Donald Trump Hits Homerun With His First Act as President – Take That Obama!

Many haven’t taken Donald Trump seriously as a presidential candidate since he declared and even now, up 11 points in the polls nationally, they don’t think he will be there at the end.  Last week when polls revealed Trump as the frontrunner in the race for the GOP nomination, there were plenty of angry establishment pundits aggressively criticizing his campaign in hopes of stifling Trump’s growing momentum.

That didn’t stop the business mogul who now towers over the rest of the GOP field with 24.9% of the vote. In the wake of this good news, Trump revealed his most immediate priorities as president … and they’re amazing.

According to New York Daily News, Trump announced on Monday that when he becomes president his very first agenda items will be to increase the U.S. military’s strength and get rid of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

“Our country is a mess and there’s so many things that we could do,” Trump said on Fox & Friends. “I want to build up the military so nobody messes with us. I would bring it (military levels) back to where it was at the height because we’re in such trouble.”

“And I would absolutely repeal and replace Obamacare,” he added. “We would make a strong border, people are pouring through. Illegal immigration is a big, big thing.”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump walks on stage to speak before a crowd of 3,500 Saturday, July 11, 2015, in Phoenix. (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

Trump also said that his administration would be comprised of “business people, not political people.”

Obama has alienated and neglected our American soldiers so it’s no surprise that our military has depleted in numbers and morale since he became president. It would be amazing to have a leader in the oval office who respects our military and actually wants them to be strong!

Do you think Trump has his priorities straight? Do you agree with hiring business minds over career politicians? Give us your thoughts  below and share this story to start a discussion with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.

H/T – NY Daily News

63 thoughts on “Donald Trump Hits Homerun With His First Act as President – Take That Obama!”

  1. Rebuild the military, secure the border and secure America. Trump will last because people no longer trust the Political Cartel. How many times have they sold us out for 30 pieces of Silver? There as so many, (not all) politicians that are Paranoid, that they should seek out profesonal help. The latest fiasco is the Republican Party trying to railroad Donald in to a commitment not to run as an independent. The only way this would happen is if the Republican Party was dishonest when the time comes to nominate, and named who THEY want, not what the people want.

  2. I love Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Scott Walker, but it is time that they, along with all the other GOP candidates step aside and support Donald Trump. Time is very short and we have to save this country. Trump is the right person to do this. My preference would be a Trump-Cruz ticket for 2016!

  3. I have said this since the time when his candidacy for president was speculation, that he would be the best choice because of his experience running a business. At the top of his company’s hierarchy, he is already CEO of a large organization and obviously has the know-how to to be Commander-in-Chief or CEO of a country. He would be smart to recruit other current republican candidates for his cabinet positions and they would be smart to accept them if chosen. He doesn’t know how to fail and with his reputation and corporate image at stake, he’s not going to screw up. I would feel confident that he will do what he says he’s going to do, especially if others don’t sabotage his efforts.

  4. In Americas beginning, our representatives were local business men elected to speak for their colony. A business can not survive long with deficit spending. A business can not lend money to other companies and survive when its own finances are in the red. I think a business man is a great idea for president. Our Constitution is our rules of operation. A business man is used to negotiating deals, so foreign affairs should improve. No more giving away the farm, without some trade off. I am sure Trump would not allow Chinese imports that kill our pets, followed by Chinese imports that drug our children, followed by more tainted products without imposing some import tax of those goods to do product testing for safety. A business man does not stay in business by being a liar. However that seems to be standard operating procedure for politicians.

  5. I am all for this country being run by a non politician. I think Trump has some great ideas. But I think the man for the job is Dr Ben Carson along with Carly and Ted and Trump they would make a great team.

  6. Being ran like a business is exactly what our country needs right now, and who better than the penultimate businessman? Get some intelligent business-minded people running things for a bit, not the C-average-in-college people that are doing it now. You know they have to be, because the A- and B- students get grabbed by the corporate sector, not the government.

