Country Legend Charlie Daniels Takes on Chuck Schumer

Famed country music legend Charlie Daniels has had enough. He wrote an epic, blistering message to New York Senator Chuck Schumer that has to be read.

Chuck Schumer has become dedicated to trying to take down Trump’s presidency. From his crocodile tears about Trump’s travel ban to his ridiculous request for a new Supreme Court nominee, Schumer has been pulling out all the stops to attack and obstruct the Trump administration at every turn, but he has especially been a vocal crusader in pushing Russian conspiracy theories.

charlie daniels chuck schumer

It’s become too much for conservative Charlie Daniels, who penned an open letter to the Democrat Minority Leader in the Senate and excoriates Schumer for being a sinister obstructionist with “not one drop of happiness in [his] life.”

Daniels begins with the point that although he is ostensibly just the senator of New York, Schumer’s power extends over all Americans, so we are all his constituents (even though if you call his senate office his aides won’t talk to you unless you’re from New York.)

Sen. Schumer, I don’t live in your constituency, but in the larger picture, you live in mine and every other legal, taxpaying American citizen who is affected by the power you hold in your political party, your blind allegiance to it and the obstructionist posture to anything that doesn’t directly benefit it.

There’s something sinister about seeing you bent over the lectern in the Senate Chamber, your countenance resembling what I would imagine Edgar Allen Poe’s would look like reciting one of his macabre tales of doom and gloom, as if there is not one drop of happiness in your life, forecasting a dismal future for America if anything President Trump proposes passes both houses, is signed and becomes law.

Daniels and I think we all know where this is coming from: Schumer is upset about Hillary and Democrats’ losses at the ballot box in November and wants to pin the blame on anybody else.

I know you’re disappointed. I know you had the balloons ready to fall and the corks halfway out of the champagne bottles on election night. And I know you just can’t face the truth that what happened in the election was exactly the same thing you continue to do: you forgot about the working people; you forgot about the empty factories of the rust belt; you took for granted the high crime, low employment inner cities you’ve made unkept promises to for decades.

Instead of looking inward at the real cause for your party’s loss, you had to find a scapegoat, and if it hadn’t been Russia, it would have been something else.

Then Daniels issues a direct challenge to the senator, asking him to swear on the Bible that Trump colluded with Russia. He knows Schumer can’t do it because there has been no evidence of collusion, as Democrats have been forced to admit time and time again. All they can cling to is fake news spewed by the liberal media.

Sen. Schumer, will you do me and America a favor? Will you lay your hand on a Holy Bible and tell America that you believe in your heart that Donald Trump has actually colluded with Vladimir Putin and the Russian government to the detriment of the United States of America?

You see, sir, everything you’ve come up with so far, and you’ve been at it since well before the election, has been superficial. And I believe that anything your special counsel will come up with will also be superficial, guilt by association, the fires of triviality fanned and proliferated by a tilted, hate-filled media and super partisan politicians.

Sen. Schumer, what goes around truly does come around, and if, or should I say when, this pendulum starts swinging back the other way, do you realize that Mr. Mueller could actually find a lot more dirt on prominent Democrats than they do Trump and his staff?

Schumer and Democrats, be careful what you wish for with Mueller’s appointment as special counsel investigating Russia’s influence on the election.

Already Democrats’ fishing for a Trump-Russia conspiracy has caught up former Obama official Susan Rice. The attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions for meeting with the Russian ambassador also blew back on Democrats as it was revealed that Hillary’s campaign staff, Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats had met with the ambassador. Chuck Schumer himself had a nice afternoon with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

You have opened Pandora’s Box, sir, and basically thrown away the lid.

Now it’s time to chop the log and let the chips fall where they will.

If President Trump has actually colluded with the Russians or any other foreign government, or sold out my beloved nation in any way, I definitely want to know about it, and if he has, he should be impeached and thrown out of office in disgrace. But right now, you’re a hell of a long way from proving even one iota of your accusations.

