President Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Appointed Jeff Sessions as Attorney General

President Trump is apparently having second thoughts about having former Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

In an interview with the New York Times, Trump explained that Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation has the president questioning his own AG’s competence.

“Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else,” the president told the liberal paper.

This comes as a surprise because Senator Sessions was an early backer of Trump. When other Republicans were too spineless to endorse the man the Republican base demanded, the Alabama senator broke rank and endorsed with little hesitation. That’s because Jeff Sessions has been a champion on border enforcement for decades. He knew Trump was the only GOP candidate who would follow through on building the wall along the Mexican border.

I can see where Trump is coming from: In the face of a threat, you do not give an inch to your enemies.

Sessions’s recusal means the president has less control of the Russian investigation, which is being led by the FBI.

Unfortunately, Sessions played right into the Democrats’ hands. He should have known that recusing himself would earn him no good will with liberals, no matter how ethical or necessary it might have been.

President Trump is clear-eyed about the Democrats’ true intentions: Russia or not, they mean to impeach him, and force him from office disgraced.

Jeff Sessions is too much of a “by-the-book” law enforcer that he’s blind to the Democrats’ underhanded schemes.

Do you think Jeff Sessions should resign as Attorney General? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below, and share this on Facebook and Twitter!

53 thoughts on “President Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Appointed Jeff Sessions as Attorney General”

  1. It would be a disaster if Sessions was gone because Trump had a hard enough time getting him INTO the AG slot. If Sessions was gone, Rosenstein would be in charge – and aside from the Russia bs, Sessions is doing a GOOD JOB. Trump needs to stop acting like a child, really. Even Rudy said Sessions had to recuse. Perhaps he could have fought it, I’m not sure. Trump should have simply fired ALL Obama holdovers immediately. The problem is that he doesn’t know how to be the president of a country. It’s NOT like being a CEO of a company.

  2. The propaganda about AG Sessions not doing his job is a bit short-sighted.
    The occupants of the US AG slot during the administration of the alias, Barrack H. Obama, followed the desires and lead of the foreign alien, Obama, under influence of the CIA/MOSSAD. The influence of the CIA/MOSSAD has not stopped, and AG Sessions does not operate in a vacuum. One wonders if president Trump is replacing Gentiles in his cabinet with Jews.

  3. Recusal is never necessary unless a court orders it. Recusal is a decision made by each individual lawyer, based purely on his subjective judgment as to whether he can act honestly and without bias, fulfill his ethical obligations and adhere to the law. Sessions made his decision based purely on appearances (or “optics” as everybody and his brother now says), to avoid any appearance of any conflict of interest.

    Sessions was (and perhaps still is) operating under the old rules. He must realize we are in the midst of a political civil war and he cannot stand by. He’s in it, he’s on our side whether he likes it or not, and he must fight. Otherwise, he’s AWOL and should be replaced.

  4. Sessions tries to follow the Constitution on this issue and Trump’s followers don’t like that.

    That says a lot about how much they real care about America.

    This cult of personality that makes me wonder if they want a President or something closer to “Chairman” Mao or “Beloved Leader” Kim Jong-un?

  5. Sessions should definitely resign – he is not serving the President or the nation well at all. He is doing nothing about Hillary’s numerous egregious felonies, and all the other Democrats who flout the law, both in present and past administrations. Things like the IRS abuses, the uranium fiasco, the Clinton Foundation scam, Benghazi, for Pete’s sake. On and on. Nobody is being investigated, charged or tried, except the President. What about all the yayhoos who keep threatening the President’s life?? I’m starting to get that helpless feeling I had when Obama was walking all over the constitution with his dirty muzzie feet and no consequences. Put Sessions somewhere else and get somebody like Tom Bolton or Juliani in there, who will put up with nothing!!

  6. No, he should not resign because he’s doing an excellent job on other things. He HAD to recuse himself – it has nothing to do with by the book. Trump needs to listen to his lawyers and stop stepping all over himself. He has no idea what he’s doing when it comes to this kind of thing. He needs also to get rid of Jared Kushner who IS a democrat. I don’t see he’s angry at his own son for doing something really really stupid. Sessions HAD to recuse, he had no choice.