    1. Well Susan Mr. Donald Trump does and he stands for it and by it, He believes in our Second Amendment, which is the right ti bare arms, I feel you nee to do more research on this man, Trey Gowdy is another good one in which he will be Attorney General, you need to take a hard look at these men they make a great team, and it’s about time that this country isn’t ran by Career Politicians, that just think about how they can screw over our country, take extended vacations all t the tax payers expense, all the while, while they find other ways of taking our tax dollars just to line their own pockets with, while they just Sh*t on our Country.
      Me I am for all the big changes, and all for the better of our Nation and our Country. God Bless The United States Of America…

      Let’s bring her Home Men and Take Our Beloved Country Back and Restore her fully…

  7. I hope enough of our AMERICANS are listening carefully, this is the only man DONALD TRUMP!! That has shown he will get ride of the wasteful spending, shore up the Military and change the way business is done with other countries. BUILD A WALL!! and let the other countries take care of their own, unless thye come in to AMERICA legal!! THIS IS the most responsible answers I have ever heard!! Donald Trump down back down from the truth for FOX news or anyone else. All of America saw how FOX news people put Trump in a bad spot, it was nothing short of a calculated set up.!! I.m sure the Alfred Hitchcock look alike owner of FOX news is getting the message from TRUE AMERICANS now\!! WE ARE NOT STUPID!! The supreme court is not SUPREME!! And FOX news is not our favorite place to get news!!

  8. “Lead, follow, or get the hell out of my way”. The media is finally figuring that out. If you don’t like Trump don’t vote for him. He isn’t going to cower down to the media, or anyone else. He will be the republican nominee.

  9. Makes perfect sense since our nation is in financial trouble. Politicians have done nothing but screw things up since who knows when. We need business savvy people who can get this country back on track.

    1. I LOVE TRUMP, so don’t get me wrong here. Money isn’t the only thing that will save AMERICA, Trump must put God back in America, in schools, ban all things against God. Money is the root of all evil; However I understand all Deficits to other countries MOST be stopped and America must have it’s own industry again. I do agree with the military, training is up most, more important is that branches leadership!

  10. These sound like good ideas, but I’m worried that his mouth may agitate too many…including foreign countries. He says too many things publically that are childish, unnecessary, and possibly dangerous. Remember when the Texan woman was drawing cartoons of muhommand? He adamantly said she was taunting them. Weather she was or not is not the point. We have free speech that is honored here. Sometimes silence is golden. He did not respect her free speech…but look at him…saying anything and everything he wants even if it is meant to taunt or agitate. You don’t give this kind of a munitions to insane killers. Does he really have a problem with aggressive women? Their is a classier way to handle it. I think business conscious minded people may have more financial stewardship. Nevertheless, there is a pervasive trait among many Americans of arrogance. Obama had this same trait but for immorality things. Do we need arrogance in a president still when we can have classy effective fighting tactics with Ted Cruz who speaks with truth and wisdom without degrading other humans?


  12. I think the reason Obama is fanning the “race” flame is to keep it going so he can declare Marshal Law and stay in office!! Mark my words he is going to try to find a way to stay in office. I PRAY THAT I AM WRONG!!!

  13. Donald Trump is right on with everything he has said. He is someone that will fix the anti-American ways of the demon-rats (democrats) and that scares the hell out of RINO Republicans as well. A stop must be put in place against the communist and Socialists agenda of the left.

  14. Sorry, but I think Obama plans on suspending the elections and declaring himself President for life. He is a communist. He does not seem to care about his legacy at this point. He does not care what the other politicians say or do. He does what he wants with his pen and phone and disregards the law and the constitution. Do you believe that he would simply stay in office? I do.

    1. My friend, as much you, me and millions of others would not be surprised if Obama were to attempt that, however I can assure you even if he thought of that the US Armed Forces would not let that happen, I’m a Veteran and believe me when I tell you, you can push them so far, but if Obama were to disregard the US Constitution that millions of veterans before me have paid the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that every word of it is respected, it would never never happen. Sleep tight tonight, there are men and women on watch this very moment to ensure you and I do !

