California Democrat Chairman Delivers Profane Rant Against President Trump

The Democrats continue to spiral further into insanity over the prospect of Donald Trump winning the presidency.

John Burton, Chairman of the California Democrat Party, spoke at a rally in which he bluntly told the audience, “F*** Donald Trump,” extending two middle fingers in the air for the crowd to see.

It is yet another sign that the Democrat Party has run out of ideas to help the American people, and have instead turned to profane tantrum-throwing hysterics.

Even better, the Associated Press reported Burton’s obscene gestures as simply “tough words” for the President. They called the incident “a sign of the vigor of the party’s distaste for the president.”

A sign of vigor? Had anybody delivered such a tirade against former President Barack Obama, they likely would have received a visit from the FBI.

Not Burton, who will now go down as a semi-folk hero of the unhinged left.

Look at how the Associated Press described the scene:

California’s elected Democrats had tough words for President Donald Trump and the GOP Congress on Saturday, urging their party’s fired-up activists to work against the 14 Republicans in the state’s congressional delegation.

The party’s leaders blasted Trump’s alleged ties to Russia and presented California as the epicenter of liberal resistance to the president.

In a sign of the vigor of the party’s distaste for the president, outgoing party Chair John Burton, a longtime Democratic lawmaker and powerbroker known for his blunt and profane manner, extended two middle fingers in the air as the crowd cheered and joined him.

“F— Donald Trump,” he said.

Cameras appear to have caught House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi laughing at Burton’s antics.

And of course, the juvenile Democrats in the crowd were all-too happy to join in the middle finger salute for our President.

This isn’t a one-off by any stretch of the imagination. Democrats cursing and swearing their way across the country in the wake of Trump’s electoral victory has been so prevalent, one has to assume they’ve poll tested it and determined this is what their voters want in leadership – Simple minded liberals with limited vocabularies.

Tom Perez, leader of the Democratic National Committee, was heard telling supporters that “Republicans don’t give a s*** about people.”

During a recent interview, Kirsten Gillibrand, one of the Democrat Party’s top women leaders and a potential presidential candidate in 2020, dropped multiple F-bombs.

“We’re here to help people, and if we’re not helping people, we should go the f*** home,” she declared.

Apparently helping people means leading them in childlike profane chants against a man holding an office that every American should respect.

Have Democrats become completely unglued since Trump won the election? Share your thoughts with us below.

36 thoughts on “California Democrat Chairman Delivers Profane Rant Against President Trump”

  1. It would seem that the Dems are stuck with their thinking way back in a Kindergarten mentality in how to maintain and handle themselves in a rejection atmosphere. Giving someone the middle finger salute is all that they can figure what to do with there frustration dealing with the party across the aisle-way. You need to pull up your pants gather your marbles, excuse yourself and go home and figure out why you failed so miserably to be a mature adult, acceptance is the key kiddies.

  2. I want them to keep it up. Louder, more vile, more disgusting, more puerile, more insistent, more violent. I want them to be loathed by normal people. I want them to pour into the streets every weekend. I want the Dem mayors and their appointed police chiefs backed into a corner, forced to beat and arrest these people before the cameras.

  3. Last night, I watched the movie “San Andreas” on DVD, and it was such a pleasure to see Southern Crapifornia decimated by major earthquakes, too bad it was only a movie! The sickening liberals there need to be flattened like the pests they are.

  4. The Democrats are such Pathetic Creatures With Such Low I.Q.s That They Only Know How to Call Names and Tell Lies in order To Feel Like They Matter and were some how Wrong because Their Murderous Treasonous Lying Criminal Hillary Lost The Election to a NonPolished Political Opponent and That My Friends is What Really Burns Their Arse LMAO

  5. THIS KIND OF PERFORMANCE JUST SHOWS THEIR CHILDISH AGE AND IQ. WHAT a disgrace to the American people and our country… The disgrace all started when Obama was elected as President eight years ago .. His terms in office has set our country backwards not forwards … He has turned people against their friends and neighbors and families.. He and his wife were and still are race dividers among the American people .. They want to destroy our history and our country … We have a President who believes in our country and our people and our history and is a strong person to take on the job… NOT some kind of a sneaky wimp that does things behind the American peoples back like the LAST SO CALLED President … He is not wasting tax payers money like the last one .. He is working 90% of the time Not OUT ON THE GOLF COURSE OR HIDING OUT SOMEWHERE ELSE ..

