Democrats Never Thought Letting ‘Comrade Bernie’ Slither Into Their Camp Would Destroy Their Party

I really do have faith in the American people to make the right choice in 2020, but let me make this point: If Bernie Sanders is the nominee for the Democrats, it won’t be super easy for President Trump.

The popularity of these leftists is pretty much all propaganda. They are all running on abortion, giving free stuff to people who are illegally here, and constantly telling white folks that you’re the problem with America. If anyone of these morons does win the presidency, it will likely be because they cheated.

We noticed how the Democrat leadership has put up with the commie crazies because they pulled in some votes with so many elections being very close; it made the difference between victory and loss. What the heads of the Democratic National Committee never considered is that these idiots would take over that party. This is a perfect fulfillment of the old proverb about letting the camel stick its nose inside the tent.

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Let me make this one point clear; If “Crazy Bernie” wins the presidency, he will attempt to burn down the United States.

We often hear, “This is the most important election in…” This one is.

Just listen to his intentions for his first 100 days. Listen to his insane, but very dedicated and passionate supporters, like Kyle Jurek, an absolute revolutionary, talking about re-education camps and killing those who resist.

There are others in his campaign, caught by Project Veritas, who espouse similar views. Sanders responded crickets. Why? Because they got their ideas from him, and he approves of this message.

Politicians say all sorts of crazy things that their supporters believe that they never get done. Bernie’s floor is 47 percent, as pointed out by Mitt Romney. Find 4 percent of people who are “angry” (haters gotta hate), and he wins. If the deplorables stay home as they did in 2018, Bernie will be free to Bern the country. The problem of going full socialist for a party is that it is hard to back off of giving free stuff. It is easy to give, hard to take away.

Here are my predictions: Joe Biden will flame out in South Carolina. He may win, but it will be by a slim margin if he does. He and his campaign will effectively be over, but he will soldier on nonetheless.

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If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, he will not run as a third-party candidate, because billionaire Mike Bloomberg will probably buy him off and if that doesn’t happen, the DNC will do it. History shows that Bernie and his support isn’t all that expensive to buy. But the Bernie Bros. will sit out the election and Bloomberg will lose. I am not predicting; however, what the Dems will do at the Democratic Convention. It’s hard to forecast with a plurality of the party insane or on the verge of it.

I always thought Trump would be re-elected for many reasons, but it only works if his people get off their duffs and vote. Vote, vote, and vote again, if you have to, if this lunatic wins the Democrat nomination to save us, for at least another four years.

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13 thoughts on “Democrats Never Thought Letting ‘Comrade Bernie’ Slither Into Their Camp Would Destroy Their Party”

  1. We sat back and allowed Communists to infiltrate and saturate our media and academia and they have been wildly successful at brainwashing the young and slow-witted into thinking capitalism and their country are evil.

  2. democrats never thought infiltrating our media and academia with Communists over decades in order to brainwash kids into becoming future liberals would result in the surrender of their party to little social justice warriors like Alexandria Occasionally-Coherent, either.

  3. Where is the money going to come from Bernie? The question pisses him bad. So couple of days back he published this information: His govt would ask the USA navy to desist from protecting the oil tanker lanes thereby saving billions. His govt would also be simultaneously suing the fossil fuel industry out of existence. So America will have neither fossil fuels nor escort any supplies. Precisely to the advantage of whom? The Americans? Fat chance. Their enemies? Exactly. Which enemies? Especially Russia and China. What are their politics? Overtly and covertly communist. Bernie? Communist asset.

  4. They appeal to our universities, the bastions of leftist, Anti-Americanism. And we know that’s nothing to sneeze at. Look at the poor kids as a result! People naturally WANT to love their country and family. They naturally are wired to have a belief in God (I know, not every single one, leftists), but look what the Dems have done to the young- turned a ton of them into leftist robots with a heartbeat…

  5. A question: Are “The American People” basically the same as they were, ohh, say, in 1945? 1975? 2015? How would they be defined today , due to constant changing morals, social influences, religious alignments, etc? I hope we are even better!…

  6. I have seen the election cycles where the Communist Party USA, was represented (without any effect). Without question, they were active in the entertainment industry (Hollywood, etc.) but their support went to the Democrat Party. They realized they could never be effective outside the support of a national political party. Efforts in public education/higher education for over 45 years became encouraging. They bombed w/Mondale and realized they were still not ready. They came out, in a way, during the Obama admin, w/Socialist Democrats popping up w/o anyone complaining. Now, Bernie stands on a stage praising Communist dictators/regimes in a national Democrat Party political representation. He describes his position as Democratic Socialist because he knows “Communist” still has a semblance of negativity attached. However, what he says and comments of his supporters tell the true story. Most importantly, a national political party has allowed themselves to be transformed for the sole purpose of “power”.

  7. Their party has gone too far left…even without Bernie. They support abortion, homosexuality, Illegal Aliens, and socialism. They don’t appeal to anyone outside of children, and Hollywood. Morality, Intelligence, and responsibility are alien to them.

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