New President Trump Ad Attacks Liberals And Media Enemies

Is it 2016 all over again?

This newly released ad by the Trump campaign team hits hard at liberals who are trying to stop the president’s agenda. Needless to say, it’s sheer power from the time you press the play button until the end.

To some, it might seem odd to have a campaign commercial like this after only six months in office, but these are not normal times. The media has declared war on this Administration, and the only way for Trump to get his message out to the American people is with Twitter (which is limited to 140 characters) and running ads.

Source: Daily Caller

The Trump campaign released a new ad on Sunday blasting Democrats and excoriating President Trump’s “enemies” in the mainstream media.

“Democrats obstructing, the media attacking our president, career politicians standing in the way of success,” begins the 30-second ad.

Images of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and California Rep. Maxine Waters flashed across the screen as a narrator accused Democrats of obstructing Trump’s legislative agenda.

Notably absent are photos of any Republicans, who Trump has not shied away from criticizing in recent weeks for failing to repeal Obamacare.

The middle part of the ad — which is notable for its release a day after a white nationalist protest ended in the killing of a woman in Charlottesville, Va. — touted Trump’s achievements in his first 200 days in office.

“President Trump’s plan is working,” a narrator says.

This country is divided, but not because of Donald Trump. It’s divided because of Democrats and Republicans keep playing the lying game to Americans and everyday voters getting fed up with it.

Liberals aren’t over Hillary Clinton losing in November. They’ve tried everything from blaming Russia, to James Comey, to hacking, to break-ins, to sabotage, to bad data from the DNC. They have no clue because they do not want to face facts. They lost because America is sick of their tired message.

This ad is going to hit home in many places across the country and there’s nothing they can do about it. Trump has his own media machine and he’s using it effectively.

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74 thoughts on “New President Trump Ad Attacks Liberals And Media Enemies”

  1. I don’t know where some of these people get their news or if they just make it up. Trump is giving his salary to different organizations. He pays for his own ad’s. He doesn’t drink , take drugs ( I’m sure a lot of people who don’t like him have already fried their brains.) He cares about our Veteran’s, & servicemen & woman. He may be better off with out these Ceo’s advising him. They gave him terrible advise most of the time. I wish he would get some regular people to advise him, we know more about how the corrupt people in the country really work. We have common sense.

  2. jeansandjacketrequired, Who says Trump used Taxpayer money for the Ad?
    He isn’t even taking the Presidential salary offered to him.
    I would say it’s more than likely, President Trump paid for the Ad out of his own pocket.
    Show us the facts that Taxpayers paid for the Ad, or shut up!

  3. I wouldn’t pardon Sheriff Joe I’d make John McCain do his time for him and then I’d exonerate old Joe and give him the medal of freedom award for his undying service to our country,he also needs a bag full of get out of jail free pass’s just in case the dims ever get back in power and decide to railroad him on more Trumped up charges like they did the first go around.

  4. They will not stop until all demoncRATS are not behind bars for a very long time. All demoncRATS and many republiCATS are guilty some sort of anti-American crimes. Lock ’em up and throw away the key! President Trump must do a purge within the WH and in the gov’t and imprison the democRATic agenda! Meanwhile, we Americans just wait for the call, the call we will be mobilized to defend our Freedoms. Until then, we stand by to President Trump – and lock & load!

    1. If the call goes out I’ll be on the road to DC in less than 20min so I’d advise all demopeckers to get as far out of town as fast as possible because they dont want to be part of the history that’s going to be made that night,and the best part is he can write us all a blanket pardon and when its over we go back home.

  5. Go President Trump! Just don’t shy away from identifying the Republican cabal who are obstructing. We’re making a list and checking it twice on your behalf

  6. He and jeff sessions the two court proven racist took 3 days to be forced to speak out on this. And Kentucky governor Matt Bevan spoke out for the police officers killed and nothing else.

