminine and she wants to talk about women LOL she is laughable.

  9. Killary couldn’t win an election for dog catcher in LaLa Land……AND, if by some chance she were elected, she would be totally incompetent!! Maybe outhouse inspector!!

    1. She is a joke. Nasa has many women astronauts. you have to meet certain requirements to be a in flight astronaut..that alone is NOT being discriminating..but her stupid followers believe her anyways
      HRC knows that most Libs are dumb that’s why she only speaks to them. she even admitted it

    2. Sort of like her lie being named after Sir Edmund Hillary who climbed Mt. Everest years AFTER Hillary was born. And, who can forget the lie about being shot at when she landed in whatever country it was.

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