Looks like leftist MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry is in hot water with the IRS! Harris-Perry and her husband owe $70,000 in back taxes, reports Politico:
The IRS filed a tax lien on the Perrys on April 6 for the outstanding debt, which is from 2013. In an email to the Winston-Salem Journal, Harris-Perry said she was unaware of the tax lien but knew about the debt and that she and her husband had paid $21,721 toward the total owed. She said personal crises had caused them to pay off the debt slower than expected.
“We were aware that we would continue to need to work to pay off the 2013 debt,” Harris-Perry wrote in the email.
Harris-Perry is a certifiable nut job, infamous for things like wearing tampons as earrings, saying the word “Obamacare” is racist, and having a panel on her show that made fun of Mitt Romney’s adopted black grandchild.
Now she joins another crazy MSNBC host, the Rev. Al Sharpton, in failing to pay her “fair share.” Think about their thousands in unpaid taxes the next time they rant about income inequality.