    1. You have your Presidents mixed up jeansandjacketrequired. It is Obama who is Gay and married to a Tranny named Moochell, and it was also Obama who did the drugs, along with smoking and drinking.
      Trump has never smoked, or done drugs & alcohol, due to his older brother Fred Jr. dying tragically of complications from alcoholism at the age of 43 in 1981.
      You really need to do a bit of research and educate yourself, before posting such falsehoods about our President.

    1. Three million more Americans voted for Clinton than voted for Trump. He didn’t win the election. He won the Electoral College.

      You are backing a loser who claimed the White House on a fluke.

      1. You’re an idiot too PoppDavid, haven’t you seen the news that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Killary & another million or more voted that were deceased? Killary didn’t win the popular vote at all, she is hated by most Americans for her crimes of murder, corruption & pedophilia. When are you & the idiot jeansandjackets going to grow up & stop whining that your corrupt candidate did not win? Enough is enough!!

          1. No, Marilyn is not stupid, you are. If you paid attention to something besides Clinton News Network, you’d know she is telling you the perfect truth. In California alone, there were 21 counties with more people voting than were registered. The voting was rigged but not good enough–they had no clue as to just how sick of them We the People are. That’s why the dems were SO SHOCKED at their loss. That’s why Clinton was so confident she’d win that she had the gall to tell Our President it would be horrible and an affront to our country if he did not accept defeat when it came–then proceeded to NOT accept it herself. You must be proud.

      2. poppDavid, You obviously know nothing about the voting system and how it has worked for hundreds of years.
        The Electoral system was set up for a specific reason.
        The Founding Fathers created the Electoral College after much debate and compromise, but it has provided stability to the process of picking Presidents.
        It’s a pretty simple solution really. It prevents large populated areas like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco from electing the person they want elected, over the votes of the smaller populated areas of all the other states.
        Why should three or four large populated cities have complete control of the election? They shouldn’t, and that is the reason for the Electoral College!
        Sorry to burst your bubble, but President trump won the election fair & square!
        Your candidate lost. Get over it!

    2. Again you got it wrong jeansandjacketrequired. Obama is the Pussy.
      President Trump is a real man and a great leader for our country!
      It was Obama who did nothing when foreign leaders threatened us, other that to offer them a hug.
      Trump on the other had won’t put up with foreign threats and lets those threatening us know just what will happen if they continue with the threats.
      Every comment you make clearly shows just how ignorant you really are.
      The best way to eliminate your ignorance, is to stop believing everything you hear from the fake news media and educate yourself with factual truth.

    1. You are the problem, pal. Sit and claim to be so righteous and all knowing while the president…Donald Trump…saves your sorry ass from illegal immigrant criminals…gets the ball rolling so you can have a job…tries to get the lazy career politicians to forge a better health care plan to look after your whiny butt…and you just sit and crab about it….you desperately need a good old fashioned tool shed visit to straighten you out…

    2. Hello from Canada.


      Can you not see that President Trump is making America and the Free World, great, safe, and sane again?

      Why MAGA? Because the survival of Western Civilization depends on it. Learn it, Live it, Love it.

      If I had the time, and I thought that there was a remote possibility of penetrating your life long indoctrination with logic. I would tear your lib/prog talking points apart one by one. But I don’t think that is possible.

      So here is the cliffs note version:

      It’s not so much libs/progs are ignorant about everything that matters, it’s that so much of what you know, is just wrong.

      Seriously bro, Indoctrination is not a substitute for education.

      Learn to think for yourself.

      See how polite Canadians and Conservatives are?

      Have a pleasant day, and please get an education.

      1. The real problem is there are so many people on welfare for multiple generations and 13 million illegal immigrants here in the US. The democrats have continued to support them to buy votes so they are a large block who feel their benefits will be cut off by trump. Hard working americans with any mental faculties support trump and ending the handouts coming out of our earnings. It’s unfortunate but now it’s become evident that the entire media is aligned with the democrats and at this point will do and say anything to try and remove trump from office. They don’t even consider that the vice president will likely continue with trumps policies so they’re wasting their efforts on removing him.