Thanks, Charlie Daniels!

Schumer needs to put up or shut up with his Russian conspiracy theory. And since we know he can’t put up, Schumer needs to SHUT UP!

This is exactly what Daniels is talking about:

What do you think about Charlie Daniels’s letter to Senator Chuck Schumer? Tell us in the comments below!

74 thoughts on “Country Legend Charlie Daniels Takes on Chuck Schumer”

  1. Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as “Putin’s Child”? Oh wait that wasn’t Trump it was John Podesta.
    Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies? Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn’t a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it? Oh wait the was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
    Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that’s part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins? Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.

    Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and
    paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence
    Agencies? Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the
    Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom
    the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation? Oh wait that was Hillary
    Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn’t a part of
    approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his
    emails were leaked showing he did lie about it? Oh wait the was Hillary
    Clinton and John Podesta.
    Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the
    uranium company sold to the Russians? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and
    the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian
    Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that’s part of the Russian Nuclear
    Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of
    Putins? Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before
    becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist
    went through Canadian tax records? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it
    wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?
    Oh wait that was President Obama.

  2. Democrats are so experienced in their organized criminal activities, in their old state of mines they start believing in what they are saying to be true. I believe it is called Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)with hallucinations. Forgetting who is really behind it all. Sworn to the parties own secret oaths, not to disclose their tactics and schemes they start believing the false narrative as true in their- several year terms or more so defiantly need term limits.

  3. Senator Schumer is one of the biggest reason we need TERM LIMITS. He is there to destroy the USA as most of us know it and love it, Him and his kind are the reason for our problems!!!!!

  4. Was Schumer concerned about the tarmac meeting between former President Clinton and Attorney General Lynch? Did he share his concern [or grief] on the floor of the Senate? Did the New York Times relate the tarmac meeting on its front page?

  5. There, there, Adlerman. Did you misplace your Binky when you awoke from your nappy ?
    Play nice, or someone might put you in “time-out!” Have you learned your A-B-C’s yet ?
    If you could read, you’d understand some of the garbage Obummer sanctioned or allowed
    with his “interpretation” of OUR Constitution.

    Schumer is in good company with the other Snowflake Libtards ; Benghazi Killery, the
    Obamarama circus and all of the other clowns now out of a salary. One mistake that
    President Trump made ( don’t cry Adlerman…President Trump will be term limited in eight years)
    was leaving ANY of the Obummer malignancy un-excised. Some cancers can’t be
    benign…CUT THEM ALL out.
    Roxanne seems to understand Obummer, Soros, and the other mega rich folks. He who has
    the gold, makes the rules.

  6. 100% Correct Charlie. Schumer is nothing but an obstructionist. We used to think Harry Reid was bad but “God help us” this jerk is 10 times worse, He has absolutely nothing except a big mouth full of lies and innuendo’s. I think it’s time to answer fire with fire, let’s start investigating the Russian Uranium purchase… or restart the Hilary email scandal with a real AG in charge instead of an Obuma puppet and former disgraced president COLLUDING to avert justice..

  7. If Schumer were to put his hand on a Bible, he would probably burst into flames.
    He has been spouting lies so long that he undoubtedly believes them himself.

    President Trump MAGA, Drain that Swamp!!!

  8. I wish it were that simple Charlie. However the people directing and giving orders to Mr. Schummer is not the Democrat Party but the now infamous “Deep State”, Financial Trillionaires that really run America and World unbeknownst to many Americans. They must find a way to Impeach, destroy, upend and annihilate President Trump or they will be exposed and brought to justice. It is being said that the list of endless crimes by these shadowy creatures in the Deep State are too long to list and too brazen and corrupt to even imagine. Everything is on the line for these filthy rich Oligarchs and Anything goes!! We should all fasten our seatbelts because we have not seen anything yet.

  9. daniels- how many deferrals did you have?
    When i think of Edgar Allen Poe I picture you with him not Schumer because you and Poe are both drunks. Rednecks and their phony patriotism make me sick. Those that served spent most of their time in the brig. The south lost and they’re still paying for it with their low IQs.