  7. I can see Sessions point of not wanting anymore “collusion” accusations connected with the investigation but it was a “suicide move” He should have toughed it out. Maybe the president should appoint me A.G. I know the Constitution and I don’t knuckle under, and when it comes to a fight, gloves or bare fists. It is all the same to me.I’m pretrty sure I’d be better at it than Eric or Loretta.

  8. I do not like Jeff Sessions. Never liked him from the get-go. He has demonstrated disloyalty and naivity. Both good reasons to can him! Further, like a lot of trump supporters, and Americans, I want to see MJ legalized, it has lots of beneficial uses. Good conservatives do not invite the govt into their medicine cabinets. Get rid of him, Mr. President. You need a good libertarian/conservative to balance your administration.

  9. Sessions needs to go. He’s limp-wristed and scared to death of the demo-scum. He’s worried about some guy in Arkansas smoking a weed while the swamp gets deeper. Put Rudolph Giuliani in there.

  10. The Russian fiasco is dying down. They can’t get President Trump, so they are now grasping at any straw they can. The demoncrats know they are losing this idiotic war with Ameicans. We are ALL tired of it and need to move on. No one care about Trump Jr. going to Russia to get a scoop on Hillary. That is where Sessions should focus on. H I L L A R Y!!!
    Two more people have now lost their lives in the past 3 weeks that were going to speak up about the Clintons.
    Someone tell me just how can the “Pay for Play’ Clinton Foundation Scandal not be “Front and Center” news in America today

  11. Perhaps I’m a bit paranoid, but when I see good people refusing to investigate any off-color political escapades, it makes me wonder “why?” Who got to them? What threat is being held over their head? This seems to be an era of ‘suicides’ by every person involved in every investigation to determine truth. The allegations always seem to come back to the same party/parties. Strange, isn’t it?

  12. TREY GOWDY!!!!!! he’s THE man to pick!!! He’s tough, nothing gets past him Sessions is too soft.
    We need someone who stands up to the LEFT, the FBI or anyone who’s making trouble..

    1. I happen to like Trey Gowdy, and while he is essentially a Conservative, I do not believe most Conservatives understand him at all.

      Gowdy is probably the most by the books Congressman we have seen in decades. He follows the law and the Constitution faithfully and to the letter, at least as far as we know to date. If one of the current administration’s people was in violation of the law or suspected of breaking the law, Gowdy would be merciless and party loyalty would go out the window in a heartbeat.

      This is what we need in our government. Partisan politics and voting the party line is turning our Republic into a failed nation.

  13. Sessions could have been a good Attorney General, but he made one mistake after another.

    First, he’s too mild-mannered, a grave flaw in these rough and tumble times.

    Second, he took seriously the charges of meetings with Russians. He defended himself from attacks, rather than counterattacking.

    Third, he advised against the immediate termination of the FBI Director, a terrible mistake.

    Fourth, he recused himself where no conflict of interest, even an attenuated potential one was apparent.

    Fifth, he’s too familiar and comfortable with the Deep State law enforcement nomenclatura. (Trey Gowdy suffers from this same affliction. If you’ve been a prosecutor, sheriff, police officer or judge, well, golly, you’re just Aces in his book.)

    Sixth, he hired Rod Rosenstein, who prepared that idiotic memo.

    Seventh, Rod lobbied to still further delay Jim Comey’s much welcome exit.

    Eighth, Rod appointed an independent counsel with personal and professional conflicts of interest flowing from his very pores.

    Ninth, Rod still won’t recognize the mounting conflicts of interest surrounding Mueller and company.

    Tenth, Sessions engaged in testimony that was designed purely to defend himself and his honor (Southerners and their d@mn@ble honor) without defending the president he serves. And still he did not counterattack, except when Kamala Harris went all Madea on him.

    Eleventh, he has not found the leakers and hasn’t seem much motivated too.

    Twelfth, he clearly does not recognize that we are in the midst of a political civil war. Therefore, we have no use for the man. He’s a general who has gone awol.