      2. Well said Andre & so true! Thank you for pointing the truth out to this idiot. People like him are totally clueless to just who has been running our government for generations. The globalist’s are doing their best to get rid of Trump before they go down but so many Americans are ignorant to the truth. They watch their reality shows & mainstream media & believe the lies & propaganda. It’s about high time people wake up here & realize if they don’t these globalist’s will have them all marching off to a FEMA camp. Regards to all in Canada!

      3. Thanks Andre! Hard to believe, isn’t it. I really feel like i’m in an insane asylum! After nearly 300 years of voting and electing Presidents–and sure there are always winners and losers and the losers don’t like it–but THIS?! Suddenly we have this “segment” who feels if they don’t like the result they can just raise enough he11 to change the result and get their way! Oh yes, this is indoctrination all right, and must have been quietly going on for a good while. Not much to do about it except perhaps find them all their own little socialist country and ship them out. Watch them claw each other to death when they find out what they’ve got.

    3. No matter how you slice it, President Trump won the election, he is the President of the United States of America, and it is not the duty of Congress and the press to take him down.
      The democrats lost because they were dishonest, manipulative, hacked and leaked their own records because they cheated Sanders in the primary. They need to admit they were wrong, they misbehaved, and that their duty now is not to prove their lying narrative, but to serve their constituents, the American people.
      Thank you President Trump, for weathering this storm of withering liberal attack from foes foreign and domestic. Hopefully we can put their lies about Russia behind us, and avoid the senseless confrontation they want with Russia, so we might improve our relations with them. Just imagine how much help President Putin might be with NK right now if we weren’t spitting liberal nonsense in his face.

  7. Go and find one other country for you miserable DEMONCRATS unstopable fight against our President, DONALD TRUMP and the AMERICAN people. Bunch of traitors. Don’t forget to take Rossie,the idiot, with you. BY………
    BTW. you are part of so called “amfibia”, who start and finished the sad end on Subday, throwing bottles filled with excrements? Why the Maxine type people are silent?????( It was reported by an honest journalist)

    1. If “Trump is a laughable doofus” what does that make Hillary, that tired old sod bag he beat the schit out of? Oh, and the folks, illegals not included, who voted for her? Say what you want about Trump – Hillary was a horrible choice.

        1. Sue Everson aka jeansandjackets, you literally have to be the most ignorant person who ever comments on this site!! You have so little intelligence that you just repeat yourself over & over with the same childish, ridiculous accusations about Trump & his family. You really must be mentally unstable or dumb as a rock, I don’t know which. If you’re so miserable with Trump being President why don’t you leave this country? North Korea might be a nice change of scenery for you. Maybe you & Rosie can both move there. Neither of your big mouths will be missed here you POS!!

    2. HEY you demorates who voted for gay muslim lying, child traffcing CHILD RAPIST CHILD MURDERER, obama, who was the most corrupt lying stealing billions from taxpayers after 8 yrs of this terorist called obama ARE YOU STILL LAUGHING??

    3. Trump is a laughable doofus! and he won the election, what does that say about Hillary. Come 2018 more Socialist Progressive Liberals will be on the ash pile of history and it’s about time.

  8. We have a Senate and Congress that are all criminal. These folks should be in jail. Why is Hillcapone and Obama and administration running lose?? These people are criminals.Mueller?? He was involved with Hillcapone in the selling of uranium to Russia. Why is this fellow on the lose?? Folks, we have work to do here. We are over making war instead of taking care of our infrastructure.And our people. ENOUGH!!

  9. This was a great ad! I hope it can get to those who oppose him! We are a blessed nation to have had President Trump win the election! Had Hillary won, we would be in worse shape than what Obama had us in! My God bless and protect our president!

          1. You with your rhetoric are inciting violence.. WHO said ANYTHING about race??. We’re not discussing it even. But thats the typical communiist argument. No CREATIVE new IDEAS? I thought so. NONE! TRU]MP is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and you rot wth ENVY that tha muslim lover couldn’t achieve it, because of his incompetence and love for another country and religión.

