Gutfeld Destroys Obama For His Climate Change Comments


Time to apply the Mercy Rule.

Greg Gutfeld unloaded on the President for his climate change comments during a speech at the Coast Guard Commencement ceremonies, saying Obama is simply being dishonest because he has “no sense of objective morality.”

“It’s disgusting,” he stated before clutching his forehead. “Is he a parody?”

Watch the host of Fox’s The Five absolutely go off on the President…



Gutfeld would eventually make a counterargument that makes about as much sense as the President’s fixation on climate change.

“You know what? They hate coal because it’s black. They’re racist. And they love those windmills because they’re white. That’s the logic.”

Gutfeld wasn’t done yet. When The Five’s most liberal guest, Juan Williams, defended Obama using Josh Earnest’s words about “setting our hair on fire,” Gutfeld pounced.

“They did set a guy on fire, Juan! They set a guy on fire! And that wasn’t from the sun. That was lighter fluid in a cage!”

What do you think of Gutfeld’s rant? Do you agree that the President’s lack of priorities is maddening? Tell us.

1 thought on “Gutfeld Destroys Obama For His Climate Change Comments”

  1. “Climate change” is a fraud and the facts are very simple:

    CO2 is a “trace gas” in air, insignificant by definition. It absorbs 1/7th as much IR, heat energy, from sunlight as water vapor which has 188 times as many molecules capturing 1200 times as much heat making 99.8% of all “global warming.” CO2 does only 0.2% of it. For this we should destroy our economy?

    There is no “greenhouse effect” in an atmosphere. A greenhouse has a solid, clear cover that traps heat. The atmosphere does not trap heat as gas molecules cannot form surfaces required for greenhouses. Molecules have to be in contact, as in liquids and solids like water and glass, to form surfaces.

    The Medieval Warming from 800 AD to 1300 AD Micheal Mann erased to make his “hockey stick” was several degrees warmer than anything “global warmers” fear. It was the longest period of peace and abundance for 500 years.

    Vostock Ice Core data analysis show CO2 increases follow temperature by 800 years 19 times in 450,000 years. That means temperature change is cause and CO2 change is effect; not the other way around. This alone refutes the anthropogenic global warming concept.

    Methane is called “a greenhouse gas 20 to 500 times more potent than CO2,” depending on who is lying, but it is not per the absorption chart at the American Meteorological Society. It has an absorption profile very similar to nitrogen which is classified “transparent” to IR, heat waves and is only present to 18 ppm. “Green vegans” blame methane in cow flatulence for global warming in their war against eating meat.

    Carbon combustion generates 80% of our energy. Control and taxing of carbon would give the elected ruling class more power and money than anything since the Magna Carta of 1215 AD.

    Most scientists and science educators work for tax supported institutions. They are eager to help government raise more money for them and they love being seen as “saving the planet.”

    Google “Two Minute Conservative” for clarity.

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