    Finally, there were better choices available. It shoulda been Rudy. Any question about that?

  14. I always wondered why Trump chose Sessions as his AG. I always thought there were other better qualified people. Once I thought Chris Christie might be Trump’s choice. Not now. Maybe Trey Gowdy?

  15. I agree with Trump The AG is an important job and the AG should recuse himself from any matter pertaining to the law not to say that his intentions weren’t good but it wasn’t a call that he a right to make .

  16. Hold up a minute folks. Stop and think. If Jeff Sessions resigns or is fired, until Trump can get a new nominee through, the assistant to Jeff Sessions will be acting in his stead. HE IS THE ONE WHO APPOINTED MUELLER!!!! All we need is for him to be in charge.

  17. Trump has already started questioning the special counsel’s impartiality, given the heavy loading of the staff with Hillary/Obama supporters. To make it a fair fight, he needs Jeff sessions back in unhampered by his recusal, although it still isn’t fair numerically. So Trump publicly asks Sessions to remove his voluntary recusal, on the basis of the special counsel’s partisanship, and his stellar record as a fair and decent prosecutor. The screams from the enemy can be met with the retort that they are pointing the wrong way. Go see the special prosecutor and complain there first.

  18. you need to shut up and sit back with those who got you there and dump those like Ryan who’ll stab you as soon as you turn your back and he feels safe enough to get away with it. You need to sit with your cabinet and stop tweeting unless they all agree to go ahead but for you after all these months come out and tell you many enemies just how dumb you are for waiting until now to say something showing your inability to find out who is who and who isn’t. And I am a strong monetary supporter of you so stop, look and listen before you act,

  19. Kind of like DOD Mattis doing nothing about allowing Transgender surgery being paid for by the DOD. He has also done nothing about the feminizing of our military which was begun under Obammy the rainbow fella. He now wants thousands of more soldiers for Afghanistan, that hell hole of place that isn’t worth one American life. These Secretaries, that head up the Administration’s departments, need to clean house as their main priority. So far it looks like just another Go Along to Get Along, business as usual, bunch of crap.

  20. It is my hope that if the Congress continues to drag its feet confirming Trumps Nominees that when they go on vacation, Trump cleans house firing all Obama appointees and use the Recess Appointment process to fill the posts. Do it quick and get on TV and tell the American People why and they will support him.

  21. I think, he is to HONEST, for this politicaly immoral world..I have the deepest respect for him, his charater, honesty. The hyenas(vultures) ,demoncrats are eating him alive. In today’s world,this kind of person can’t survive. You have to be like them, in a sens of, fight fire with fire. To bad,the world we live in,is not for honest people, they will loose. like always.

  22. There is one excuse Sessions had. The accusation against him was not made until after the consent of the Senate to approve him. How would he know that this cockamamie accusation would be made? He was already the Attorney General when it was made.

  23. He’s not going to fire him, but he is miffed, and I do not blame him, that Sessions recused himself for NO DAMN REASON. If the Democrats in Congress accused him of fornicating with the devil, should he have recused himself and had a Special Prosecutor appointed? He did not lie; he is expected to meet with foreign nationals as a senator, the question he was asked by that numb-nuts Saturday Night Live Senator had nothign to do with his work as a senator, and it was ridiculous that he recused himself. I was incensed that he recused himself, and apparently, so was Trump.

  24. The point isn’t that Sessions was a supporter from the beginning…that just makes things worse. Being onboard the Trump Train from the beginning, attending rallies and whatnot, Sessions heard Trump make promises to the voters, including investigating the criminality of Hillary and her campaign, crimes by the DNC and FBI (remember, Comey leaked classified information) and Obama administration. He promised, and supporters chanted. So there’s no way Sessions could forget that the job of the Attorney General would be to push Trump’s agenda, and that included investigating crimes by Clinton and Obama, et al. There’s no excuse. If Trump wants to bring in a new AG, I would have to support it.