  6. I sure wish the article I saw on you tube was for real. I was funny and I almost believed it. It was so real. Trump agreed to sell California to Mexico. Everything was worked out as far as the sale. Mexico also agreed to pay, outright, for the change in the direction of the wall. Only if it were true.
    Just think how much better off America would be with just 49 states.

  7. It’s totally okay for the left to do this…but, what if Trump had done that? The media and public would’ve gone nuclear! Or, how about when Colbert said the only thing Trump’s mouth is useful for is, “a cock-holster for Putin!” WTF is that about? Yah, real classy! That’s the president you’re talking about! Imagine the backlash if someone had said that about Obama!

  8. They are now showing their colors. They have had their way for years and now they are just like a spoiled child that takes his baseball & bat and goes home so others can’t play baseball. Their latest antics are so disgusting and vulgar, that even some common sense Demos are jumping ship and helping us to get along with business. “Stupid is as stupid does.”

  9. The dims now have the dubious honor of being the party of gutter filth and forever more they will have the distinction of being the party of bottom feeding scum suckers.Whats it going to be like in say five years if they continue to digress to the bottom like they are now doing,I dont want my name associated with such a vulgar party.

  10. like little children, who have nothing to say, all they have is vile language and a sign that would normally be censored.

    And this is the party that is supposed to make America great in the eyes of the world.

  11. More lifelong democrats have left the dem party to support Trump than ever before and the reason they say why is because the left has clearly lost it’s marbles.

    They say they don’t recognize this new party at all but it is 100% clearly NOT the dem party that they have known.

    They say the media dishonesty is so over the top that they are flat out embarrassed and want no part of it.

    I think the insanity is hilarious and just solidifies the old belief that liberalism is indeed a very serious mental disorder.

  12. Dave In Arizona

    Well, the longer Trump is in office the more unhinged the left-wing / Democrats / progressives will become. By 2024, they will be throwing themselves off buildings.

  13. While President Trump is in the Middle East talking of World Peace and the extermination of ISIS/ISIL, Wacko-Democrats in the USA are using foul language and yelling for impeachment.

    How much more unhinged can the Left become?

    They could all light their hair on fire for the planned July 2nd riots?

    Got matches? :)

  14. So they say they want to give a voice to people who have no power, and their voice is F**K Donald Trump honestly we are not dealing with people who have no power we are dealing with people who don’t have any brains.

  15. Demon-possessed, demented, depraved, and hell-bound without humble repentance! NEVER in my 77 years have I seen more obsessed, obstructionist sub-humans on display! They have hidden their demonic feelings about America in order to milk every entity, vital organ for decades! Easily accomplished through their manipulations and secret agenda’s! Nobody was watching them! Until NOW! They are scared out of their witless wits, because they KNOW their days of feathering their nest with OUR feathers is OVER! We NOW know how corrupt, evil, greedy, sneaky, usurping, they really are! No matter the insane and inane tactics they use to divert attention from THEIR machinations, the PROOF of their “Petty Pollution” is obvious! They’re like a nest of hornets with stingers extended! But NOW we have an antidote: President Donald J. Trump, warrior assigned to and FOR our rescue by God Almighty! If they scream, mutter, sob, and squawk this much after only four months, imagine them doing it for eight YEARS! Every day God blesses us MORE! He’s enjoying his mighty handiwork and so are Conservatives!

  16. My children when they wer FIVE YEARS OLD had more respect for themselves and others than the left do. Sad when adults submerge themselves to the depths of depravity to exhibit their non acceptance to loss. Certainly hope that those that put these people in office rethink their choices on the next Election Day.


  18. Dear All,

    Their behavior is further proof that the Democrat’s are in their final death throe’s. They have sunk so low that their innate behavior has fallen to the level of promoting hate, violence and intolerance.

    Citizens across America, by the millions, are shocked by the level of obscenity, the crudity, the vulgarity of the language the Democrats use is far “beyond the pale” and are rightfully coming to the conclusion that Democrats sorely lack the judgement and decision making skills that are necessary to lead our great nation.

    The Democrat Party is dying and the actions these fools are ultimately responsible for their own demise. It is truly an amazing thing to watch them dig their own graves.

    Ronald L. Kirkish

  19. his is so showing to the American people. You noticed I used the word “PEOPLE” , those animals who call themselves people show very clearly that they are demented and have nothing to offer the American people but division and a continuous display of vulgarity. Not only California’s Marxist (democrat) leader but the DNC leader Perez has shown his naked rear end with his vulgarity to the public as well. As President Trump would say sad sad sad.

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