  10. You’re obviously a liberal Demonrat!! This isn’t “your country” it’s all of ours & most people do NOT agree with you. Get your head out of your ass, you might learn something about what’s really going on in our government & who is behind it.

  11. What a jerk you are. Since when did this become your country Maybe he day HRC lost to a better Person and human being, or, maybe when Obuma was too scared to cross a red line…Well my accredited MORON This president didn’t draw a red line He just crossed the one Obuma left in the dessert sand and Thank god that we now have a real POTUS

  12. Schumer is a disgrace in my opinion. He has no desire to tell the truth about almost anything in our government. He knows very well there is no truth to his claims the Russians influenced our election. He doubtless has a dual citizenship with Israel and would likely do better for them than he has for us. He belongs in the Israeli knesset not our congress.

  13. loved the letter that Charlie Daniels wrote –it hit the stop and what this so called Senator would do to ruin Trump== I myself set him an email several weeks ago about his trashing Trump– he is a very hateful person and need to be replaced– and as he is replaced he needs to take his pals with him –time to DRAIN the garbage out of Congress

  14. I can do nothing but simply agree with Charlie and every other freedom-loving American that knows all of this “collusion” is nothing more than llies and innuendo created by Schumer and Co as they slander their way through Congress stepping on the rights of every American!

  15. Okay let me take a page from the liberal’s handbook since you seem to like name-calling so much.
    You are stupid, uneducated, moronic piece of trash who has no place in this country or a decent society. Tell us, lose much?

  16. Adlerman, Have you ever actually met Charlie Daniels or is your assumer working in overdrive again? If ever there was a person that couldn’t find their own ass with two hands and a flashlight, it is you! Hahahahahahahahaha!

    Phil in TX
    American by birth,
    Texan by choice,
    Southern by the grace of God!

  17. Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got 53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as “Putin’s Child”? Oh wait that wasn’t Trump it was John Podesta.
    Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies? Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn’t a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his emails were leaked showing he did lie about it? Oh wait the was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
    Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that’s part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of Putins? Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.

    Remember when Donald Trump received 500 thousand for a speech in Moscow and
    paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence
    Agencies? Oh wait that was Bill Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of US uranium to the
    Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom
    the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation? Oh wait that was Hillary
    Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn’t a part of
    approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his
    emails were leaked showing he did lie about it? Oh wait the was Hillary
    Clinton and John Podesta.
    Remember when Donald Trump got 145 million dollars from shareholders of the
    uranium company sold to the Russians? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton and
    the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian
    Oligarchs like the chairman of a company that’s part of the Russian Nuclear
    Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow, and a close pal of
    Putins? Oh wait that was the Clinton Foundation.
    Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before
    becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist
    went through Canadian tax records? Oh wait that was Hillary Clinton.
    Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the 80s called and it
    wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?
    Oh wait that was President Obama.

  18. Democrats are so experienced in their organized criminal activities, in their old state of mines they start believing in what they are saying to be true. I believe it is called Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)with hallucinations. Forgetting who is really behind it all. Sworn to the parties own secret oaths, not to disclose their tactics and schemes they start believing the false narrative as true in their- several year terms or more so defiantly need term limits.

  19. Senator Schumer is one of the biggest reason we need TERM LIMITS. He is there to destroy the USA as most of us know it and love it, Him and his kind are the reason for our problems!!!!!

  20. Was Schumer concerned about the tarmac meeting between former President Clinton and Attorney General Lynch? Did he share his concern [or grief] on the floor of the Senate? Did the New York Times relate the tarmac meeting on its front page?

  21. There, there, Adlerman. Did you misplace your Binky when you awoke from your nappy ?
    Play nice, or someone might put you in “time-out!” Have you learned your A-B-C’s yet ?
    If you could read, you’d understand some of the garbage Obummer sanctioned or allowed
    with his “interpretation” of OUR Constitution.