    This is comparable to Sally Yates filling in at the DoJ while congress took their damn time to confirm nominees. When rogue activist judges around the country were refusing to allow the implementation of the travel bans, her job was to go to those courts and object, fighting vigorously against the insane. And what did she do? She agreed with the activists and refused to protect the president’s ban, which was her job.

    He let Sally Yates go; and Preet Bahara; it’s time to let Sessions go.

  25. I thought it was a dumb pick in the first place. “Rudy” would have been a far better choice! He should fire Rothenstein, demote Sessions to Assistant AG, and appoint “Rudy” as AG!

    1. HoffHack why should he appoint Rudy to AG, He is more dirtier than session is, Rudy have business and got or is getting money from Russia. Rudy would have to excuse himself any way because of his dealings with Russia.

  26. Sessions will testify if it helps. He is very busy with his job as AG tring to remove all of the criminals and illegals from our country. It is a 24/7/2017/365 job, he is doing with all of might to do it right. So, give him a break. He is honest and if Trump says he has to go, then it will be done.

  27. I feel that President Trump needs to fired those who he thinks are not doing the job now and get people with some guts to do the job right. Sessions is just one of those who need to go now. He also needs to eliminate the press briefings and move them the press over to Executive Office Building.

  28. Keep Sessions, fire Mueller. Be done with it. Tell the press corps in advance of the ‘daily briefing that all questions about Russia will be ignored and if the reporter persists, he/she shall be banned from future briefings.

    Then sit back and watch them cry.

    1. trump backers are amoung rthe dumbest, most hateful citizens we have. John’s post seems to favor a dictatorship. He didn’t mind when for 8 years repugnants broke the law and worked to keep President Obama from doing his job. I am much in favor of splitting the country into two countries- red states and blue states. Red states have been living off the taxes of blue state citizens- time for those deplorables to pay their own way.

    2. John why denial the american public the information? You just want a corrupt government and a dictatorship government. You want an Hitler government. You are the one who is the traitor, and one of Trump deplorable. Low IQ’s, uneducated, see he said he love uneducated people during his campaign. And for Albert read what I wrote, You fall into that catalogy.

  29. “I can see where Trump is coming from: In the face of a threat, you do not give an inch to your enemies.

    Sessions’s recusal means the president has less control of the Russian investigation, which is being led by the FBI.

    Unfortunately, Sessions played right into the Democrats’ hands. He should have known that recusing himself would earn him no good will with liberals, no matter how ethical or necessary it might have been.

    President Trump is clear-eyed about the Democrats’ true intentions: Russia or not, they mean to impeach him, and force him from office disgraced.

    Jeff Sessions is too much of a “by-the-book” law enforcer that he’s blind to the Democrats’ underhanded schemes.”

    This, I agree with.

  30. I voted for Trump. Trump needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. He leaves himself wide open for criticism he does not need right now! President Trump, Please stop shooting yourself in the foot!!!

  31. As the AG for the President you either support him all the way or hit the Highway. There can
    be no dissention tolerated unless the President tries to do an illegal act that is in violation of
    United States Law or not within the powers granted to the President by the Constitution. To
    refuse to fully support the legal actions of the President of the United States. Failure is not
    an option and if you have differences then you should not be in that position.

  32. Trump is an ignorant, petulant child, but I have to hope that some good may yet come from his presidency. the wall, for instance. However, being a stupid man, he is prone to idiotic blunders, and threatening Jeff Sessions is one of them. Leave Jeff alone, you pompous fool!! He supported you in the beginning when few influential people did. I live in California, but I have made campaign contributions to Jeff on more than one occasion. He’s not smooth, but he’s a good man, unlike Trump, who can only be described as %$&^%$@#%$%& (I don’t care for vulgarity). Anyway, you oaf, leave Jeff alone.

  33. Why doesn’t Sessions just unrecuse himself? Make up some excuse why he thought he had to do it in the first place and now say he thinks what is going on is way outside the ethical boundaries of things and he needs to get the witch hunt shut down so the country can move on. I do not see why he can not do that ! Democrats do anything they want and it is okay. After all he is the top law enforcement officer in the US. Do you really think that his former colleges will try to impeach him ? Maybe try but it would never happen !!

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