  15. Well it seem that the career politicians have really made a big mess of things so therefor the business people may be the solution to fixing our government and lowering the out of control spending of our tax money. Maybe they can cut some of the government give aaways that are in place. Sure the business people will be a plus for our government

  16. He is a winner. God is still with us.I believe he will be another President who really loves this country and will find the best people for his cabinet. He wants America back and will make it great again as promised

  17. I’m a Ben Carson guy, still am. I have a Carson bumper sticker on my car; proudly I might add. There is something about a well educated, quiet but, get it done kind of guy that should be admired AND voted for but, Trump is a take no prisoners, take action, get out of my face and out of my way kind of leader. We NEED that kind of leader more than ever as the job of fixing what the ZOO attraction, voted into office by IDIOTS, has F*CKED UP is a monumental task. ! Of*ckup will prove to be THE single biggest mistake made in nearly 240 years of this countries existence! THAT is a fact ! And, unfortunately, fact is that Obama F*CKED up the presidency for ANY person of color for YEARS to come. THAT will be Obama’s legacy! So, without further ado, I’d like to personally thank every DEMORAT out there for f*cking up this country! Yes, YOU did it ! YOU voted for an idiot, TWICE! Listen carefully and you’ll hear the applause…………………………

    1. Klaus: When we keep posting comments about people of color, the race thing will continue. We need to stop with the black, brown and white crap and look at people for who they are as in their character not the color of their skin or their gender.

  18. Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. Out of one side, he talks tough against illegal aliens by saying they have to self-deport and out of the other side, he wants them to return legally and he’ll expedite their return. The only ones he would keep out are the million gangbanger illegals and other criminal illegals. His “touchback” Amnesty scheme was shot down as “a joke” in the House in 2006 (it was former Rep. Mike Pence’s creation). Most importantly, there is no way–short of massive ICE raids across the nation in all states–that illegals are going to self-deport! Without self-deportation, the only way to get illegals out of the U.S. is to arrest and deport them and Trump has already said “You can’t deport 11 million people”.

    1. You guys are right, deporting them all would be stupid and inefficient. Even a single round of the most expensive ammo for each of them would be so much more cheaper and efficient than transporting them back to their home countries.

    2. We need the career politicians out of Washington. I would much rather see the country ran by businessmen. The career politicians had decades to keep the country strong and make it great, but they have FAILED. It is time for change. Many Americans see this and want Mr. Trump in the White house to make the changes. I have seen thousands of people saying they have or they are registering to vote so they can help get Mr. Trump elected. I will say this will be the most turnout of voters by a huge margin in the History of the US. The Polls is not even close to the real support Mr. Trump actually has. Our country cannot stand another term of a career politician that reads scripts of lies written by a committee to try and get votes. These life timers policies does not work. The proof is in the state of our country right now. America has declined as a nation over the last couple of decades and will continue to decline if the American people do not stand up and put Mr. Trump in the White House. The American people do not need to re-elect any congressman or senator in Washington. We as Americans need to clean up Washington, starting with making Mr. Trump our President in 2016.

    3. You posted, “The only ones he would keep out are the million gangbanger illegals and other criminal illegals”.
      This seems like a good start. Getting rid of all illegals and allowing only qualified applicants to reenter is moving in the right direction. The expedited return of those who are currently here illegally might seem like a reward for them putting them ahead of those in line for legal immigration. But it might be viewed as an incentive for them to self deport in the first place. Those who do not self deport but are removed by ICE should not qualify for expedited return. This seems like the best plan proposed so far.

  19. Yes! WE, AMERICA needs to act like a business! WE need to take care of our own first, become prosperous once again! WE need to get back on our feet and to be strong once again!

  20. And I hope the third one would be to issue an executive order to nullify every executive order odumbo has issued. Then go back and check them out. If, and say this sparingly, there are any good ones that was issued by the commie re-issue them.

  21. I think Donald Trump has ALL his priorities in order. Hiring business people instead of career politicians would be phenomenal. People who care more about running our country and less about climbing the rungs of the political ladder.

  22. A “Business Mind” is exactly what America needs to become GREAT again!! “America” IS A BUSINESS — the business of “taking care of the country and its people”!! There is no other candidate as capable as Donald Trump to assume and carry-out those tasks necessary to DO MORE FOR MORE AMERICANS — and what is in the best interest of America!

