VIDEO: Biden and Obama Both Put Foot In Mouth at Kennedy Institute Dedication

Top elected officials gathered in Massachusetts on Monday for the dedication of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. The Institute will serve as an interactive museum where visitors become “senators-in-training.”

Although he served decades in the Senate and was constantly held up as a hero by the left, Kennedy could never escape the stigma of Mary Jo Kopechne’s death at Chappaquiddick, which he caused by driving drunk off a bridge and fleeing the scene while Mary Jo drowned in his car.

Democrats are so blinded by their devotion to Ted Kennedy that they fail to remember his actions at Chappaquidick and often say trigger words that remind us of it. Both President Obama and Joe Biden did this at the dedication of the Institute bearing Kennedy’s name.

Biden, who we seem to expect to say inappropriate things, said, “He was an anchor to many of us.”



President Obama continued the Chappaquidick theme by stating that Ted Kennedy served as a bridge between Republicans and Democrats.



“[Republicans] know who Ted Kennedy was. It’s not because they shared Ted’s ideology or his positions, but because they knew Ted as somebody who bridged the partisan divide over and over again.”

So quick are they to detach Kennedy from Mary Jo Kopechne’s death, that they fail to be cautious of their remarks. And thanks to Biden and Obama’s poor word choices, Mary Jo was also remembered at the dedication of the institute bearing the name of the man who caused her death.

H/T: Truth Revolt

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