    Schumer is in good company with the other Snowflake Libtards ; Benghazi Killery, the
    Obamarama circus and all of the other clowns now out of a salary. One mistake that
    President Trump made ( don’t cry Adlerman…President Trump will be term limited in eight years)
    was leaving ANY of the Obummer malignancy un-excised. Some cancers can’t be
    benign…CUT THEM ALL out.
    Roxanne seems to understand Obummer, Soros, and the other mega rich folks. He who has
    the gold, makes the rules.

  22. 100% Correct Charlie. Schumer is nothing but an obstructionist. We used to think Harry Reid was bad but “God help us” this jerk is 10 times worse, He has absolutely nothing except a big mouth full of lies and innuendo’s. I think it’s time to answer fire with fire, let’s start investigating the Russian Uranium purchase… or restart the Hilary email scandal with a real AG in charge instead of an Obuma puppet and former disgraced president COLLUDING to avert justice..

  23. If Schumer were to put his hand on a Bible, he would probably burst into flames.
    He has been spouting lies so long that he undoubtedly believes them himself.

    President Trump MAGA, Drain that Swamp!!!

  24. I wish it were that simple Charlie. However the people directing and giving orders to Mr. Schummer is not the Democrat Party but the now infamous “Deep State”, Financial Trillionaires that really run America and World unbeknownst to many Americans. They must find a way to Impeach, destroy, upend and annihilate President Trump or they will be exposed and brought to justice. It is being said that the list of endless crimes by these shadowy creatures in the Deep State are too long to list and too brazen and corrupt to even imagine. Everything is on the line for these filthy rich Oligarchs and Anything goes!! We should all fasten our seatbelts because we have not seen anything yet.

  25. daniels- how many deferrals did you have?
    When i think of Edgar Allen Poe I picture you with him not Schumer because you and Poe are both drunks. Rednecks and their phony patriotism make me sick. Those that served spent most of their time in the brig. The south lost and they’re still paying for it with their low IQs.

      1. What a jerk you are. Since when did this become your country Maybe he day HRC lost to a better Person and human being, or, maybe when Obuma was too scared to cross a red line…Well my accredited MORON This president didn’t draw a red line He just crossed the one Obuma left in the dessert sand and Thank god that we now have a real POTUS

      2. You’re obviously a liberal Demonrat!! This isn’t “your country” it’s all of ours & most people do NOT agree with you. Get your head out of your ass, you might learn something about what’s really going on in our government & who is behind it.

  26. Schumer is a disgrace in my opinion. He has no desire to tell the truth about almost anything in our government. He knows very well there is no truth to his claims the Russians influenced our election. He doubtless has a dual citizenship with Israel and would likely do better for them than he has for us. He belongs in the Israeli knesset not our congress.

  27. loved the letter that Charlie Daniels wrote –it hit the stop and what this so called Senator would do to ruin Trump== I myself set him an email several weeks ago about his trashing Trump– he is a very hateful person and need to be replaced– and as he is replaced he needs to take his pals with him –time to DRAIN the garbage out of Congress

  28. I can do nothing but simply agree with Charlie and every other freedom-loving American that knows all of this “collusion” is nothing more than llies and innuendo created by Schumer and Co as they slander their way through Congress stepping on the rights of every American!

    1. kim -your ugly stupid daniels has never been 100% right about anything. He’s a drunk like most rednecks and has never served so he needs to stfu.

      1. Adlerman, Have you ever actually met Charlie Daniels or is your assumer working in overdrive again? If ever there was a person that couldn’t find their own ass with two hands and a flashlight, it is you! Hahahahahahahahaha!

        Phil in TX
        American by birth,
        Texan by choice,
        Southern by the grace of God!

      2. Okay let me take a page from the liberal’s handbook since you seem to like name-calling so much.
        You are stupid, uneducated, moronic piece of trash who has no place in this country or a decent society. Tell us, lose much?

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