  23. He has $10B worth of priorities straight! Yes, I do feel that people who have business minds have it over politicians that can’t quite seem to get past their own inferiorities! I’ve worked with people in power positions that have never run a business and they are more worried about greasing the wheel or pats on the back. A leader doesn’t have time for anything but doing what’s right!

  24. This is all ridiculous. I would much rather “hire” a person who has no business experience, no concept of budget, no leadership experience and who is a secret NWO mole/muslim. That is the type of person that has the know how to bring this country back to its former greatness……Wait, hold on…..thats been tried and this nation is about to implode. Ok, sure I would give Donald a try, at least at first glance the man has “what it takes” to be successful, unlike others recently squatting in the peoples house.

  25. Obama has not been removed from office because the “rinos” in office are too self centered to care about the American people. They are owned by big money and afraid of being shut out of their incoming money. It is simple greed and corruption (and a lack of something called honesty). They are not the elite serving the people. They are the underlings serving the elite, who are also running Obama

  26. I I would I would like to know I would like to know how I would like to know how many I would like to know how many I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of I would like to know how many of these I would like to know how many of these I would like to know how many of these presidential I would like to know how many of these presidential I would like to know how many of these presidential I would like to know how many of these presidential candidates feel feel that feel that feel that feel feel feel that President Obama feel that President Obama feel that President Obama feel that President Obama feel that President Obama should feel that President Obama should be feel that President Obama should be feel that President Obama should be brought feel that President Obama should be brought feel that President Obama should be brought up feel that President Obama should be brought up feel that President Obama should be brought up feel that President Obama should be brought up on feel that President Obama should be brought up on feel that President Obama should be brought up on feel that President Obama should be brought up on charges feel that President Obama should be brought up on charges feel that President Obama should be brought up on charges feel that President Obama should be brought up on charges of feel that President Obama should be brought up on charges of feel that President Obama should be brought up on charges of treason

  27. I totally agree with trump.. NO ATTORNEYS…or Politicians..hire Honest with moral values and please put GOD back in our country……please we need him back in schools and every where.. bring people together no matter what your color.. Peace with all humans..

  28. You can hear the same lame promises from any other candidate. What it boils down to is the The President of The United States has boundaries which are overseen by the Congress and the House of Representatives. If the Congress and the House don’t want what the President is planning, they can make it impossible for it to happen. Donald Trump is no more than a POLITICIAN just like all the rest of the LIARS!

    1. Donald Trump is not a Politician which is one of the reasons (possibly the main reason) he is leading in the polls. He speaks his mind without caring about being ‘politically correct’ and doesn’t mince words.
      He is a Businessman who has made fortunes.

  29. This girlie boy president obama is going to learn the hard way when he deals with a real man. Pain is the only way a fool or rebel can learn. The bible says: O foolish man leave the upright man alone. Tho you knock him down seven times, he will get up and stand. but one blow is enough to know you down for good. I sure hope that quote comes true in the election of 2016. We need to stand on the truth and bring God back into the spot light again.

  30. Hire primarily business people. No politicians, please. They are sickening. We do not want any political hacks in there. No more of their shenanigans. Donald, set up a Zero-based Budget (ZBB). Anybody who doesn’t make or meet their budgets, fire them! With a very few exceptions (Trey Gowdy, Ted Cruz, etc.), any person who is a lawyer and politician combination is usually worthless. Do not ever let them be part of your administration, Donald. Gooooo, Trump!

  31. So far…. I see Trump championing AMERICAN VALUES, the real values that both created and then provided the atmosphere were if we work hard… anyone can attain their goals, reasonable economic goals, and even for the entrepreneurs out there…above average success. No matter what economic level that any person had started with. THIS IS BUSINESS FORMATTED, and whether we like it or not, every country needs to pay attention to this aspect, and America is no different. I like what I see so far in Donald Trump’s platform and I support this for America.

  32. I don’t understand that with all the lying and corrupt things obama is doing and has done that he hasn’t been IMPEACHED are they waiting for obama to drop a big one on us before he is out of office and we will then be finished as the Greatest Country to live in……Wake up and get on the ball and do your job before he finishes us off.

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