Denzel Washington Refuses To Get Political On Red Carpet

It seems like every other day there’s another liberal Hollywood actor spouting off their unwanted political opinion. But Denzel Washington won’t be one of them.

At a press event for his film Fences, Washington refused to answer a reporter who tried to corner him with an overtly political line of questioning:

“Just wondering who you wound up supporting in the election and why?” demanded journalist Nicholas Ballasy while on the red carpet.

Washington tried to direct the conversation back to the movie he was there to promote, but the reporter persisted. Denzel’s answer was blunt and to the point.

“None of your business!” he stated, clearly annoyed at the question.

denzel washington obama

Unfortunately, Ballasy refused to take the hint and continued to press Washington. And that’s when the actor positively schooled him on the state of the nation:

The brash reporter pressed Washington on race. “Right now, under President Obama, over the last eight years, in your mind… have race relations improved under his leadership?”

Many other Hollywood figures would have given the stock answer, and applauded Obama as the savior of black Americans and race relations in general. Denzel took a different approach.

“Race relationships have to do with race relationships,” the actor explained, implying that the president had little to do with the topic.

“You’re white, or whatever you are, and I’m black, or whatever I am — we’re standing here talking now,” Washington continued. “That’s how we get things done.”

He continued to make his point. “You can’t legislate love. The president of the United States can’t legislate us into liking each other,” he elaborated. “We have to step forward and ask questions about each other and engage.”

“There’s no law that says, oh because I’m president, you all gotta get along now,” the actor explained. “So it’s up to us.”

Watch below:

Washington’s comments may be a few months old — but his message is more relevant than ever. It’s up to us — not Capitol Hill or the White House — to make this country work. And ever since the election liberals have proven that they’re completely intolerant and unwilling to compromise.

Kudos to Washington for putting the reporter in his place. It’s none of Nicholas Ballasy’s business to know who Denzel voted for. That’s why it’s a secret ballot! We wish other actors would follow Denzel’s example and put these nosy, busybody reporters in their place!

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Do you agree with Denzel Washington? Share your thoughts below!

17 thoughts on “Denzel Washington Refuses To Get Political On Red Carpet”

  1. I always like his movies he is a great actor doesn’t matter what color he is or who he voted for. if he voted for Trump great if he didn’t that’s okay to ill still watch his movies. but like he said it is no one business no one needs to know that unless he wants them to know

  2. William Shatner, Clint Eastwood & now Denzel Washington have gained my respect for not getting involved in the rest of the liberal Hollywood morons disrespect of President Trump! Good for these few for having a brain!! I will NEVER watch any of the other morons like Amy Schumer, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro & a multitude of other Hollywood idiots ever again! If more people did this they would stop mouthing off.

  3. Denzel Washington is a sincere and honest man. One of the few Hollywood Celebrities with BRAINS. He is a hero to many of our Military Men/Women. HE’S WHAT AN AMERICAN SHOULD BE AND HAS PROVEN HIMSELF BEYOND ALL.

  4. Denzel has always had his head on straight. I would’ve answered the reporter exactly the same way, “None of your business”. His answer to the race relations question was spot on. It is p to us to make race relations work, no matter what race we are.

    Phil in TX

  5. I always like his movies he is a great actor doesn’t matter what color he is or who he voted for. if he voted for Trump great if he didn’t that’s okay to ill still watch his movies. but like he said it is no one business no one needs to know that unless he wants them to know

  6. William Shatner, Clint Eastwood & now Denzel Washington have gained my respect for not getting involved in the rest of the liberal Hollywood morons disrespect of President Trump! Good for these few for having a brain!! I will NEVER watch any of the other morons like Amy Schumer, Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro & a multitude of other Hollywood idiots ever again! If more people did this they would stop mouthing off.

  7. Denzel Washington is a sincere and honest man. One of the few Hollywood Celebrities with BRAINS. He is a hero to many of our Military Men/Women. HE’S WHAT AN AMERICAN SHOULD BE AND HAS PROVEN HIMSELF BEYOND ALL.

  8. Denzel has always had his head on straight. I would’ve answered the reporter exactly the same way, “None of your business”. His answer to the race relations question was spot on. It is p to us to make race relations work, no matter what race we are.

    Phil in TX

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