Washington Post Headline Describes Dead ISIS Leader Targeted by Trump as ‘Austere Religious Scholar

President Donald Trump announced Sunday that during a U.S. military raid in northern Syria, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi blew himself up before American troops could get to him. It was a significant victory over one of the world’s worst terrorist groups.

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‘Austere religious scholar’

The Washington Post’s original coverage of this event read, “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State’s ‘terrorist-in-chief,’ dies at 48,”  makes it sound like he could have died due to disease or sickness, downplaying the important fact that this top terrorist died because he found himself in U.S. troops crosshairs.

But apparently even this headline was too harsh, as WaPo eventually changed their headline to,  “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48.”

Journalist Yashar Ali took a screenshot and posted it on Twitter.

Can You Imagine if WaPo Did This with Osama Bin Laden?

Can you imagine the Washington Post describing Osama bin Laden was an “austere religious scholar?”

Compare how the Washington Post treats a top terrorist death under Trump’s watch to the headline the paper chose when President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. had killed Osama Bin Laden. That headline read, “Osama bin Laden killed: Leader of terrorist group al-Qaeda was 54.”

But since this was a Trump success, the liberal paper can’t even bring itself to call the head of ISIS a “terrorist,” with that word removed from the original headline.

The Post’s headline on the al-Baghdadi obituary appears to have been changed yet again since Ali posted screenshots, as it now reads: “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48.”

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The paper eventually reverted back to its original headline.  The story in many ways is just as bad as the “austere” headline.  al-Baghdadi is described as an “austere religious scholar with wire-frame classes” and notes that he “maintained a canny pragmatism.”

“Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer but preferred to spend his free time at the local mosque,” the Post framed his death. Republican National Committee spokeswoman Elizabeth Harrington tweeted out this passage:

Republican consultant Elliott Schwartz noted that the story “waits until the 34th [paragraph] to inform readers he was a serial rapist of hostage sex slaves.”

Trump Says It Straight

Trump sent out a curious tweet after the incident, saying simply: “Something very big has just happened!” On Sunday morning, Trump told the nation of al-Baghdadi’s death.

Unlike the Washington Post’s light or even favorable treatment of the dead terrorist, President Trump called him a “coward” and a “dog,” also saying, “Last night, the United States brought the world’s number one terrorist leader, to justice: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead,”

“Last night was a great night for the U.S. and the world,” Trump added. “A brutal killer, one who has caused so much hardship and death, has violently been eliminated.”

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“He will never again harm an innocent man, woman or child,” Trump said. “He died like a coward … The thug who tried so hard to intimidate others spent his last moments in utter fear, in total panic and dread, terrified of the American forces bearing down on him.”

Now, was that so hard? Thank you President Trump for being forthright about this evil man being purged from this earth thanks to the U.S.

The Washington Post apparently doesn’t even understand what country they are serving.

39 thoughts on “Washington Post Headline Describes Dead ISIS Leader Targeted by Trump as ‘Austere Religious Scholar”

  1. This is a perfect example of why I no longer read the Post, the propaganda arm of the democrat party. This animal was the Charles Manson of the Islamic world and was responsible for the torture and savage deaths of women and children, Christian and Muslim. To make this devil into a human being is a slap in the face of every victim of his horror and every Muslim who has suffered because of his satanic beliefs.

  2. Obama Wash. Post’s Deep State’s official story surrounding the events of Sept. 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya which left four Americans dead, officially fell apart.
    After numerous lies by the Obama/ClintonCabal admin, originally attempted to paint the incident as a Muslim outcry over an anti-Islamic video, whistle blowers throughout the U.S. government, including within MB controled White House, the State Department, national intelligence agencies & the U.S.military have made available stunning details that operational commanders have live visual & audio communicationsfrom drones overhead & intelligence assets on the ground, but that some commanders within the military were prepared to go-it-alone after being told to “stand down.”commanding officer U.S. General Carter Ham, after being ordered to essentially surrender control of the situation to alleged Al Qaeda terrorists &let Americans on the ground die, made the unilateral decision to ignore orders from Clinton Secretary of Defense & activated special operations teams at his disposal for immediate deployment to the area.
    Accordingly, General went ‘rogue’ he was arrested within minutes by his 2nd in command & relieved of duty.“Basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into arm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place,” But they did “ have that kind of intel is why DS had its ilk at DC Post et,al. repeat the lie;Baghdadi Post lie contining the agenda.