  10. Racism and bigotry ON BOTH SIDES? Wink DOG WHISTLE Wink. Yes it was on one side but where was the Racism and Bigotry on the other side? One side showed up in full body armor and the other side came with signs. Trumps cabinet is filled with Racists, anti-Semitic, BREIBART, Bigots, Alt-Right NeoNazis, KKK and White Supremists but it is equaled out with other SIDE, WINK WINK. Alt-right leader Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan member David Duke attended the demonstrations. Duke told reporters that the white nationalists were working to “fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. Its why we voted for him” Trump’s initial comments drew praise from the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, which wrote: “Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. … No condemnation at all.” Stephen K. Bannon, the president’s chief strategist, and Stephen Miller and a senior adviser Sebastian Gorka, who said the mosque bombing in Minnesota could have been committed by “people who fake hate crimes.”, is unable to pass the FBI back ground security check, wore a medal from a group that collaborated with the Nazis. Gave a lifelong loyalty oath to Hungarian Nazi-allied organization.

    1. Huge difference between being liberal and being “a liberal”. As a Christian and a conservative I think of myself as being liberal. I mean I’m a live and let live sort of guy. One does not need to surrender traditional values to be liberal. What is being liberal after all? I have strong values but I don’t force them on folks. Being pro life is humanist and humanism is a major trait in both liberal and conservative values. The term has unfortunately been usurped by the left and many who call themselves “Liberals” really mean it as a political and social ideology. Thus there is being liberal and being “a Liberal”. Liberals are anything but. It’s just a nice word they’ve hijacked to make their ugly selves feel better.

  11. Trump is correct, the country is sick & tired of all the backbiting and not getting anything done, tell Congress we voted for you to get the Job Done and without all this unnecessary squabbling. Please keep trying, we have faith in you to get the job done.

    1. TRUE BARBARA..we have the best president in history of america, for 8 yrs gay muslim obama did all possible to destroy america and our values, he stole billions from us taxpayers, child traffcing, child rapes, child murders, no one is more corrupt than obama not even hillary, it is not obama fault it is the pure stupid fools who voted him in accepting he was a black man due to his skin color.. haha he turned out to be a gay muslim with a gay male trannie for our first lady this sure is nothing to laugh about knowing such low class is living in the white house and dis gracing america, i can not laugh makes me want to cry, to know our forefathers fought and gave their lives for future generations to have a muslim gay man end up in the white house i bet all of our forefathers are rolling in their graves crying not laughing, we had hillary running for president and her child traffcing, child rapes, child murders one corrupt woman 162 bodybags to her name.. but still not as corrupt as gay obama, did you want another child traffier child rapist in white house was it not bad enough to have clinton bush and obama all child predators, thank you God for donald trump our america is fed up with pedophiles running our government

      1. A new survey of 91 presidential historians conducted by C-SPAN, asking them to rank presidents on various attributes and overall performance. The greatest president is Abraham Lincoln. The worst, three times running, is James Buchanan, who preceded Lincoln and whose indulgence of pro-slavery forces is blamed for helping to bring on the Civil War. Second-to-last each time has been Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln and was the first president to be impeached (though he was not convicted). Barack Obama, who came out ahead of his most recent predecessors. Obama is ranked No. 12, three spots below Ronald Reagan but ahead of George W. Bush (33), Bill Clinton (15) and George H.W Bush(20). Obama will continue to go up as he is in between two of the worst GW Bush(33) and the soon to be impeached Trump (45).

        1. …history…not some fake-news, ginned-up democrat “survey” will prove barnack ohbummer to be the worst…bar none…”president” of any country at any time…then history will have to revise it’s findings when history proves that barjack ohblunder to have NOT been “president” at all…just an ineligible, drug addicted, traitorous, muslim black-supremacist fascist impostor, who…backed by the evil nazi collaborator soros and the king of saudi arabia…fooled enough idiots like you to close their eyes to his lies and corruption for 8 years while he and his fellow soroscrat fascists raped and pillaged the American treasury almost to bankruptcy…history will prove…

        2. The lying mainstream media likely did this survey so Imwouldn’t believe it. Even numerous blacks have come out & said Obozo was the worst President this country has ever had & they would be correct!

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