President-Elect Trump Just Shook Up D.C. With His Latest Firing

trump lobbyists

Over the past week, President-elect Donald J. Trump has been feverishly working with his transition team to put together a cabinet and other high-ranking White House officials before he is sworn in next year.

While Trump has staffed his team with top supporters and conservatives, one group of people will not be joining Trump at the table: lobbyists. Vice President Mike Pence, who last week replaced New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as the head of Trump’s transition team, has ordered the removal of all lobbyists, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Prior to Pence leading Trump’s transition team, the incoming administration had been criticized for working with lobbyists and other D.C. insiders whose views ran counter to Trump’s “drain the swamp” message during the campaign.

In addition to the removal of all lobbyists from the transition team, Tuesday saw another major shakeup within Team Trump as former Congressman Mike Rogers, who had been on the short list for CIA Director, was “ousted from the  Trump transitions team’s national security unit.” In addition, “Matthew Freedman, who was leading the group’s planning for the White House National Security Council, also departed.”

Mike Rogers was removed from the team because of his close ties to Governor Christie and when the New Jersey Governor was replaced as the head of Trump’s transition team, his closest supporters and advisers left as well.

While members of the liberal media have tried to play up supposed infighting within the Trump administration, the president-elect sent out a strong message via Twitter Tuesday night:

It appears as though Trump will rely heavily on Vice President Mike Pence during the transition process as the former Indiana Governor has close ties to both Washington and the Republican Party. Pence was smart to remove any and all lobbyists from Trump’s transition team, as they represented the old Washington establishment that the president-elect has railed against for more than a year.

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Do you support Pence’s decision to remove all lobbyists from the transition team? Was it wise for him to replace Chris Christie as the head of the transition team? Share your thoughts with us below! 

17 thoughts on “President-Elect Trump Just Shook Up D.C. With His Latest Firing”

  1. Good that the President Elect is Tweeting. This tweet tells us not to listen to anything the media says about who is going to be selected, or even who is on any “short list.” He really didn’t have to say it. I do not believe one word the media says anyway. They’re done

  2. I definitely think that Gov. Pence has made the right decision on the lobbyists.They are a good part of the Washington problem, buying and selling everyone and thing.

  3. Trump is superb………we Voters already knew that but now we are seeing the working businessman who is brilliant at having the best people round him to get the best job done!
    He already told us he can’t possibly know it all and would pick and choose the very best to assist him.
    And that’s what he’s doing!
    Malignant Media and their pals in Congress are having fits with the smoothness of Trump and Pence doing a Transition Team job lickety split….it hasn’t even been a week since election!
    Of course the lobbyists had to go……… was a campaign promise!
    A Must-Read is Trump’s Contract with American Voters which he is faithfully following.

  4. Gov Chrisitie is to much in to himself, as whitnessed t the 2008 Convention. He spent most of his allotted time speaking about Chris Christie.Lets keep him as Gov of New Jersey, which by the way showing his lack of influencein his own State caused Pres-elect Trump that State

  5. Good moves! While I prefer Chris Christie over ANY New Jersey Democrat, I don’t believe he would be helpful in cleaning up Washington. Besides any allegations he has too many ties to Elite Republicans who often seem like they are working for the other team.

  6. President : Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence what a start ! I am excited as I see the changes our new Administration is putting in place. I have complained for over a decade about Lobbyist’s and their direct access to the President and being in the Presidents ear non stop and willing to pay to get their way. It is we the people that should be in the Presidents ear all the time and for the duration of his Term. We never had that with the back stabber Obama but it seems that POTUS Trump is already clearing confusion out about who he listens to. The day of Lobbyist and Special Interest making all the decisions in this country are over. Thank you Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence.

  7. Good move! I am glad he dumped Christie! He is a “Down and Dirty NE pol with many skeletons in his closet, which the press would gleefully find!” He should :HUG” him good bye for good!

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