  3. WaPo (aka “piece of sh*t), the news gladly received by despots, perverts, loonies, wackos, and all other sub-feces of democrats, reached a new low in the anals of propriety and rational thinking. It would better serve as the cage liner for your pets, or for starting the fire in the fireplace. It has absolutely no value to any human being.

  4. Why does the press consider this any different than when Obama went after and killed Ben laden . They were both terrorist, hateful violent abusive human garbage. The only difference is they would never disrespect a half black president , who was doing the bidding of powerful people who pulled his strings. Trump is a stand alone ( except for true Americans) President, who is actually trying to make our country strong again. This is just the way I see it. Sorry if it is not PC.

  5. one of the best things about the raid other than sending alBagdadi to
    meet his 70 virgin goats was that The President had the foresight not
    to Risk the Mission’s success by letting the lying leaking Democrats in
    on it.

  6. This is a very fitting headline from the Washington Post, the Worlds number 1 purveyor of trice used and twice recycled toilet paper. Only the finest for our liberal friends!

  7. PurpleChefHat150

    It sure appears that the Washington Post, along with most of the left MSM and Democrats, thought Baghdadi was a wonderful human being that the Trump administration had murdered without their permission. Trump did the right thing to keep the left in the dark about the raid!

  8. Thomas Hensgens

    And, the WP just loved LBJ didnt they. One of the most evil men to ever occupy any office. Yet they took Nixon out. Never touched LBJ. Like Nixon was as bad as LBJ. LBJ was about 1000 times worse than Nixon ever could be. Not even liberals disagree with that today. They all forgot who he was all of a sudden.

  9. And the scholar and great human being Big Bad Bag Daddy took out three of his own Children with him. Nice Daddy huh? What are little children going to do with 70 virgins? Yeah, thats a real true religion. Right.

  10. So, whats your sin… self-righteous hypocrisy? Lying? Thief? Gluttony? Ever hated someone? If so– Word of God says you’re a murderer. I’m not taking up for Dems.. I’m taking up for human-beings. Heck— I’m a Constitutional-Conservative Nationalist born-again believing Christian.

  11. Baghdadi was a Jew born of two Jewish parents. He was also a Mossad agent. ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) is a front-group for the Greater Israel Project aka New World Order. Do your research.

  12. Bezos is totally anti American propping up Al Baghdadi in this way. Al Baghdadi was a vicious murderer. There is no place for a US newspaper to characterize such a person the way they did. This is all politics all the time and run by the Democrat Party. Either stand for America or step down.

  13. Thank you US Military for making the world just a little safer with that terrorist removed from it. now there’s a headline the washington post should have used.
    TRUMP 2020!

  14. I said it first and years ago, “Our Media is an Enemy of the People.” They spew Propaganda filled with absolute lies, half truths and things taken out of context. They are Anti-American and far worse than any enemy soldier as they attack us from within.

  15. Main Scheme Media also believes, or thinks Americans can be made to believe that you can pet a Rattle Snake, If you see him smile just right, and smile back first.

  16. The Washington Post is happy to support evil in any and all forms. What a pathetic description of a terrorist who brought anguish and fear to many. Many thanks to President Trump and the good and brave people of the U.S. military for making the world a safer place! Shame on the Washington Post for continued lies and deceit.

  17. Figures. Leave it to the Phony Media reporters to write about this terrorist as if he was the second coming of Christ. At least the newspaper had the balls to withdraw the headline.

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